Sick of Snipers (Suggestion)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silkensmooth, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. LodeTria

    As established by the devs themselves, skill doesn't matter anymore. That's not what I said, but wrel himself. This is the direction the game is going now.

    Or are you going to pretend all those BR5 NC boltshot 1hkos were not luck at all? Should they be nerfed because it's a stray shot ruining some-ones day?

    For the record, I don't want sniper 1hko's to go, but I can see it happening later with the pandering to low-skill-bads the devs are currently doing if the game is even alive at that point.
  2. Silkensmooth

    I didnt compare sniping with shooting ESF with the Dalton. I said that things which require skill get nerfed.

    The difference between a Dalton and a sniper, is that the Dalton is on the second largest vehicle in the game. A vehicle that is very loud, SUPER easy to see, and also not terribly difficult to avoid.

    The Dalton round has a velocity of 250 which means that if you keep a proper distance you can see it coming and move out of its way.

    In order for an ESF to be OHK by a Dalton he either needs to be hovering and oblivious, or he needs to fly in a nice straight line right at the gun.

    Fighting against Dalton libs was fun and exciting.

    Constantly getting sniped every time you poke your head out from cover, sniped while getting vehicles, sniped while running, and sniped some more, not fun.
  3. LordKrelas

    The Dalton is on a large heavily armored flying vehicle.
    Easy only if you are looking at the proper direction.
    Easy to avoid only if near a building or not a vehicle that isn't a Harasser.
    It has turbo, and is a flier: You can not avoid a Liberator as a Tank operator or a sundy.

    The Dalton is capable of reloading quickly, and needs only hit the aircraft or ground target.
    The Lib is also able to ensure the gun is facing the target at all times nearly.
    I find it hilarious that it was nerfed to not one-hit ESFs -- As of all things, they apply that?
    Couldn't fix Liberator tail weapons, nor G2A, but they did that for ESFs.

    Snipers, You need to be shot in the head - by the most fragile class, with tracer rounds.
    Vehicles: Standing at a terminal, without cover, not using the spawn-into-option, or is just having a Dip + poor base design situation at once.
    If you manage to get sniped while running... I can't tell which is more accurate: The Sniper's skill, your crappy pathing, or luck.

    Not to mention, said Sniper can't outrun ****e.
    Any vehicle? Screwed.
    Any class in firing range of it? Easily killed.

    Like my gods, I make a sport of killing snipers when I bother to give a damn.
    And I do it with a carbine, archer, rocket launcher, or any other gun past a pistol for the hell of it.
    If it's truly troublesome, and not avoidable -- I get closer, and nail the ****.
    Some times with the pistol.

    Did I mention vehicles?
    As outside of a Flash (and even then), they work bloody wonders.
    • Up x 1
  4. adamts01

    I always make that comparison because it's essentially the same thing. I personally don't get hit by either that often, because I don't stand still/hover or run straight when in the open/fly straight when fighting a Dalton. But no matter what you do, random shots still hit you. As infantry you just re-spawn or get ressed, but as an ESF you're ****** and have to wait 7 minutes to get those nanites back, that's the difference.

    I wouldn't be opposed to getting rid of OHK headshots, as I believe it's the least engaging gameplay in the game, maybe 2nd to plinking a Lib from 500m, but most sniper rifles would need a serious overhaul, it would be a massive undertaking. I just don't see it happening. In the meantime, calm down and make sure you run with a medic, and think of it as getting knocked out or something.
  5. That_One_Kane_Guy

    This is a common phrase I see all the time when discussing snipers or precision weapons in almost any game. It is also unbelieveably false. It is extremely possible with a reasonable amount of time investment for even a player of average skill such as myself to hit a player on the move, at range, in the head, with consistency. Yes, really. I will now explain why this is completely fair. Ready?

    The above statement is only true if:
    A. The target is running in a straight line AND
    B. The target is running on a flat surface AND
    C. The target does not stop, or alter course slightly, or jump, or lag AND
    D. You don't make a mistake, of any kind

    A.K.A. You are in shooting bots in singleplayer.

    In game, against actual players, even the really good snipers won't expect to hit more that 50% of their shots against moving targets at range in the head. The skill factor comes in when you realize that the really good snipers know where to shoot so that they have the highest probability of hitting where the target will be.

    You will notice that the luck factor is on the side of the individual on the receiving end of the sniper, hence why the most common response to most people complaining about snipers is simply "Move". Although to be more specific, the answer is move unpredictably, as this drastically reduces the odds that even a skilled sniper will hit you,

    Let's compare a weapon that requires a precision shot against an already small target to one that can damage anything it hits, does not need direct impact to deal damage and used to kill most things in one shot if it did.

    See my first response above. Although if depressing the fingers of your left hand once a second is challenging I would encourage more outdoors-time.

    By that logic:

    So is being killed by vehicles when you are a medic and can do nothing to shoot back
    So is being killed by aircraft when you are an infiltrator and can do nothing to shoot back
    So is being killed by a shielded HA with a shotgun that rounded the corner 2 ft in front of you
    So is being killed by a LA on a ledge over a door that was waiting for you to run out
    So is being killed by a Stalker when you are at a vehicle terminal
    So is being 2 shot by an engie with an Archer when you are trying to cross a field in a MAX suit
    So is being killed by a cloaked flash
    So is being killed by mines of various types
    So is getting run over by an enemy harasser
    So is getting run over by a friendly harasser
    So is getting killed repeatedly in a biolab by a lvl 120 with more hours in the game than you have in every game you've ever played
    So is getting bodied by a Phoenix fired from a spawn room because "Hey! Screw you in particular!"

    There are lots of things that are frustrating in this game, unfair even. You can either adapt and improve or complain until you go away. In a game like this there will be times when you are put in a no-win situation because either you are outnumbered or facing a threat against which you have no counter (three guesses to which class this happens most to, by the way). Fortunately, respawning doesn't cost anything. Except maybe pride?

    This is so blatantly false as to make me wonder if you have ever used the guns you are complaining so much about. Or know what a straight pull bolt does. Or what the RPM of a bolt action is for that matter. I mean, do you honestly think that the bolt actions have a rechamber time of over 2 seconds without the SPB?

    Indeed, we should definitely look into the balance of that sniper rifle that is so formidable that it takes 3 shots to destroy a deployable spotter. A sniper so successful that every infiltrator of all three factions has completely dropped their faction specific rifles for this one rifle to rule them all. All hail the great wunderwifle.

    In all seriousness this is a fun rifle and I use it often, BUT the only reason to use this over one of the CQB bolts is to train yourself to go for headshots so you can be more effective with other rifles, much like the Tomoe vs the ES scouts.
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  6. That_One_Kane_Guy

    You can have pre-nerf nanoweave back if my RAMS becomes semi-auto :p
    • Up x 3
  7. adamts01

    I liked everything but this. I think the Daimyo was a mistake. It obsoleted the cqc bolts in everything but long range shooting. The only way that I can see to fix it is give it the same fire rate as the cqc bolts but make it integrally suppressed. Make it like the MKV vs PDW situation. And possibly remove tracers if that isn't powerful enough. What it is now is just silly.

    That's exactly the drastic type of change that would need to happen if we removed OHKs.
  8. BlizardX

    will no way accept this, snipers can't survive if there are too visible.
  9. That_One_Kane_Guy

    I don't really think this obsoleted the CQC bolts as much as you think. The Daimyo has too high of a skill floor to be used by most infils. The body shot damage makes it almost impossible to kill if you can't aim for the head, the low ammo count makes spamming to get the headshot unsustainable, and the wonky bullet drop mechanics make it so you have to relearn aiming even if you are already a competent shot.

    On top of that the high rof is really very situational. Maybe I'm bad or maybe it's just my play style but I very rarely string together kills in a single magazine, usually I prefer to cloak and move between shots. In the right hands I suppose it could be overpowered, but then again so could many other things.

    That being said lowering the ROF and giving it an integral suppressor does sound appealing to me, since I don't get much out of it anyways. I would prefer if they gave the bullets normal gravity and lower velocity to bring it in line with every other sniper though.
  10. Doc Jim

    The weird gravity on that weapon is the main reason why I refuse to even take it on a tryout outside of the VR.
    But then again, I'm just a casual pleb :)
  11. That_One_Kane_Guy

    As am I, unfortunately I am also part masochist, therefore I had to see what I could do with it. I still like to use it but I honesty would use the TSAR over it if I could get a 6x scope on it.