So...Where is the mag buff?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by lNeBl, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. XLander

    Was, your forgetting the update.
  2. XLander

    Your are repeating back to me. What I said to you. Also, I am not Data. So I type and say you're. As a matter of fact if you get up to date with the MLA rules commas aren't even used for the most part. That is because the people that make up the actual rules o writing for use in society realize that language and its use are ever malleable. Now if you are expecting people to use formal modes of writing in a lax scenario such as this then you misunderstand cultural norm.

    This isn't a formal essay that requires or uses formal writing rules. My point was simply to point out that you were being kind of a jerk. My process was to be a jerk. To make the point. I see that rather than note the lesson you put up defenses.
  3. Kirppu1

    Hmm, this post is quite constructive. Are you trying to break the internet by any chance? And now i see that you are explaning for your actions, now this means that i shall leave this thread. Because you have not insulted me nor just said **** without any explaining. But fear not, i will meet again, sometime in the future, not sure when, but it will happen.
  4. TheKhopesh

    Ya, but they really hit everyone pretty hard.

    The Vanguard, which is supposed to be the longest range of the tanks (With exception to the Prowler with max deploy, but that's balanced with complete and total immobility, which is too disabling for a front-to-front range battle with a vanguard with it's shield, so the vanguard is still the most range oriented) lost a massive 30 m/s off it's AP shell (As opposed to everyone else' 10-15 m/s losses).

    The Vanguard's AP was at 275 m/s, but is now down at 245 m/s. 30 m/s lost.
    The Prowler's AP was at 250 m/s, but is now down at 230 m/s. 20 m/s lost.
    The Magrider's AP was at 225 m/s, but is now down at 215 m/s. 10 m/s lost.

    Now, they're all evenly spaced, with the VS having 15 m/s less than the TR, and the TR 15 m/s less than the NC.

    My issue is that the amount we lost will severely require our tankers to re-learn to use the weapon, where as the TR will have an easier time learning to compensate for that, and the VS even easier still.

    I know it's not a big issue to those who aren't NC, but all the same, it's going to put us at the biggest disadvantage for the longest amount of time, which feels a bit biased on SOE's part in that regard.

    I guess as long as the gravity is altered to keep the round's traveling range the same, it's okay, but I see no sign of that happening.

    Honestly though, I'll say what we all know to be true deep down.
    They lowered the lib resistance back down to where it should be, and there are so many utterly worthless lib farming pilots out there that they ***** and whine when a skilled tank brings them down because they were foolish enough to hover perfectly still so low to the ground that a very skilled tank could blast them from +600m.
  5. XLander

    I am not talking about AP I am talking overall. We no longer have a general weapon. Everyone else does. VS now is forced to decide AV or AP. The qq sauron is junk that can''t defend itself. The round is random aimed by the program not the user. Now it has even less chance to defend against softies running up to it. Yet every other faction can one shot me any time I try to throw C4 or any other method. Now you want to talk AP. Okay our AP is still lower TTK than you AV is against infantry. It takes 2-3 shots AP rounds direct to kill with the mag. It takes one insta-gib from any AP or AV weapon the TR/NC have.
  6. TheKhopesh

    The Enforcer cannot one shot, and has such a tiny splash that it runs out of ammo before the splash can effectively kill one guy.

    Even with a headshot, the enforcer still only does 1.5x damage on headshots, so it still cannot OHK.
    Also, it's a massive pain to hit a small human target with it.

    Oh, and it's gravity is going up quite high as well.

    It's gonna be like an AP grenade launcher with 550 DPS (which is actually ungodly slow. The Sauron does 1,420 DPS, and the Vulcan -which is balanced by it's lesser damage and difficulty at range- does 2,226 DPS).

    The point is, each is balanced off accuracy and DPS
    Then, you're lowering the effective tank range so that they'll miss less.

    If anything, this will make everyone have to get in closer before firing, allowing the HRB better performance.
    (And the Vulcan as well.)

    That's what the range nerf was for.
    And the Enforcer as well as Halberd were hit the hardest of all the secondary guns.

    I don't think a 10% damage addition to the enforcer will keep it viable without it's range though.
    Given that the effective range was reduced by 40% (And that the effective range of the halberd was less than- but now equal to- the enforcer), it's suffered more than I think our devs realize.

    40% effective range nerf, plus no longer a superior ranged weapon compared to it's massively higher DPS counterparts, and all it gets is a 10% damage increase.

    I expect it to be utter trash now.
    (Halberd DPS: 1,000)
    (Sauron DPS: 1,420)
    (Vulcan DPS: 2,226 max, 1,906 min.)

    Enforcer DPS: 550)

    Basilisk DPS: 1,462 max, 977 min.)

    Looks like the NC will be using the Halberd exclusively now that it's range advantage is cut entirely, with only it's projectile launch accuracy remaining.

    It's going to be like hipfiring the A-Tross in CQC.

    All in all:
    I don't think that an extra 10% will have the desired effect for the Enforcer, given it's range advantage will be negligible over the others now, as opposed to it's proper roll of high accuracy at very long range in lieu of DPS.
    But, we'll see how it works, and hopefully they'll fix it fairly quickly if... when it doesn't.
  7. SpectreGhostWTR

    that implies that everyone has a 100% accuracy at any range with max RoF and no armor modifiers are in place. Vulcan has a spin-up time, doesn't it? and how do go get the 1906 min damage? i get only 1666,6
    you also need to keep mag size (or damage per mag), average accuracy, drop, muzzle velocity, weapon type (or the enemie tank's resistance to it) and armor of the enemy tanks in mind