[The Chronicles of Mattherson] The Most Epic Server In Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 24, 2013.

  1. Lueyja2

    If this post was about Waterson it would be filled with people whining about how the other two factions are teaming up on their faction and how they're OP and how it's a conspiracy and etc. Sounds like Mattherson TR are a little more hardy than the Watterson TR. Sounds like some good times over there though
  2. Phrygen

    yea.. not so much.

    Everyone is just being nice today for some reason. Probably because everyone i satisfied (TR broke the lock, NC broke the lock as well and proved they aren't completely incompetent, and VS still held Infar for over a month)

    hopefully we all stay nice
  3. DjUnicorn

    I had to forsake being part of ops tonight in order to record the map progress during the duration of ops. 273GB video was the result, took a bit to render after.
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  4. EliteEskimo

    It helps I set the table congratulating the NC and the VS, and acknowledging the VS are good competitors rather than trolling them. Not being a total dick does wonders to create a nice, enjoyable, and mature environment. What an unorthodox concept! :eek:
  5. SgtScum

    My only comment will be that it took a double team of tr and nc to knock us out. :p

    But anyhoo awesome fights and indar will soon be ours again. :)
  6. McFatal

    I was there tonight for the glorious uncap. I'm a member of The Enclave and this was one of our best ops nights since the game released.

    The two hours before ops, the map stayed the same. The VS/TR frontline barely moved, it was a stalemate for a very long time.

    As soon as TE Ops started, I remember saying how I hope we go for the VS, we've got them cramped in there and they always brag about that lock. I remember telling my squad leader that I was concerned that if the VS got scared, they'd run to the skydock. At the time, the NC pop was pretty low compared to VS. Shortly after our first drop onto Vanu Archives, the NC successfully held the Skydock from what we saw on the map, from my perspective it looked like it was a hard fought battle between the skydock and regent rock.

    Not too long after the NC captured Peris. At that point, it was official. The NC had that lane, and we had to rely on them to push it as hard as they could. So we pushed, and we had some awesome battles at every single base. The real question on our minds was if NC was capable enough to take Ceres Biotech. Shortly after they accomplished that, TE converged onto Indar Bay Point.

    That's when the real fight began.

    We got onto Bravo and Charlie fairly easily, but when we tried to get on A it was just out of the question. Whether or not we could have succeeded was up in the air, but the lag became very apparent. We halted all assaults on 'A' because we were afraid the server might crash if we fought to hard. So we sat, had a couple of squads head to Ceres Farms to quell an insertion there but the majority of us held tight at Indar Bay Point. It was a fight of time. Constant fire and explosions. Then the population for VS at Indar Bay Point suddenly fell, and we were ordered to assault A with everything we had. It amounted to both sides just throwing bodies at it for the cap point.

    I remember a lot of us got scared because we saw Ceres Biotech get contested, so our objective was to hold all three points because if we did, we could beat them to the cap. So our surprise, NC held at Biotech. An amazing feat by them. Finally the cap was ours, and just like the VS taunted us before, we taunted back.

    We all took a good 10 minutes for some good ole warpgate farming to rub it in, and then we attacked the NC at Biotech even though we couldn't cap it.

    It was an awesome fight, I gotta give credit to the NC. Without them having pushed that one lane, the TR's two-lane push would have been for nothing. Good job to all TR and NC, and the VS for making it hard.

    And thanks to the devs for putting lattice in, so far it has fostered so many "Fighting for inches" battles and it's revived the game for me.
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  7. EliteEskimo

    I also think the Lattice system helped the TR, but especially the NC coordinate their people to be on the right points at the right times. Could we have done it without the Lattice, probably, but did it make things more enjoyable with great battles the whole way. The servers also seem to be running smoother than before, as I got a performance increase not to long ago. I was impressed from Buzz's stream that he said he talked to some NC guys. I'm assuming he made up and then talked with Strum Grenadiers outfit commanders?
  8. Dis

    Since SOE refuses to give us a metagame, we just went ahead and created our own on Matherson. We're that good.
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  9. McFatal

    The lattice definitely did help us and more-so the NC. It made things flow better, and I believe it played out just like it should have. The VS were outnumbered 2-1, and they lost outright because of it. But lattice is also a double-edged sword, because they made us fight for it every step of the way. All in all, it made the process of warpgating an enemy faction a way more fun experience than the last time this happened with the hex design.

    As far as who Buzz talked too, I have no idea. But I remember talking to one of the other members just before ops started, and discussing how if we were to coordinate with any other NC outfit, SturmGrenadier would be the only one on Mattherson that we could really work something out with, because we have a history with them from PS1. But really I have no idea who he talked too, maybe look at his chat during the stream and see who he whispered if that's how he did it.
  10. Kastrenzo

    Don't you mean merge Mattherson and Waterson?

    I'll stop playing Planetside if they do that. Too many Cheaters on Waterson, and in retrospect, there are too many people whining and accusing people of Cheating on Waterson as well, except they're always accusing the wrong people.

    Plus that is completley illogical right now, we'd have to have at least 3 more continents for that to work.

    the only thing positive from a Wat/Mat serve is TR and VS populations would even out.

    Waterson has Too many TR, Not enough VS
    Mattherson has Too many VS, And has a lot of TR but the faction is pretty much inactive and ineffective until evening. It's often less than 30% population too.

    It's not really necessary anyway, Wat VS are probably the best players of that server, having to deal with being grossly ounumberd all the time.

    And Mat TR Have a very strong grouping of outfits who can move mountains. *VS held Indar lock for over a month, mostly because of lack of lattice, and would run to scarred skydock anytime lock was in danger, within 2-3 days of Lattice TR had broken the lock. NC helped too, But I don't think there was any blatant ceasefires between NC/TR, like what used to happen with VS and NC, ganging up on TR every day
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  11. EliteEskimo

    Solid Points, and all true. I will say I was impressed that the NC was able to hold Ceres Bio Farm by themselves. I'm assuming Buzz talked with Strum Grenadiers, and then maybe they temporarily tried to control the massive NC pub hoards and lead them in the right direction. This wasn't an Anti-Vanu Alliance by any means, it was more of the TR just trying to warp gate the Vanu like we've been doing for the past month, and then instead of back capping us the NC decided to help out. Since they were deciding to help out we created a truce and tried to keep it going till the end, which it did. I'd really like someone who's in the Strum Grenadiers to get in the thread and let us know what all happened. We have TR/VS incite knowing what went on, but the NC side of the Chronicles needs some NC incite now.

    Also, I don't mind if TR is only at our best during prime time. Personally it allows me to plan my schedule accordingly so I know when the best battles will be, and when my small outfit will get to work with larger ones.:cool:
  12. Phrygen

    damn straight
  13. EliteEskimo

    A server needs to create some sort of deep long going rivalry or start getting really competitive and organized outfits that like to fight each other before the types of battles that occur on Mattherson will happen there. I'm so glad I made the right call by choosing Mattherson, during Prime Time I would argue the battles are the best in Planetside because the populations are basically even, and all the best oufits are on creating the best battles at that time.
  14. EliteEskimo

    Where you there when this all went down? I was sort of hoping to get the NC side of the story on this on everything that happened, the battles that took place on their way the the SE side of Vanu's warp gate, and how they handled a held off a significant Vanu force for the very first time while at the warp gate.:eek:
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  15. TintaBux

    Miller is (or was) the best PS2 server.
  16. Pat Cleburne

    Yea, keep telling yourself that.
  17. ThreePi

    I wouldn't expect this to be the case. I don't doubt the idea of TE working with SG, but anything beyond that regarding additional coordination within NC is completely unrealistic. NC on Mattherson has no real command structure. The large outfits certainly have their own degree of coordination within the outfit but there's no sense of inter-outfit coordination or any sort of direction given to the rest of the zerg. It is a far cry from the CR4/CR5 chat from the old days on Emerald.
  18. Rockstone

    Yes! I was there!

    I had a post about it:

    I wish I had more than like 20 seconds of video though. I have a few other snippets, but not that much.
  19. EliteEskimo

    You should post those pictures here in the Chronicles and what went down along your entire battle on the way to the SE side of the VS Warp Gate, (Or else I will, but I feel you deserve the credit for them:p), also any snippets you have would also be appreciated no matter how short as long as the capture the epicness that went down. I'm legitimately trying to get video/pictures/ stories from all three factions in the Chronicles Thread. :cool:
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  20. Rockstone



    From my perspective, the evil Vanu have had a chokehold on Indar for 45 earth days and nights. With the discovery of a new vulnerability in the "hex" system, a new system of interconnected nodes has taken its place. Now, the New Conglomerate and the Terran Republic have the power to wipe Vanu off the face of the continent, and so, New Conglomerate and the Terran Republic put aside its differences and completely destroyed the Vanu.
    The competent New Conglomerate were able to capture the last territory they could 20 minutes before the incompetent Terran Republic did. This eyewitness footage is right before the final fall of the foolish Vanu, when they were pushing with all their might against the Glorious New Conglomerate and the incompetent Terran Republic, one last time.





    (I still maintain that the Lattice is the best thing that has ever happened to this game. This fight would not have happened on Indar on Mattherson without it. The TR and the NC would NEVER have been able to truce otherwise (the hill separating us meant we COULD truce). Also, it gives PURPOSE to the fights now- I actually have a reason to conquer bases! Greatest thing the developers have done yet.)
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