Striker nerf really necessary?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matlock0, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Ranik

    Compared to what we have in test at the moment it's supposed to get...

    1s reduction in reload time (down to 1.5s vs MBT)

    and a 100ms reduction in refire time between missiles .

    Wether this plays out like normal or is an overall nerf remains to be seen. Could help with winging vehicles faster, but could hurt with actually killing them.
  2. MrIDoK

    Now let's prepare for the whiners claiming that now the Striker is even more OP because of the lock-on time buff. :rolleyes:
  3. Ranik

    From Higby on twitter.

    Compared to current test Striker...

    Lock on time reduced by 1s

    Refire time between missiles reduced by .1s per missile.
  4. HellasVagabond

    If you are trying to hit ANY vehicle that's over 200m away and moving away from you chances are he will reach the 300m range far before the Phoenix so it's not just a matter of sensitivity. As for infantry they only need to side step to avoid the Phoenix and since it has almost no blast damage they are ok (some are posting vids of the Phoenix prior to the nerf i hope i don't see something like that in here again).
  5. Chubrokoli

    Not a big buff at all but something to get the Striker more useable for TR(less exposure time)
    I think NC/VS wont really recocnize it;)
  6. FrankManic

    Wouldn't a reduction in lock time be a very important buff? Less time out in the open. And a reduction in refire time would let you get your missiles off faster and get back in cover.