Roll back patch, yay or nay?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TheWolf1973, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. TheWolf1973

    Since SOE does not do polls I figure to cut down on repetitive threads about the patch and whether to roll back or not. To consolidate what the community would like to happen. Not saying SOE will see this or take it into consideration, but its worth a try. So as the thread title states yay for patch roll back, nay for it not to be rolled back.

    I should also add that the first hotfix for the patch did not work.
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  2. TheWolf1973

  3. XRIST0

    I enjoyed the game more before the patch , i cant play with this horrible performane .

    It was perfectly fine , why fix what was not broken ?
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  4. TheWolf1973

    So yay or nay?
  5. kadney

    For most of the content added, nay. For the performance issues that make the game unplayable for me, yay. But since this won't happen I will stop till I see some hotFIXES for those issues. :)
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  6. Syncmeistro

    YAY, ******* joke this new patch.
  7. PresidentFreeman

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  8. Cerberus90

    If i can get my pre-patch frame rate back, Yes please!!!
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  9. Bagginz

    Hmm, I think we should leave the tanks, and the AA so they don't fire. Sounds like an awesome idea.
  10. Snippa

    Firstly FYI it's not "yay" it's Yea. I know "yay" sounds right, but the spelling is wrong.
    Second, I say nay. Even though there are a ton of bugs created by the patch, those bugs will be fixed quickly and things will get back to normal. Relax, don't freak out.
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  11. Wreaper

    Nay, because they'll do some hotfixes and everything will be better. I like the new way of war. =)
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  12. TheWolf1973

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  13. Kenuat

    Guess they will do that only on Monday, hope db will be rolled back also.
  14. Killjoy2503

    well seeing how each patch seems to break more stuff, why not revert all the patches that were done, and enjoy the game as is =)

    Also Sony could just stop fixing PS2, i mean they have no idea what they're doing.. Their Q&A is b/s... I suspect any future patch will break more, so what's the point in trying to fix something already shattered into pieces.

    There's many that will leave this game, the current direction Sony is heading.
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  15. Markelot

    depends on the estimated timeline to fix the bugs.

    longer than 2 days : YAY (eat eggcorn please :p )
    fix today or till monday : NAY
  16. Amave

    nay, after patch i have got like Stable fps 40 fps in big battles, on my phenom II 970 4 gb ram and gtx 260 which is not best pc atm, the only thing they need to fix is vehicles shells, and air rounds. Hope they will fix it ASAP
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  17. TheWolf1973

    Thats a good question Markelot, It is the weekend, and Super Bowl Sunday to boot.
  18. Aerensiniac

    yay... the graphical "update" they did is a complete mess... i wonder when they will bother to actually test their patch before releasing it... all it would take is a test server tyvm... instead: PS2 is now unplayable for god knows how long.
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  19. D-Spirith

    Nay, i like the patch.
  20. baztak

    This version is no good, not because of what they tried to do but because of what they ended up doing.
    Poor response, it's jurky etc.
    plus it doesn't work right, shooting from a lightning couldn't hit a thing, not even a rock!! (no explosions)
    I see why it was delayed - but it should have been delayed a lot longer.
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