Stuck at 96% loading, game will not start

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hardwyre, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. eduarddato12

    Happened to anyone else? I hope i didnot lose my character or anything
    • Up x 1

    yes it has happened to me to was just about to make a thread.... they better fix this or I want my money back that I spent on station cash.
  3. cheezlelol

    ...servers are down fellas...been down for the past 3 hours...maybe moree
  4. Kookooman

    Same problem for me
  5. Styles999

    Chill bro, they've brought the login servers down because there is a problem. your data is still there its just offline for the moment.
  6. Emotitron

    It is everyone, they are having some issues they are working on. I am going to go ahead and NOT create a character at that screen. That seems like a bad idea when my character slots are all already full.
  7. BeastHayden

    120 hours now.
  8. Daikar

    I think it's great to know the game is being handled by professionals
  9. AirSuicide

    Same here stuck on 96% loading.
  10. AirSuicide

    This is why you have a clone server where you fix everything, before you implement it onto the test server, before it goes to the Live server.

    PS... What concerns me is in 12 pages there is not one comment from a Dev.. Or CM saying "Hey were working on it!!"

    They must all be at lunch, OR SOE finally killed the PS2 servers.

    This is exactly how it happened with one of their other games I wont mention (they would ban me if I did because then you could go look it up and they have tried VERY hard to bury that incident). They do a promotion to rake in cash, then shut all the servers down right afterword or in the middle of it.
  11. Noktaj

    Been stuck at 96% for the last 30 mins. Anyone getting in?
    Any chance of playing today?
    da faq :(
  12. Rhea Eona

    The servers have been down for hours now, people.
    I estimate it will take about another 12 hours to get them back up.
  13. Gary

    Nope, another night of no play, Another night of not hunting down snowmen and another night of SOE proving they are unable to patch a game or host an event...An event which encourages team killing and not playing the actual game.
  14. ferelferret

    Its simple they forgot to take a backup of the servers in case anything like this happen. If they had they could have rolled back to pre patch in a few hours and bingo everyone would be playing...instead they nerfed planetside all together
  15. Majorpaynekills

    When is this gonna be coming back online. Cause apperently its been doing this since last night and no one has been able to play. i am also stuck on 96% but hopefully this gets resolved soon, either way sony always give customers a reward for the wait so lets just give them their time but i hope it gets up soon.
  16. AirSuicide

    Point's at "The Death of a Game" in the corner. And motions at the broken servers and such all over the ground at his feet, and SOE filing Bankruptcy in the back ground to avoid legal issues of shutting down all their servers right before the new year.

    I realize that's not funny.... But one wonders....
  17. Drasilov

    Stuck at 96%. Validated game files. Still stuck at 96%.

    I've known other games majorly screw up patches - its not just SOE. Though SOE do seem to be masters at breaking the game completely after a patch...any EQ2 vet will attest to that.
  18. Timithos

    Stuck at 97% as of 7:29 pm est

    Edit: I'm in! (The character screen)
  19. metrotw

    what he said^
  20. Coldmeister

    I tried to validate game files, but still seem to have gotten stuck at 96%. This usually fixes the issue, but not this time. Why me?