SOE If you nerf shotguns, nerf SMG too

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Vikarius

    I like how someone suggested them putting in a "Shotgun armor" that youd have to cert into in the same spot you do nanoweave, etc but lets name it "Triweave armor"

    What they could do is get rid of nanoweave all together.
    Make Adv shield cap cert row in its own location. and have its own suit slot

    And then:
    Have Flak armor, Triweave armor sharing the same suit slot and location

    So you could then have adv shield cap and say Triweave armor equipped at the same time if you wanted

    Triweave armor could reduce the damage you take from shotgun pellets and Soft Point Ammo by X %, but increase the damage you take from Sniper and HV rounds by X%
  2. MurderBunneh

    His kills come from Nighthawk and Prowler spamming if this gets nerfed he has nothing to fall back on for infantry.

    Check his stats he has 4000 kills from Nighthawk 900 from Deci 300 from TMG and then another 3k in his Prowler. He lives for cheap 1 hit kills he is the definition of a scrub.
  3. Rhyl

    Semi Automatic Shotguns are fine. SMG are fine. The two are equal. The Semi Auto Shotguns outperform the SMG in extreme close quarters but the SMG has a bit more range. Pump actions put the two to shame. This is the problem. Not all shotguns need a nerf.
    • Up x 2
  4. MurderBunneh

  5. siiix

    the only thing i want to neft in this game is crying and whining about overpowered equipment of any type

    i'm fine with buffing just about anything... just do not neft stuff
  6. MurderBunneh

    This is a huge game with stuff being added all the time. There is no test server they don't really test the new weapons as you can clearly see from the ESRL but you want to leave everything in its released state of power? Really you are the one who should stop whining.

    If they only buffed everything then that would be stupid and we would all be dying to everything in 1 shot within a couple months.
  7. Rift23

    Nerf shotguns/smgs, buff knives to OHK and give us the option to take longer blades/range. I want to be a ninja like Raiden.
  8. Rhyl

    So.. your solution is instead of nerfing pump actions. They buff every single gun in the game?
  9. ExpiredLifetime

    The pump action shotgun has a stupid ROF. That's its problem.
    You can put enough pellets on target at nearly any range relatively quickly due to the speed of the pump. Being able to crash a room and kill 4 people with it on a heavy before they can kill you, while not breaking a sweat? It's a little stupid imo.
    Pumps need to be given a niche as a 1v1 CQB weapon. Not a CQB powerhouse.

    My fix would be increase ROF by 1.5-2x, increase reload speed by 1.5x
  10. siiix

    no, example add an additional space for extra armor, that buffs up your armor... it can be unlocked with certificates (same for vehicles BTW)

    pump action is powerful but if you miss the 1st hit (witch i nearly always do) your dead, that's the balance, you nearly never get a 2nd chance for a 1 shoot kill, by the time you get to the 2nd shoot your dead

    now can you be amazing with this ? sure, there are always a few "wizards"... but i have not seen enough of those around to worry about this... not many have that SKILL to use the pump action, besides its only good for close quarters, its pretty useless anywhere else even with shrug ammo (witch i as well have)

    the same crying whining was when in the early days you could kill infantry easier with the dumbfire rocket, it was really not that over powered at all for the same reason then the pump action... was it annoying to get killed by 1 shoot ONCE IN A BLUE MOON ? sure, but nerting a weapon because its annoying you its just completely ridiculous

    my stats with the pump action : 11 kills : 418 shoots fired < thats NOT OP, and i rarely remember getting killed by it , but then again i play usually in the open and not close quarters (anti-vehicle or repair-engineer, not tank w0re)
  11. Tasogie

    The only shotgun that needs to be nerfed is the pump action. the others are just fine. and SMG's? LOL that is just spite from a player who wants others nerfed because he looses his instant kill farmer. SMG is perfectly balanced.
  12. Mustarde

    Here's the link to video proof, since in all the bickering between you two it was never posted.

    I have 12,000 kills with the SR-7 alone, of which 10,580 are headshots, and overall a total of 17,000 headshots out of 29,000 kills. No aimbotting or killing AFK opponents. Just patience, persistence, a bit of luck, and sure, some skill. And I don't think that this makes the infil class OP - nor do I think OHK weapons should be removed or nerfed on the basis that they are OHK. They just need to have an appropriate downside to that kind of stopping power (which I think the new PA shotguns are lacking)

    I'm sorry but I have to strongly disagree here - this would imbalance the class and completely overpower us. See my stats referenced above or click my signature - if I could add torso shots to the list than you might as well make the scatmax range 100m and give them IR/NV.

    In summary, I think pump actions should be looked at. Especially before SOE releases the second batch of PA's, which they were planning to do. I like rate of fire balancing. The fact that they are OHK is fine, but there needs to be more tradeoff. Infiltrators experience scope sway, low rate of fire with small clip, and have less overall health - all ways to balance the power of a bolt action. The PA's really lack a downside.

    The SMG? It's fine, and I'm not to worried because most people posting here seem to agree.

    I shall return to the infiltrator threads where I belong now
  13. Stargazer86

    People would still be getting OHK'd. That's the major thing everyone seems to be complaining about. "It takes no skill! They just shoot you and you die in one hit!" Nerfing the ROF and reload, while likely making the shotgun less effective, wouldn't halt the complaints in the slightest.

    The only way people are going to be happy is if they nerf shotguns to the point where no one wants to use them anymore.
  14. Rhyl

    That's just it. If you miss the one shot you aren't dead. You have enough time against most guns to fire three shots. A cert to up armor doesn't fix anything. Shotguns have the fastest TTK. The pump shotgun's TTK is 200% faster than an SMG. Increasing armor still doesn't change that the shotgun drops you faster than anything else. The shotgun is still the best weapon for dropping someone quickly. The dumbfire rocket was counterable. It truly was "If you miss the first shot you're dead." not to mention they had to have their rocket out and it only works on one guy. I use the shotgun myself. I can jump into a capture room and take out 3-4 people there with the 7 rounds in my clip.

    You may not be good with the pump action. Just because your stats aren't great doesn't mean everyone else's stats aren't great. I can kill with the pump, with slugs, and a scope from up to 40+ meters away with headshots. Coming from an infiltrator nailing two headshots at far range without scope sway is EASY. Not to mention the shotgun is STILL dominant in CQC. No offense but it isn't "shotgun wizards" it's anyone with even a decent amount of skill.

    Nerfing the ROF will drop the complaints. People can still get dumbfire rocket kills. Guess what? People don't complain about it anymore. If they nerf the ROF I'm one person that will stop mentioning it. I used to think that people with shotguns are just simply good. On my LA I picked one up. I'm a god now on that toon.
  15. siiix

    i gona look up how many of my 3000 deaths are shotguns ;) i doubt a lot

    i think its just a memorable experience getting shoot in the face with a shootgun (just like the rocket was), but it isn't very common in my experience and i die a LOT

    btw i said they made it difficult not impossible, and i already then disagreed with the nerft

    who cares if people complain about non sense , let them, developers should be smart enough to know witch complains are valid and witch ones they should ignore
  16. Drippyskippy

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention, my assessment was correct then, no need to waste my time on garbage players (TomaHawk). Players like that shouldn't be allowed to post on forums or have opinions. Its obvious then that he relies on weapons/vehicles that give him a clear advantage over his opponents and therefore doesn't want to give that up through SoE balancing the game properly. Its vocal players like that who end up ruining game balance because they rely on OP weapons to get their kills. If the game were balanced he would have a hard time getting kills.