SOE If you nerf shotguns, nerf SMG too

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Vikarius

    Sneaking up on someone and getting a knife kill or headshotting them point blank with the bolt action would be pretty equal in difficulty
    Id put knifing a moving target on par with headshotting a still target on even second hit (with bolt action) at ranges where there is significant drop
    Headshotting a moving target at any range is lightyears more difficult, if you think knife hit detection is bad try sniping, and its probably the thing most effected by latency so even with perfection and skill involved there is still a roll of the server dice

    There is too many ways that could go and too many ways that could be argued:
    using a bolt action far away = using the weapon as it is designed/intended
    using a knife against a target that is shooting you= NOT using the weapon as it is designed/intended
    using a knife against a target that has a gun, has spotted you, but hasn't shot yet= neither target really using their weapon as designed/intended
    using a knife against a target that is unaware you are there, or your specific location= using as designed/intended

    Now take note, I would be 100% for knifes 1hkoing in this game, or at least their damage being 800 with a 2x multiplier for striking target from behind
  2. HyperMatrix

    Unless you're talking about players lagging around...which affects all weapons...I don't know what you're referring to since planetside uses client side hit detection.
  3. Xind

    I would also note, closing distance in an active combat situation to finish a target with a knife is designed use. Instead of reloading/weapon swapping or as a method of making up lost damage. Of course this is not viable against shotguns or SMG users.

    I don't know how I'd feel about knife 1HK, since I'm generally against all forms of 1(O)HK in games as a principle.
  4. Vikarius

    Not just the quick lag/latency spike, but warping as well.
    Client side hit detection or not, if a target is running and you actually managed to line up shot that would have hit them, if the target, you or even the server even gets a dash of bad latency it will miss the target completely, EVEN if on your screen the round shows as going through them..... Even because the sniper rifles in this game actually have pretty freekin low bullet velocity with all things considered, even your round's travel time is effected by latency
    This is not even counting the bad hit detection that will always hurt semi auto and single shot (bolt action) weapons WAY more then anything automatic
  5. WycliffSlim

    False... I have the Parallax and when I KNOW that I landed a headshot I've never had anyone survive it. I've taken our full health, shielded HA's before.

    The strongest snipers have a Base damage of 800 and have AT LEAST a 1.5x damage multiplier though there is some contention that it could be as high as 2x, but lets assume the lower figure. This will give you a base damage of, 1200. lvl 5 nanoweave gives +25% health. This brings your health+shields to a total of 1125. That means that a headshot with the high level snipers will absolutely OHK anyone with lvl5 nanoweave(maybe not depending on how the HA shield handles headshot damage reduction). The damage dropoff on the sniper rifles isn't known for sure, but unless it's more than 75 for a headhshot you still guarantee a OHK at any range. So... yeah. As I said, I don't think I've ever not killed someone when I was sure it was a headshot and I've sniped people at just over 2 mills dropoff which is at least 300m.
    • Up x 1
  6. Vikarius

    And now we know you are just lieing.
    A. it has been proven that bolt actions have had damage degradation at the very least since GU02
    B. it has been proven that even the strongest bolt actions will not kill a nanoweave 3 target at beyond 100m on headshot 75m for targets with nanoweve 5
    C. A Heavy with his shields up will not die in 1 hit to a bolt action sniper if he even has most not even all of his health and regular shields
    D. You are either really behiind the times, have not even checked the infil forums, or have only minutes of experience with a bolt action
  7. Xind

    People have been insinuating lately that they won't headshot N5 past 150m+.

    Are you rebuking this?

    You are a prince among men.
  8. Vikarius

    Actually it has been proven, in multiple threads and videos in the infil forums
    the STRONGEST bolt actions (RAMS, Paralax, Longshot) will NOT 1hko a nanoweave 3 target beyond 100m, beyond 75m for nanoweave 5
    However, they were 1khoing those above targets at all ranges when they were released. Either damage dropoff has been stealth nerfed in or bugged for bolt actions for probably 2 or so months now. Those 3 bolt actions were AND still are advertised on this very site as being able to 1hko on headshot ANY non max infantry with the only CHANCE of survival being a heavy assault with class shield up.... Considering the advertisement hasn't changes it pretty much means bugged or false advertising
  9. Xind

  10. WycliffSlim

    A. I clearly stated that they DID have damage degradation and what it would have to be for a lvl5 nanoweave to survive. No one actually know what the damage reduction is at the moment.
    B: Proven you say, by whom?
    C: As I also stated, I'm not sure how the mechanics work with a HA shield. Did you even read what I posted?
    D: That's awkward because a Parallax is my second most used weapon with about 1K kills and almost 900 of them are Headshots. Oh, and Infiltrator is still my most played class.!/5428017900402542497/stats

    I gave you math and reasoning. You gave me heresay and ignorant accusations. Please try again?
  11. WycliffSlim

    Yes, that would be great. Infiltrators are probably the most OP class right now after all.... don't stand still.
  12. Xind

    Whose standing still? Or are you purely shooting at unaware players because "fish-barreling" is the hallmark of skill?
  13. Vikarius

    A. Yet you still claim nanoweave 5 is required, when it is 3
    B. Proven on the infiltrator forums, feel free its only a few clicks away
    C. So you make claims to being able to 1hko a fully shielded heavy but then come and say you dont know how the mechanics work? Funny considering the LMG is your most used weapon
    D. 84% headshots with the parallax? That either screams aim assist program, or only taking shots at AFK opponents
    E. I see no math, nor reasoning, unless you used some kind of invisible type

    But yea, keep on pumping out the ignorance Mr. "Hearsay"
  14. crazyoldfart

    lol, I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a double barrel sawed off shotgun loaded with buckshot. Real short range with select fire, single or both barrels. :D
  15. WycliffSlim

    A. Nanoweave 5 boosts your total health+Shields to 1125. If the headshot bonus is 1.5 the 800dmg sniper-rifles would do 1200 dmg. That means they would have to lose 75dmg for lvl5 nanoweave to save them.

    B. Not proven, discussed and I've watched the discussions. Please link to the threads you want me to read and I'll read them.

    C. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I had to fully understand every game mechanic and number to kill people. I clearly stated that the Parallax was my SECOND most used weapon. My LMG is only 100 kills ahead of it.

    D. I have a bolt-action sniper and limited ammo. Why would I waste it at shooting targets who I'll probably miss. In addition, it takes luck to kill someone with a bolt-action without a headshot so that's where I aim. If I were aimbotting I would have a much better K/D than 1.4 and I wouldn't use a sniper to aimbot.

    E.The strongest snipers have a Base damage of 800 and have AT LEAST a 1.5x damage multiplier though there is some contention that it could be as high as 2x, but lets assume the lower figure. This will give you a base damage of, 1200. lvl 5 nanoweave gives +25% health. This brings your health+shields to a total of 1125. That means that a headshot with the high level snipers will absolutely OHK anyone with lvl5 nanoweave(maybe not depending on how the HA shield handles headshot damage reduction). The damage dropoff on the sniper rifles isn't known for sure, but unless it's more than 75 for a headhshot you still guarantee a OHK at any range. So... yeah. As I said, I don't think I've ever not killed someone when I was sure it was a headshot and I've sniped people at just over 2 mills dropoff which is at least 300m.

    Damage: 800*1.5=1200
    Health+Shields: 500(Shields)+625(Health of 500*1.25 with NW5)=1125
    1200 - 1125 = -75
    Having negative health means you're dead and the rifle still has 75 damage to spare. Is that enough math for you?

    There's your math... again. Either read or stop trolling.
  16. WycliffSlim

    It was sarcasm, but for you information, I typically try to shoot people when they pause. Think HA's lining up a rocket, Engineers repairing a turret, Medics healing, a LA trying to summon the courage to charge into a building. I have a weapon with a low ROF and no ability to fight back if they come looking for me. I like to make sure that when I shoot people they die BEFORE they get a chance to come looking for me.
  17. MurderBunneh

    I will use your post to defend Scat maxes. TR have a Mid range max if you get caught in cqb it's your fault amirite?
  18. Vikarius

    Math lacking the damage dropoff.... wow learn to read....the ignorance I swear
    I will give you a hint, damage dropoff or rather damage degradation means the damage is DECREASING (aka lowering) at certain ranges or beyond a certain range.
    If nanoweave 5 provides the target with 1125 Effective HP, and bolt actions (800dmg with 1.5x multiplier) are NOT 1hkoing them beyond 75m that means the damage is LOWER then 562 (1124 on headshot). at 76m
    Again, it is plastered all over the infil forums WITH VIDEOS. Proof =/= discussion

    Heavy assault is equal with infiltrator as MOST PLAYED CLASS. If you do not know how the mechanics of the shield work....not only should you not speak of 1hkoing heavies with their shield on, but I feel really bad for you....

    Such a sad troll
  19. Xind

    I've seen plenty of skilled infiltrators take down an assaulter with their pistol and/or AP mines. Hell, some people have mastered the close up hip fire shot/weapon switch which is extremely fast on the TTK.

    Also, not saying you're doing it wrong, But aside from the Heavy firing Rockets, do you really think people attempting to engage in support roles enjoy being one shotted from X distance away?

    Try a /sarcasm flag, this the the internet.

    Most of my arguments about balance have nothing to do with power versus faction or other weapons, but is generally issues towards the fun level those weapons engender. When people ***** about Pump actions, I can not for the life of me understand why they aren't ******** about snipers and AP mines. Being 1 shotted by infantry is the same to me regardless of what weapon they employ. Tanks and Aircraft are different and I'm much more willing to accept being vaporized by a tank cannon.
  20. Rhinzual

    What the **** did I just read?