Testserver: Tower shields blocking defender bullets. Why?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Killy80, May 9, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    Can always redeploy ... Thats if ofc the enemy hasn't just parked 2 MBT's outside the next base down the line spawn room. Guess we will get to the situation you are having to redeploy 3 or 4 bases backwards to try and defend the original one.
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  2. tbot

    the lettuce will change a lot of things IMHO, interesting times!
  3. HadesR

    All hail the


    Sorry couldn't resist :p
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  4. Bill Hicks

    Good, Im tired of scrubs killing me as I go up the stairs.
  5. Sweet Jackal

    Good change. Why? Because in tower fights the owning side camps down in the bottom floor behind the spawn room shields and has a clear line of sight and fire to the only set of stairs up into the tower.

    The vehicle pad change was brilliant and needed. The movement of Teleporters to be behind Spawn Shields on the bottom floor was a bad move and building it so the defenders could have a turkey shoot at the attackers while behind those spawn shields was even worse.

    Sometimes I do not even think the people behind these changes double check their work. This isn't the change that I would make, but it's something that fixes that damn problem.
  6. Tekuila

    Yaaaaaay, no more shield heroes!
  7. HadesR

    With the location now of the vehicle spawns they should close up the central ground floor area ( where the Weapon terminal is located ) to make it so vehicles can't enter ..
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  8. Killy80

    Or add vehicle shields so that only friendly vehicles can enter + no vehicle can shoot in/out. And friendly + enemy infantry of course. Now that would make tower fights at the base interesting.
  9. Killy80

    So you decided to go in a tower and you get butt hurt when you are being killed? Looks like you share that attitude with most people wanting the spawn room shields getting nerfed.
  10. Scorponok

    i want the shields to be shields...blocking both ways....due to people exploit it 2 much and its now become a damn standard soon as enemy attacks people run into the shields and **** there and shoot..now if the shields works the same both ways...they will finally get the thumb out of their a....ss.... and redeploy somewere else and attack somewere else or come back with armor and push the enemy away.
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  11. Killy80

    If the shields are not shoot-through anymore they are not going to exploited by the defenders. That's correct. But they are going to be exploited by the attackers now. THEY can now camp the exits and shoot anything that comes out. The problem just reversed, it's still there. And it makes defense even more frustrating than it is already.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    If your spawn camped, you have already lost the base... Redeploy, regroup, counter attack.
    I have no sympathy for spawn camping invincible scrubs.
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  13. planitsider

    wel im in the middle on this discussion.
    id like non explosive weapons able to fire out.
    but explosive ammo not able to go through the shield.
  14. HadesR

    Trouble is IMO is that 90% of spawn exits even those on the new TS bases can be impacted upon by one vehicle or another.
    If they made it so the opposite was true and 90% of spawn exits were safe from enemy vehicle interaction then it wouldn't be to bad.

    ATM the defender will always be at a disadvantage when trying to exit

    Either that or they add Vehicle Terminals in a spawn room ( The vehicle spawns remain in the current locations ) then atleast people can leave the spawn room on an equal footing unit wise to the campers.
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  15. Kallowe

    Why should scrubs who walk in front of an easily visible force field not be punished?
    It is so easy to do I can't believe anyone has issues with it. Then again it does suck that the defenders have one actually defensible location in the entire base.

    Those saps will just capture this completely garbage base so we can redeploy and spawn camp them!
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  16. ItsJustDash

    So... no more punks just sitting in the room camping? No more AA Maxes using that angle to be a pain in the *** to air support?
    I support this! If you lost the fight pack up and back up, because they are going to be gunning for the next base so you better be ready for it :p
  17. Tekuila

    Nice isn't it!
  18. Takoita

    Seems kinda backwards to me. I thought we wanted to lessen the rampant spawn camping, not bolster it? With our base design, those shoot-through shields are your only chance to chase away those two libs and 6+ ESF all armed with HE ammunition and trained on your exit even a little bit.
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  19. SpaceHobo

    so if you put a proximity mine\claymore\bouncing betty infront of the spawnshield, they can literally do nothing against it?
    Sounds like this concept is well thought out. NOT.
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  20. HadesR

    It will pretty much return the game to how it was pre-spawn room redesign .. And that era was so much better for the game :rolleyes:
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