SOE If you nerf shotguns, nerf SMG too

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Xind

    SoE already nerfed Harsh language.
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  2. WycliffSlim

    Indeed it was, and I thank you for it. It's nice to have a little faith in the community restored every once in awhile. I typically just talk to my outfit... because I like them haha.
  3. NinjaTurtle

    Ah good point, well that rules that out then
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  4. Xind

    Yeah, I keep about the same mindset. Though they haven't been on lately because they're getting tired of some of the issues that remain glaring in the game.
  5. TomaHawk

    That's a pretty tough call, imo. ScatMaxes kill in the blink of an eye, have better range than me with my pump, dual wield, and have loads more armor, and then run around usually with heal Engys in tow. It's a pretty lame excuse when you consider NC have access to shotguns like everyone else as it is. I don't really care, though, as ScatMaxes haven't been single handedly responsible for keeping bases safe in the groups I've been in, but it still questions if that suit in its current state should be allowed. Still, I am pretty anti-nerf and don't care for them as much as I care for the incessant whining, and worst of all, SOE's propensity to giving in to them.
  6. TomaHawk

    If, If, and more Ifs, you can be here all day conjuring What If arguments. The majority of NC and Vanu I fight have their cute rifles and me with my pump. If I am out in the open or in CQ and I miss, I am gone. Please don't argue to the contrary, it is a quite regular occurrence and a logical price of admission when using this weapon. It's fine.

    Now, if you care to step outside with me and proceed to argue that the sky ISN'T normally blue, say, orange instead, then you have problems no one on this forum can help you with. Nor do I give a **** about. So yea. Good Luck if that's the case.
  7. Xind

    Nerfs create less problems, buffs create more things to whine about. Most people who don't want something nerfed are the people using it. But if you were to buff things to be on par with something that people already think is overpowered you're just going to create more of the same and the original thing will STILL be complained about.

    My point this entire thread has been "If some OHKs are okay, ALL OHKs are okay." If some OHKs are not okay, then no OHKs are okay." But people have flocked to different weapons that kill instantly and provided their best rationalization (in all cases opinions) as to why this method of instant killing is okay and this one is not.

    Also. Nerf NC AI MAXs ^_^
  8. TomaHawk

    The nerfing and incessant whining are already a draw on this game and have taken away some of the fun.
    Well, in addition to nerfing the HE splash so infantry lovers stopped crying like children, they also borked armor with the rocking motion. I've yet to see any words from SOE on fixing this. I was having quite the fun in my Prowler until GU04 came and has nearly wiped that out. With overused AV Turrets, broken firing, and reduced splash damage, armor has become more like rolling around in 60's VW bugs, because that's about how durable they now are in the field. Ever notice that rocket pods vs infantry is too similar to rocket pods vs armor? Somehow, taking rockets to the rear of a rolling box of armor and metal kills said "armor" in equal effort to kill a lone infantry unit without such protection. There's nerfing to lessen the cries of people who genuinely suck at games, and then there's balance.

    But it doesn't stop there. SOE BREAKS **** on every update, so we get the dubious play experience of dealing with new bugs in addition to them nerfing gear. This is frustrating because at its core, PS2 is a good game.
  9. Phazaar

    No nerf. Kaythxbye.
  10. Xind

    I have noticed how A2G ESFs kill me on foot or in a tank at about the same speed. That is pretty silly. But SoE seems to have modeled their tanks off of WW1-1960s era, where rear armor was substantially weaker and without explosive reaction shielding of any sort they could be felled by as few as one Anti-Armor rocket. I do feel like rear armor should have some sort of DR modifier instead of none, I mean, there is armor there, just less of it right? But I also feel like ESF (Helicopters) are the direct counter to tanks and should be...just shouldn't also storm **** infantry, too.

    With that said...I use HEAT on my Prowler and have still found it to be just as effective, save now I have to dodge Phoenixs in addition to AV turrets which has made me more or less completely abandon field combat against NC as somehow they have gained total dominance in all areas combat occurs. >_<

    The turret rocking is probably a bug and I hope it gets fixed. I'm still waiting to get my extended mag on my left arm mercy back...thats 500 certs well spent right now. :(

    But as a whole I support the Nerfs to HE farming as I'd really like to see a return to field combat by things over than tank columns. Though with the increasing number of snipers and the new Phoenix, I don't really see this happening any time soon.
  11. TomaHawk

    I would have preferred higher resources costs for armor, longer timers, or both. Not the near castration armor got as a knee jerk reaction to people who whine because they suck, nothing more.
  12. Vikarius

    I spend most of my time as infiltrator, not even in a vehicle, and it amazes me how infantry isnt vaporized in the splash damage of a tank main cannon round explosion, and how it takes just about a full rocketpod magazine to kill even 1 infantry (only 2 is possible if they are humping each other) when the rockets themselves seem to be the size of an infantry model or close to it, just as much as it amazes me any cert amount in the game can make someone survive a headshot from a .50 sniper or equivalent MUCH less a shot to the chest or neck...

    Lets check the facts again:

    Pump action shotguns on the wiki:
    pump action shotgun patch notes
    Players may note the following changes:
      • New pump action shotguns are available in the depot. These boast increased stopping power in exchange for a reduced rate of fire.
        • New Conglomerate: GD-66 Claw
        • Vanu Sovereignty: Phobos VX86
        • Terran Republic: TRS-12 Uppercut
    Nothing listed or advertised that they are "supposed to OHK" or even "no non max infantry class has a chance to survive a hit"
    Lets note what happens in practice:
    They OHK even while missing some pellets, and at decent ranges
    They OHK without a headshot
    They OHK Heavy WITH shield on or a nanoweave lvl 5 user

    now lets check the specs of the bolt actions:
    from the wiki:
    Reference to: Parallax, RAMS, and Longshot
    OFFICIAL advertisement of the weapons:
    As you can see the advertisement STILL clearly states, and I quote:

    Clearly states ONLY ....a..... HEAVY has a CHANCE to survive a headshot
    There is NO room for debate or interpretation there, even SOE left no room. I don't care if there was nanoweave level 500, it STILL would not be included as being able to survive a headshot according to the official advertisement. Hell I don't even care if there was a cert row that reduced the damage you take on headshots period, unless it said immunity, the above advertisement would still hold weight as those sniper rifles should be killing you on a headshot. It also does not say ANYTHING about a range requirement, or lack there of (like having to be 75-100m or less for it to 1hko)

    What it DOES say is what range those rifles are intended and designed FOR, and I quote:


    Still waiting for the (false) advertisement to be changed or the bug to be fixed
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  13. Xind

    I would second this notion. More powerful tanks that don't have a timer that can be certed down and a resource system that matter at all would go a long way towards alleviating the tank zerg. Still I don't feel like I've been castrated in my tank. I just have to work harder to land shells closer to men, I still don't actually have to hit them, which in of and itself = easy mode.
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  14. MurderBunneh

    Its called Balancing not nerfing. There is no test server you can't just throw **** into the game and expect it to be right the first time.
    The fact that you feel comfortable running around with a shotgun as your primary should tell you something about its power and the ease of which that power can be applied.
    It is supposed to be an extreme cqb weapon but people have no problem carrying it anywhere. That is like a sniper carrying his rifle into a tower.
    The reason your shotgun is out of balance is the same as a Scat max it is TOO good in TOO many areas that need to be taken to play the game. If the answer to shotguns in cqb is more shotguns it is ******* out of balance END OF STORY.
  15. WycliffSlim

    I hardly ever use HE rounds on my Magrider because of the reload time... It's feels too long for my style of play and I hate being defenseless against armor. The HEAT rounds are a great inbetween and feel the most effective to me. Good damage against infantry, not much drop, and good damage against armor. I've gotten to the point where at close to medium range I typically get direct shots on infantry... Especially lately with TR heavies trying to get all 5 Striker rounds into me... I just tank(no pun intended) a couple and lob a shell into their face. I remember what HE rounds used to be like though... It was either hilarious or rage inducing depending on whether you were in a vehicle or not.
  16. Tasogie

    it isnt "shotguns" its the pump action, that one weapon alone has spoiled fights. Whole clans are now using nothing but, so when your facing off you get hit by 10 of them at once, no matter what, you die, even if its jsut one, you instantly die. Trouble also with that is people can cheat using scripts without ever been picked up on it, because the weapon is so brutal.
  17. Zenith

    SMGs don't kill in one hit, shotguns do.

  18. TomaHawk

    You aren't introducing the simple fact that caps are not in open areas. Since they are the focus of both defending and assaulting forces, people are herded into smaller spaces where shotguns do a better job than rifles because it is not necessary to scope + fire, you just fire. They also hit harder at close range so that makes them more efficient. You want to blame the shotgun for your terrible skills at this game, and so you come here whining like the other daycare rejects because you aren't willing or able to adapt to a basic game mechanic. If SOE changed up the capping function to take a base to make shotguns less desirable, then I'd switch to what weapon worked best for me. I wouldn't care.

    SOE has broken a lot with each new update. They've nerfed and buffed in those same updates. They are not testing adequately because the things I find I do within minutes of logging into the game. Little of this can be construed as balance, so, again, you aren't just wrong, you simply don't know what the **** you are talking about.

    And I just handed you your second problem, on a silver platter. Stop sucking at the game and you will feel better. If you can.
  19. TomaHawk

    I agree, I meant the same thing. But the castration comment comes more from the rocking motion with invalidates many 2nd shots with the Prowler. Tired of my Prowler humping the ground.
  20. TomaHawk

    True, but they didn't break harsh language in the process. I am still waiting for my Prowler to stop SEESAW'ING.