The Death Camera

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. Campagne

    I'm glad you can laugh at your mistakes. May we all aspire to your exceptional modesty.

    Padding, yes. You're top three weapons are the Supernova PC, Light PPA, and the Fury for the flash. Altogether the total kills for these are 10,996, just under half of your total kills. The total vehicle kills for these same vehicle weapons is 4396, or about a fifth of your actual kills. You're K/D ratio is inflated by you're abuse of vehicles to kill infantry.

    We see that when you fight infantry on even ground you do considerably worse. True, a ratio of 1.0 isn't bad in my opinion, but it's a lot worse than mine which you seem to care about. It's also relatively prone to changing easily as you have a relatively low number of kills and death compared to another player. (Such as myself.)

    An upvote doesn't equate to agreement necessarily. Regardless one person agreeing with one post you made does not make you right. Anyways you're just making things up as per usual. Jibba said the reason players remain anonymous is because morons attack their characters rather than their arguments in some vain attempt to distract from the thread.

    Again, your reasoning makes literally no sense at all. Why would I spend literal years playing on the PC only to suddenly swap to the PS4 for a very brief period of time, only to abandon that immediately and go back to the PC? When I already had a set primary character and alts?

    Teamkills have no impact on your K/D, as long as you're the one killing anyway. I'm just pointing out the massive TK rate you have. How can you even kill so many allies? I doubt you suffer many alt "friendly fire" incidents given how slow you kill anyone that isn't an ally.

    Anyways, no. Anyone can get a high K/D by spamming infantry with tanks or air. And your accuracy is quite unimpressive. In fact, my stats are all better than yours, sometimes even double yours. Are you sure this was really a great idea here buddy? I'm not sure what you think you've got to show off or why that would make you right.
  2. DarkStarAnubis

    And we even complain that Devs do not frequent this forum :)!
  3. Naskoni

    Only problem with all of this neon-brainfarting is that killing tanks means nothing for your KDR, only killing other players. And it's pretty obvious that without your tank whoring you are mediocre at the game at best.

    As for people going through the trouble to come to your faction just to TK you - that simply means that you are the same kind of infantile dip**** that likes to talk **** despite sucking and people come over to make you even more ********.
  4. Campagne

    What does the class do in the teacher's absence? :p
  5. Exileant

    :D See this is the foolishness that I am talking about. :confused: It does nothing for my ratio to kill 1 or 2 people per tank while on a bike? :( This is what I mean by people wanting desperately to be smart, but just aren't....
    o_O By your own rules of judging skill, you should not even be speaking to me, because your ratio is nowhere NEAR mine. Meaning, I am better than you ANY way you look at it, so if I am mediocre, you are terrible. :confused: How the crap do you do you consider me hunting tanks on a MORTORCYCLE "tank whoring"? That is not a thing... M.B.T.s are the hardest thing to kill in the game outside of trying to kill one with a Harasser or sneaking around with C4.... o_O If you are going to repeatedly go after something, then that is the ONE thing that could never be considered as a cheese, unless of coarse you are in a Harasser gang, :eek: which I am not. :oops: Ssssssssssssssh...... :p There there, it will be okay.

    :eek: And by the way, how would they be able to hear the crap I talk while I am on the other side of the fence? Passed our microphones not working that way, I do not use one. :D Logic.... USE IT. ;) No my friend, they crossed over and got their butts beat because they were mad they could not kill me.
  6. Exileant

    :eek: You asked me to display my stats, REPEATEDLY, for months.... o_O I said it was not important because you cannot really go by stats when it comes to skill... Plus I had no idea how or where to go in order to find them. YOU were the one who cared about stats because you thought your ratio was higher than mine. :D Once you found my name on your own you shut up about it because you knew you would not have any ground to stand one once everyone saw yours compared to mine.
    :confused: You spending most of your time killing humans with an Infiltrator or barreling through people with a Heavy Assault is hardly what I would classify as skill using infantry. You spam infantry on N.C. because that is the most powerful tool N.C. brings to bear. Hard hitting, long range rifles and shotguns. o_O You main Infiltrator because that is what you depend on in a fight. Your Engineer is your mine layer, no skill there either. Again most of MY time is revolves around hunting much larger pray. Yes, I am going to from time to time find a Sunderer repeatedly spawning people, :eek: I would be a fool not to run the well dry, as I like and need Certs plus they would kill me (RATHER EASILY) if I did not, but as a whole I am out there taking out vehicles in my cloak suit. While you do what? Cheese on infantry.

    :D It is hilarious how you can still address me through how humiliated you must feel. I mean then again I am probably wrong about that, because people like you, have no shame. Hahahaha! ;) Yea, that is a a mistake I will laugh at. :p You in fact being shameless.
  7. Naskoni

    All I see is an infantile moron with an urge to post everything is some ******** color, on top of a metric ton of smilies as if half-braindead of using his smartphone too much, with an infantry KD of 1.00 desperately attempting not to appear dumb...
  8. Exileant

    :rolleyes: I know, I know.... You do not have to tell me.... ;) I am very impressive aren't I? To get on my level, here is a word to the aspiring wise. :D If you are going to insult my intelligence... :p At least spell your insult correctly.... :confused: It is (Smileys) & (Half brain-dead)...... (K.D.) uses periods.... ;) (K/D) is also acceptable. I am trying to be nice because you sport a Vanu crest, do not press your luck. :cool: Class dismissed.... In EVERY way.
  9. Naskoni

    Regarding me insulting your intelligence - what intelligence? Go get some so I can insult it.

    As for teaching me how to spell:

    Go find the bit about the plural yourself.

    Other than those desperate brainfarts you still have an infantry KD of 1.00 so I guess we are done here in regards to your mediocrity. Anything else?
  10. Exileant

    :D You mean brain farts, right? That is still 1 ratio number more than you, so yes I guess we are done. ;) I am the victor. :) You should join T.R. or N.C. they will provide you the handicap you obviously need to help yourself out since you still believe ratios are about something. :eek: I mean, I almost triple yours overall, yet you still rage against the dying of light... :p Impressive hater skills.

    ;) Also, (-ies) is not the end all for making something that ends in (y) plural, there are exceptions. :D Another example of which are names specific names.
  11. Scroffel5

    Exileant may be an emoji spamming, PS4 playing, spandex searing meme lord, but you aren't helping your case by insulting him more. Restate your point, and make it; otherwise get out of the forums.
  12. Exileant

    :eek: HEY!!!! I-- *Looks at emojis* o_O Uh... Well YOU-- Mm, see--... :eek: *Looks at purple trimmed, well toned butt in mirror* ;) OoooWE! Yeah do it bay-bay!! Spandex are IN!!! *BURSTS FROM CLOTHING "Nudest Beach" style* UGH!!!!!!! :oops: Whoops forgot my pasties!
    :eek: TOWEL!!!

    :D I took it ALL as a compliment. :p Hahahaha!

    :confused: Regardless all jokes aside you made a stellar point, it could also be applied to me. Since he really has no more points to make so I need to leave him alone too. Back to the subject at hand, which is the Death Camera. :eek: I cannot say a single time the Death cam has truly been of any help to me on the battle field. :confused: Every vehicle or person I have tried to track down that way has never been in the same area. Vise versa, even when I stay in the same place, nobody ever comes back to where I am waiting.... :( So I still do not see the problem with it. It neither helps, nor hurts me.
  13. Scroffel5

    You're a riot, dude. Good points. Same for me, except it has only helped me with sniper infils, though I almost never die to getting sniped. That is literally the only time I have ever been helped. Every time I die in close range, I already knew where they were, and if I didn't, they were gonna get killed or show themself to my teammates before I even respawn. Even if I do respawn before they die, they are gonna expose themself to me by shooting at me, whether or not I damage them.
  14. Exileant

    o_O You get more use out of it than I do... :( I am envious... I swear I don't even get that. o_O The one or two times I have died via sniper since it went live, my killer was swift to get out of dodge..... :confused: It is a lukewarm feature at best for most people. Which is why I am so perplexed as to why people are crying about it. I had a few moment so check out what was said on Reddit and if you thought HERE was bad? You would pass out laughing at the amount of crying it has caused. :D You would think an orbital strike hit upon a players death.... :eek: Honestly it seems it was designed for taunts, like in Unreal Tournament, the original version; where the character would auto taunt via hip thrusts and what not. Speaking of which, that would be a neat feature I would buy. ;) Actual movement taunts. I would support a friendly "Huge Laugh" animation. :p I would risk life and limb to pull it off on the field too.
  15. Campagne

    Last time I played on Hossin, a heavy caught me a couple times when I stopped to aim with an Obelisk from quite the distance, up on a branch in one of those giant trees. The killcam showed me exactly where he was, so I just spawned on a nearby sunndy, walked a few meters, hit spot and then fired two bursts just below the little dorito and killed him.

    Would I have been able to find him without the killcam? Probably not, unless he fired again. Couldn't even see him against the dark leaves at such a distance. Killcam just fncked him over and ruined an excellent sniping spot he could have stayed in for hours if targets stuck around.

    Remove it. Why ever bother with stealth when firepower and armour is easier and isn't punished?

    Literally never done so. You have said very much the opposite. I didn't even know PS4 characters didn't show up on other sites like Dasanfall or the PS2 main site, so no I never found your character because I didn't know he even existed an would have never known at all had you not given it out unsolicited. And of course, you always stop responding to me. ;)

    Take a good long look at my killboard and examine the use of the Vanquisher (listed as "unknown weapon), notably an assault rifle which would require that I play a non-heavy, non-infiltrator class. It also just shows player classes anyway. Hell, find the K/D ratio of the killboard and you'll find it's quite good overall.

    Hilariously you're almost right. Infantry is the NC's strongest options but just because their vehicles all suck. Regardless, that is irrelevant. If you only fought vehicles with a vehicle things would be different but as I've already stated you clearly don't, killing way more infantry than vehicles. If I fight infantry as infantry and do well, I have done well. If you fight infantry with a tank and do well, you've done what literally anyone could have done. Start a new character and go tank-verses-tank exclusively then come back and tell us how great you are with your super vehicle K/D.

    There is nothing to suggest how I play engineer as carbines are not class-specific. Except for, ya' know, my combined repair tool fire count of 565,771 times, the 2221 individual ammo packs I've thrown down, and the 71 spitfires I've deployed. Oh, and the 585 hours I've spent playing as an engineer. That's a long time to spend only throwing mines... This isn't a very major or important point, but I can't help but emphasize how brutally wrong you are. It takes what, five, six seconds to check this information before posting?

    Humiliated? Are you kidding? I feel great! If anything you only made me feel even better about myself by making me compare our stats and finding I'm almost universally better than you in every way, sometimes even twice as good if not more. Everything from accuracy to KPM, crazy!
  16. Naskoni

    Not sure how your infantry KD of 1.00 is "1 ratio number" (English, mother****er, do you speak it? ha-ha-ha) better than my infantry KD of 1.69, but hey, don't question the ******** or stupidity of noobtards...

    Oh, wait, one sentence later you "almost triple mine overall" - guess "1 ratio number more" (ha-ha-ha) is equal to "trippling" it...? That makes sense in **** school...? Maybe changing the color of the text makes it so your brain can process it in a manner that makes sense for your kind...?

    And then we arrive at the cookie-cutter retort of all noobtards worldwide - stats don't matter! Well, yes, noobtards do love telling themselves that. For obvious reason.

    As for "smilies" - yeah, when noobtards fail even at trying to teach others how to spell, ha-ha-ha! When the ONLY thing you could come up with failed so miserably, as well, that Wikipedia lists it specifically so that illiterate morons like you can read how it's spelled in plain text. Life is hard, it's harder if you are stupid.

    And, by the way, I play all three factions, ASP on all three of them - never felt the urge to limit myself like, I guess, roleplaying morons like you...

    Ah, still ******** about your pathetic stats? I'm sure it's all the game's fault - you are still special in mommy's eyes - don't worry.
  17. Scroffel5

    Naskoni, now you are just being a jerk. You have lost credibility, and your own point is lost.
  18. Scroffel5

    Many complained about snipers camping and being "safe". If you are gonna camp in a tree, no way down without dying, you are gonna get shot. I camped on a tower once, before the kill cam. I sniped a guy and got murdered. I can't get down without dying, so it was a bad position. Trees are now bad positions. Ammo towers are now bad positions.

    Kill cam stops sniper farming. I mainly snipe, and I can't get a killstreak for beans. I am not biased. I understand your views. Yet, they have it coming if they are gonna sit in the same spot. I have heard people shooting from the trees before the kill cam, and I got them because of it. And if they shoot me, i know they were in the trees.

    Remember, run if you hear the trees talking and shooting.
  19. Naskoni

    And which point would that be - that the death cam is good only for clueless noobtards, or that people with 0.49 KD, or like you with even less, suck at the game?

    As for my credibility - not agreeing with you or your excuses was a precondition for the further existence of whatever my credibility was according to you?
  20. Campagne

    Without the cam, I strongly disagree. It would have been genuinely very difficult to have seen him until he fired again, and I wouldn't have even known he was in the tree, just that I was shot from behind. They're bad positions now, but they shouldn't be and aren't by their own merits.

    This I strongly disagree with. What it does is stop bad snipers from farming, not good or great ones. There have been times well before the killcam where I was just alone in one open area with a rifle shooting constantly and under constant fire. The cloak almost completely negates the killcam if used right. But for everyone else without the option, stealth just isn't nearly as viable.

    Just as long as they don't speak Vietnamese. :p