So, Phoenix now one-shots ESF as well as infantry. Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Kedyn

    Yes, but keep in mind that part of the game's compelling and immersive design also involves robot suits with shotgun arms that kill you in the blink of an eye when you're inside a base. Part of the game's design image is to turn half the playerbase into mere targets for those robot suits and people using guided rocket launchers. With design decisions like these, I'm surprised everyone at MLG isn't already playing Planetside 2.
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  2. Alarox

    This should convince anyone that one-shot to infantry and ESF is fine. If not, reply.


    1.) It one-shots infantry because it's a missile. Splash damage doesn't kill, hell splash doesn't even hurt. But getting hit with a missile... does it need an explanation? Getting hit with a missile should kill you due to sheer kinetic energy.

    I don't think people understand how hard it is to hit infantry with this this. You literally have to hit them, not just anything around them. In addition, the adjustments when aiming the missile have acceleration. Meaning, your aiming is gradual and you have to sway it around. You have to do this with a missile against a small moving target.

    This is hard as hell to do. For every success, there are many failures. You can dodge *EVERY* missile from the Phoenix if you want to. You can literally take a small side-step or jump at the last second and it's impossible for the controller to adjust in time. Both because of the reaction time delay, but mostly because the missile's aiming is slow and gradual, not instant.

    Problem here is that for VS/TR to really test this, they need to get an NC alt and trial the launcher. VR training area doesn't give you a good reference. The targets are stationary on a flat surface and you can easily pre-aim the Phoenix by pointing directly at them instead of needing to adjust.

    This is actually the weakest anti-infantry launcher in the game, minus the Annihilator which is lock-on only.

    2.) Against ESFs, I think you kind of deserve the kill if you can hit it with the Phoenix.

    -If they're moving quickly you'll probably never hit them (you can come close, but at this point you'll need to predict huge stretches of time ahead due to velocity differences).

    -If they're paying attention you'll probably never hit them since all they need to do is bank left/right if they have vertical velocity, or afterburner up with vertical thrust (or even descend).

    -If they see you and can aim you'll probably never hit them since, as long as they kill you before the missile reaches them, they won't be harmed. In the meantime you're just standing there.

    Source: personal experience.
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  3. St0mpy

    and no one else deserves that chance either? never mind the other unique abilities it has?
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  4. Shockwave44

    The NC just want everything for themselves. If the lancer or striker ever one-shotted anything it would be OP. I don't care what speed it moves. However when the NC can do it, all the excuses coming pouring in as why its justified.
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  5. Tasogie

    lol you guys seem surprised, You should have been round in SWG. When SOE decided out of the blue to "change their target Audience" Suddenly Jedi's were handed out to everyone so it it no longer took 18 months to max out a Jedi guardian Rank 10, it was now all but instant. The deleted BE's (the reward for getting Jedi to cap)..... Then they deleted half the customer bases chrs, an lost nearly all their player base overnight. You haven't seen anything yet, wait tillt hey really get into their stride, you'll see some nerfs an outrageous buffs then.
  6. ChaosRender

    The only whay you can see be hind a obstacle that is large enough to block the view of a sunderer, would require you to pretty much crash a phoenix behind the object. That is no different than saying I can scout with a grenade launder buy lobbing round over things and looking for a hit.

    It would be more efficient to just get a flash with wraith and scout radar, it will find the sunder and every enemy in the area.
  7. Czuuk

    Again, have you ever used the thing or do you just read the other tripe posted here and then echo it?
  8. Czuuk

    Not if you whine about it.
  9. Gruntilda

    I sit in the spawnroom, totally protected and kill infantry with it. Not exactly rocket science. And since glorious balance master Higby buffed it I can take out ESFs in oneshot now too

    Three cheers for Higby's Conglomerate!~
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  10. Shockwave44

    Yeah, I have and I know it now one shots ESF's. It even takes down a lib in 3 hits. What's your point?
  11. Mxiter

    Agree with part2.
    Would also you agree to see lancer dealing 100% damages at infantries and stiker with a dumbfire mod? :D
  12. Alarox

    I think every single missile launcher in the game should insta-kill an infantry when it hits them in the body, and the explosive ones when it lands at their feet, yeah.
  13. jelf

    That can be said for default launchers, the same cannot be said for phoenix.

  14. Mxiter

    It's pretty hard for Phoenix to hit an aircraft with the lancer because the projectile is slow and the range is limited.

    It's not the case of infantries. This is the issue.
  15. Alarox

    It's hard as hell to hit infantry with it, unless they literally sit still and in the open or you're very skilled and they move at a constant angle and velocity.

    It's at least 3x as difficult to snipe with this than it was with the Engineer's AV turret, and I've used that thing almost every day since it was added. Plus, the AV turret has infinite range and ammo.
  16. Dragonblood

    blablabla they have to stand still to be hit with the where's the difference to sniperrifles? It's like a sniperrifle 2.0.
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  17. Alarox

    The difference is that you have to stand there for 15s vs 1s, and that the guy on the other end is having an out-of-body experience for those 15s.

    This thing requires you to aim it for the entire duration, and it moves slowly, and it has limited adjustments with acceleration. Meaning, it's not precise.

    Want to dodge a sniper? You can't. Want to dodge a Phoenix? Side-step/jump/change your speed at the last second.
  18. Mxiter

    I'm sure i can find in 1 hour 10 guys wich use the pheonix as infantry farm machine in PS2 players stats, 5 videos where the phoenix get infantry killstreak ect
    As you said it's harder when they move, but when fighting outdoors, 99% of infantries ADS and are almost immobile when hitten by almost invisible rocket.

    Don't tell it's hard.Just difficult to handle at the beginning and also need good DPI mouse and to put aircraft sensibility at maximum.
    Even some objective NC people told that it was way too cheezy...

    Stop defending your OP toys like TR protected them OP prowlers and VS them OP mags. Now it must be NC turn to be balanced, or many people will soon leave or join NC and finally makes this game dying but you obviously want it.

    All ESRL are not balanced at current state.
  19. Czuuk

    Have you tried it?
  20. Czuuk

    No point really. Just enjoying the river of tears.