I don't know, but do you know what's the TTK in quake live? or in cs go? or in callof duty lol? Call of duty for example is extremely reliant on reaction time since maps are so straightforward, no need for awareness and guns dont have recoil no horizontal no vertical, it's 1-2bullets and you die, that doesnt put room to skill at all. QL is very good fps in terms of balance but matchmaking is nonexistant and it's retrded, jsut very complex to start with but overall best FPS to play as serious FPS player. CSGO is good but too slow and campy, people with experience do better than people with better aim since they know good spots, what to expect, what do to in given situation and it's a team game not 1v1 at all etc etc. Black light retribution is pay to win if you dont play more than 2 days in the long term or if you don't pay for microtransactions, competetive is non existant there because of stupid wallhack mechanic, they have implants that give you straight up resist too much pay2win etc etc any other FPS to play? nop, all are trash and not worth mentioning. PS2 is too unique but too spammy and random atm. As far as the infantry play in ps2 goes, all taht matters is KPMIN/KPhour combined with good headshot rates and clientside abuseable movement, medics screw kdr so it's not that important and worth of mentioning unless it's above 7 with 1.3+ kpmin
Does your keyboard not have a U or Delete key? Are you so incapable as to press a SINGLE button? Tell me why you can't press 1 button and leave the farm instead of giving them points?
the changes to the tanks and rocket launchers are unwarranted and pointless there's no reason for this patch going forward. I just started playing PS2 again thanks to the recent liberator nerfs (and I stopped thanks to the buffs they got, something very unnecessary). Don't go screwing up the game again, take the time to think about what this mite do. We've all survived this long with the rockets and tanks the way they are, it doesn't need to be changed. and just asking but why does everything else get nerf save for the prowlers direct HE damage, just seems a little strange.
DEATH MEANS NOTHING IN THIS GAME. so what if your killed by a rocket? out of the thousands of ways to die or get killed in this game rocket deaths are the lowest ammount.
There's a lot of focus on blast radius in these changes, but honestly I don't think that's going to affect anything (other than the aerial Bulldog - that's getting nerfed, even if not very hard). I've seen the pics of the SOE BI team showing horn honks across Esamir. What I'd love to see for this is the instance of infantry kills outside a spawnroom/capture point that don't involve direct hit damage. 1) Spawn room camping from ESFs & Libs is annoying, but tanks almost always have to sit within LOS of the spawn in order to spam. That means you can Deci them back from complete safety. 2) Cap point spamming is horrible, but really only on Indar. I think there might be a handful of bases between the other three continents where you can actually spam a control point room with HE. 3) If you're on open ground with the infantry, you don't usually have the option of killing them with splash. Even when they aren't behind cover, trying to hit their feet with a tank cannon is just as hard as hitting them directly. So this is going to tighten up the spread between AP/HE effectiveness in AV. Alarox has a few edge case concerns that SOE should look at but past that I'm not seeing any huge changes here.
Thank you for the rocket launcher change, I'v been waiting for that one. It was silly with the amount of rocket launchers going around to get one shotted by them left and right. I'v been using flak armor since the very beginning so that makes me happy =).
I'm a Captain in the Devil Dog's Armor Division. I've had it with these nerfs. First, my credentials. https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428013610427299025/vehicles I have 3,550 kills in my vanguard alone, nearly 2,000 vehicle kills. The AP cannon was the first weapon I Auraxiumed. If I'm in game, I'm typically leading a squad of my Armor Dogs to glory through tactics and strategy in great Armor vs Armor battles. I also use my tanks to support the Devil Dogs' infantry element to the best of my ability. Maybe it's some vanity on my part, but I've spent more than 300 hours in my Lightning and Vanguard combined, so I take a little bit of pride in being and "Armor Guy" and knowing how tanks work. This patch makes little sense. Making it take 2 more rounds to kill a tank from the rear? If you're in a tank and let them sneak up on you, you deserve to die. Reducing overall effectiveness of AP? I don't mind them completely removing the blast radius (it's a solid tungsten rod, it doesn't do explosions) but getting hit by those things should completely shred anything. In the military, they call the effect "pink mist" because that's all that's left of whoever gets hit with the thing. They can go through just about any sort of armor. Increasing bullet drop on all rounds in order to bring tanks closer together for a fight? Doesn't make much sense because cover is fairly plentiful in most places so a driver can take cover, rep up and flee in a long distance fight anyway. If you're a long way from cover, you deserve to die. If your opponent finds a good flank on your position so you don't have cover, they deserve the kills. I do like improving the HE shell, although the blast radius should remain the same. In an anti-infantry Vanguard, it is 100% necessary to have a secondary gunner (preferably in a Kobalt, or Cannister if the infantry are close enough) if you want to live for any length of time. The driver and Kobalt gunner should have to work in coordination for best effect, with the driver taking out groups of infantry en masse while the Kobalt does precision work. Here's the way the game should work in terms of the combined-arms aspect. Air dominates all in open terrain. Both vehicles and infantry can pull AA assets to protect themelves. Vehicles dominate infantry in open terrain, while infantry maintain options to counter vehicles. Vehicles should have a tough time getting into or affecting facilities which should give infantry the best anti-vehicle cover. Also, the infantry decide the outcomes of fights inside the facilities, which in turn decides if ground is taken, held, or lost. Vehicles can take out sunderers to break attacks. If these changes go through, combined with prior changes, it will simply be a matter of infanty > vehicles under all circumstances. Playing the game won't be worthwhile for dedicated Armor guys who enjoy supporting the infantry because they simply won't be able to do their job.
Infantry player's are bulk/majority of the game's pop if they aren't satisfied, the game get's less players, less outfits that play capture and teamwork based gameplay, less everything, tank's bullsht/random spam needs toning down period otherwise this game's pop will even be worse and worse. also check http://worldoftanks.com/ it's free to play, no pay to win, fun simulation and competetive what do you need more.
So you screw over veteran players with the hope you get a few new players. If thats the way its going to be then they need to remove armor entirely. I mean an entire continent is walled off 3 others are not armor friendly really only northern indar is tank friendly. I don't understand, if you are being farmed then redeploy somewhere else, there is no reason to make a part of combined arms go from terrible to outright useless. PS World of Tanks is pay to win and the match making is BS.
This doesn't happen. Ever. Because it's flat out not possible. You can't be instagibbed by Vanguard AP splash unless you have no shield generator equipped while playing as an infiltrator (impossible) and the shell missed your foot by a hair. I've killed maybe 20-30 people with the splash damage on the Titan-150 AP compared to the 12,758 enemies I've punched a round through. It's so freakishly rare that I actual exclaim in giggles of excitement to my gunner when I kill someone using the splash damage. It's about 10x harder to kill a target with Titan AP splash damage as it takes 2-3 splashes minimum without flak armor to kill infantry. In fact, It's much much easier to score a headshot on infantry using Titan AP than it is to kill them with splash damage. The splash radius is 500 damage at .5 meters (enough to take of infantry shields if close enough) and it tapers down to 1 damage at 1 meter. They could remove splash radius on the AP rounds (not damage because then it won't do as much direct hit damage to infantry) and I wouldn't notice.
"Hey if you see a tank, press U and go fight somewhere else" is NOT valid argument. Try again please.
Except these changes will do the exact opposite of what you want. It makes tank vs tank worse and encourages tank vs infantry HE farming. Why? Because the nerfs to AP and HEAT were bigger than the nerf to HE. There is no reason to run HEAT over HE. And the two shot difference (or just a single from the rear) difference between HE and AP is going to make it easier for HE farmers to fight AP tanks. Plus, all the AP nerfs makes tanks worse against air as well.
I test this hundreds of times on live. It doesn't block it. 1HKO as it should. But yes I did formally test it today. He's talking about tanks spam spawn camping a base (which shouldn't be possible anyways.) Well, yes, I will apply for a job at SOE when I finish my degree. But I lack that piece of paper, which is blocking me.
For my own curiosity, was it just with the Titan or did you go with the P2? It would seem the Prowler would be a better platform for testing as theoretically a Flak 5 infantry could just outright take an AP hit, NMG or no.
1 less shot with AP seems like a poor gain for giving up effectively all of your splash with HEAT. Especially considering you're never lacking for infantry targets to shoot at. Feel free to remove the HE cannons, they actually promote terrible gameplay.
I think rocket launchers should not only have an "arming" distance, but i'd love for them to exhibit an effect like today's Javelin missile. When the rocket is fired, it travels a few feet and then the rocket booster is ignited, accelerating the rocket. I'd love to hear that in game.
If they can see a tank in line of sight of the spawnroom, the base design is fatally flawed. That's not a tank issue. Just Titan.
When this changes will go live, you will be more farm by MBT and lighting. Now for example. In MBT vs MBT fight. Ap kills MBT witch 4 shot Heat kills MBT witch 6 shots HE kills MBT witch 8 shots. So farmer (HE) is punish by sucking ad Tank vs tank fight. MBT is in the midle, and AP is eating farmers. When they go live AP kills MBT in 5 shot HEAT kills MBT in 6 shot HE kills MBT in 7 shot. So people that use AP will say Higby this and switch to HEAT, people who use HEAT will say Higby this and switch to HE, and people who use HE will be happy. So good luck not being farm.