Test Server Update Notes : 7/1

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. toxs

    heat will be useless if it cant ohk infantry. YAY nerf the rocket primary!
  2. NCDaniel

    Oh, boy. The Lightning AP already feels weak as it is. These changes are not needed. What is needed is fixing that bug on Hossin where you bounce off a tree to infinity and beyond in a drop pod.
  3. Klypto

    You're kidding right? You did read the part where they are nefing AP? Do you even understand what that means for infantry?

    Can give you an example:


    Soon I will be using exclusively HE since it has less of a penalty.
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  4. m44v

    To be honest, the old Saron was used for snipe infantry a lot, so nothing really changed that much in regards of infantry farming, just the tools used.
  5. Maelthra

    All hail our new HE cannon overlords.

    But seriously, I agree. People already complain about HE spam (despite the fact that I, personally, don't see very many HE-equipped tanks out there, but whatever), yet I can easily see these changes causing the HE cannon to be equipped more often. I hope the infantryside players have prepared their butts because the hurt will be strong with this update.
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  6. KillSwitchWes

    So the Decimator is getting nerfed into a worse RL than it already is?

    The standard RLs are superior in almost every way, the only thing the Deci has going for it is the extra 200 direct damage. I would suggest that something else gets a buff on it to further differentiate it from the standard RLs. Keeping the blast radius as is (or even a tad larger outer radius) would do this by giving it a bit larger blast radius than all the other launchers (even if the damage is a bit lower).

    Other than that I'm not really sure what to make of all this. I guess we'll see what happens.
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  7. Pacster

    Yeah, the main cannon of the magrider really needed a nerf. It's not like about all Vanu already prefer to jump on an other magrider than having to pull out their own and use that stupid main cannon. ;-)
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  8. maniajack

    Give tanks an objective other than farming infantry and maybe you won't have to continue to nerf them into the ground. These changes look like they'll take us back to the days when the AV Turret first came out and pre-armor buff to vehicles. They were way out of balance and they were no fun to pull.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    the HE tank round spammers =/= Tankers.

    I hope you realise that.
  10. Klypto

    Don't you mean it increased significantly? It's easier to kill infantry with a PPA than a pre-nerf Saron. Most of those Saron kills were vs vehicles and their pilots, but the PPA kills are 99% Infantry.

    Even after the nerfs, it will still be easier to kill Infantry with HE and HEAT than with AP. The only things that will change is more people will be using HE or HEAT and that they will live longer since there will be less AP users to take them out.
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  11. Bortasz

    Sniping infantry = 1 kill
    PPA can decimate entire group of people, and it can snipe Infantry.
  12. faykid

    What is the point of Decimator anymore? Why, why did I pay SC for it? It gets nerfed more than S1, so why even use it? S1 has better velocity, same damage, and after this patch, it has better blast. So, what is the point of Decimator?
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  13. iThinkTank

    I can see reducing the effect of AP or HEAT rounds on infantry, they are not meant specifically for infantry. But HE rounds are purchased to destroy infantry, not be a less effective option for battling MBT's. You cant really force tanks to battle tanks. A tank column should be able to destroy an infantry column. Tank > infantry.
  14. DorianOmega

    A change to the bulldog is definitely needed but screw those tank gun changes, absolutely no reason to mess with the tank guns AGAIN when there is no reason to do so for the games balance after we JUST HAD a tweaking to the guns.... also no balance reason to adjust rocket launchers, nerfing them to be less powerful then they should be is just plain freakin' stupid.

    for the bulldog, it pretty much functions like a mini fast firing halberd able to 1 shot infantry and deal very decent damage against vehicles and as it currently stands is outshining the m40 fury in pretty much every aspect despite the fury costing 4x as many certs, id like to see the bulldog brought in line with the way the fury currently is, but the fury also needs a buff, it was nerfed way to hard in the past.

    this update is like someone decided to make a mostly really really dumb update just so that a month or 2 later you guys have a bunch of work unnecessarily made out for you undoing that update to then potentially be at risk of running on this treadmill all over again, its like you guys dont try to play test the specific things you try to change and base everything off of stupid statistics you can get from a website.

    At least these notes are for the test server and not live :/
  15. Hasteras

  16. ThePyroRussian

    So why are we being punished

    WHEN the idea to put MBTs in planetside what was there purpose? (THIS IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH EVERYTHING)

    was there any for thought? HELL i got A BIG question forumside What DO TANKS DO? What Do ESF DO?

    So what happens when you take these AWAY? (are those scripted events or are they just scenery?)

    I farm in my tank... I kill other tanks https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428021759073397361/vehicles
    more than half of my tanks kills are on your HE farmers. I Have optimized my tank to do that. This AP nerf will put a big end to that almost 100% sure of that.

    its funny... I am part of a solution and I am getting nerfed sense i like using the same weapon system.

    NO The real problems are whats the role of vehicles in planetside?

    maxes (every weapon on this is good at spawn camping)
    light assualts
    Spawn camping is a pop problem not vehicle one

    WHY DO YOU RUN IN TO POINT LESS KILL BOXES? Your Wasting your time! go back a base put tank mines get ready for them don't sit in the spawn room and whine that you cant do anything BECAUSE YOU CAN!

    I am so disappointed that the devs will just end the game for some of us because they dont want make a creative answer

    You Got Great IP dont waste it...

    This isnt like any other fps...

    Set the Standard Make it fun FOR the Tankers FOR the Troops FOR the air. DON'T MAKE BIAS It creates HUGE divides in the Community that can be lethal for a game!

    Lasty, PLEASE don't screw it I cant go back planetside just a great idea just needs more execution.

    MORE IDEAS is all that is needs more cleverness.

    I hope a dev will see this in anarchy that is happening.
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  17. CHDT65

    It looks PS2 game mechanics department is trying to get to the level of PS2 art department.
    With the coming patch, they may succeed.
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  18. Bhudda V1

    have to say there are a lot of good points brought up by the tankers, why roll AP to kill tanks when HE is literally only with this patch a bit worse? i am confused here

    have to be honest all that this game needs now is less base's and the ones that are left should have great defenses and be almost always enclosed then when the resource revamp hit's give tanks cannons back some bite some splash and such for the nerf to spawning a vehicle with the reduced vehicle resource gain that's planned and done keep adding in weapons,vehicles, continents and done.

    ps also on a side note to people who say vehicles user's should stop using their "crutch" let me tell you something, if you think about it these experienced veterans with decked out characters using the teamwork they have already displayed by rolling in a squad/platoon with air, Armour and infantry all coming at you (more than likely with a gal drop) are going to give you better chance of fighting back, then you are sorely mistaken, a boot to the face faster and more efficiently than any vehicle can that's what you will be getting.

    pps finish the battle islands and shard it out so a single server can have 3 or so so all the factions can 1v1 to say each other and make it so vehicles are hard to use there then make it so all the new players start there with a fight where vehicles have a hard time farming infantry and now you have a larger player base with all the cod kiddies living on the nexus never leaving because "vehicles op" and "the other maps suck i get killed there"
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  19. Linus

    Those proposed changes are plain stupid.
    Sorry i wanted to be nice and to post a constructive post but this patch note is as constructive as my own post...
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  20. IberianHusky

    What's the point of nerfing rocket launchers? If you get hit in the face with an easy to avoid rocket you should be dead. They were perfectly fine the way they were before. Why should I use my Decimator anymore? Why should I even play HA anymore after this update? It has become clear to me that SOE prefers to listen to the trolls and out of touch QQers of forumside rather than the actual in-game community.

    Does this mean that if I make a thread QQing for camo nerfs it will actually happen? Why even nerf **** anyway if all it does is piss people off? Why not BUFF things instead? We want MORE good weapons, not LESS.
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