Revive mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sock, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Sock

    I'm glad we could agree that something needs to be done about the revive mechanics.
  2. DJPenguin

    If xp gain is that big of a concern.. that's something the devs can simply change by opening notepad and typing in a new number. I'd honestly rather see medics get 100 certs per revive than see the current mechanics remain.
  3. xJohnWayne

    for #1, medics are pretty good and they don't have to use med kits to heal them selves back up when they are getting shot at so surviveability in a medic is great and you can keep your score up there just using the aoe heal ability and shooting things. The revive XP is an added bonus that gives them even more XP than other classes and also not having to carry med kits lets them carry C4 around all the time to bait maxes in, large groups of troops, or un-suspecting vehicles. The medic class would do just fine with a nerf to increase the revive time. The only change would be some medics who only run around with their med app out and never use their gun, might have to use their gun to shoot people every now and then.

    for #2 if your dying right before a cap goes through you can stay dead and you will still get the XP and prolong your respawn for a few extra seconds and then respawn in the facility that you just captured the second it goes through if there are no respawn points within the SOI of the base.

    Also when you say the res time increase will affect smaller groups, that is true but to a very small extent as previous posts has pointed out since smaller more organized groups die less often. As a part of a smaller group I think that the small hindrance that this may place on the group I play with will be very minimal and will encourage or large scale tactical thinking because the problem grows exponentially with the larger amount of troops and even the same % of medics since medics can in essence use maxes/heavies as meat shields that absorb fire while the medics are reviving the ones right behind them in a large massive scale,

    Again this is coming from someone who's most played class is a medic so that's over 10 days played just as medic alone for me really.
  4. TheBillOf3D

    But we don't agree at all on that. You seem to read what you want to read. I want nerf threads nerfed.
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  5. Sock

    Sorry. I mistook you sticking your fingers in your ears and going "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" as a tacit agreement. My bad.
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  6. TheBillOf3D

    You should have just stated that you only wanted to hear praise for your nerf request.
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  7. Minimum Force

    What type of overheat are you looking at? Strictly like the engineer tool as it stands now? A hybrid where as "heat" builds the effectiveness goes down? Or something else? I'm not sure of your experience as a medic or the attention to detail that you have when it comes to viewing the medic class so maybe I'm wrong. But what I do know is that a straight overheat where the tool is locked out simply causes the medic to lose the ability to heal and revive. The engineer tool only causes an engineer to lose the ability to repair. I would much rather see a new mechanic that reduces effectiveness (Hell even the engineer tool could have this) versus straight shutting down.

    As for being able to put folks down for good there has been discussion in this thread about the possibility for this as well as a cap on the amount of revives per life or per set amount of time. But at this time SOE can just throw around nanites to cover their bases so what can we do? I wouldn't mind some system in place whether through player action or hard coding to knock people out and force them to pick a spawn.

    I could care less either way with MAXes simply because my outfit doesn't run with too many and even then they have a pocket engineer. Make it longer to revive or remove revive for MAXes because either is fine to work with. Now I'm not fine with the idea of having a medic stand still or move slower while they perform their class function. Like I said earlier I'm not aware of the classes you play most of the time but really this idea just does not jive very well. Does an engineer have to stand still or move slowly while repairing? Does a HA have to stand still or walk slowly to shoot their rockets or toss C4? Does an infiltrator have to stand still or walk slowly to shoot a recon dart? Does a LA have to stand still or walk slowly to use their jump pack or drop C4? Hopefully you get the point since I'm trying to point out that people have mobility when they play their class and typically it's bad enough to have to go out and heal/revive someone while under fire.

    I'm just going to chock up your idea of standing still and moving slowly because of the quick revives instead of being blatantly blind to how everyone else can perform their duties without being stuck in one place. Hell if you practice you can even hack terminals as an infiltrator while moving so that option is hard to use. I do it all the time when I use my infiltrator to quickly get terminals hacked if my squad needs the support.
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  8. Sock

    You should actually refute points rather than just saying "I've never seen it so its not a problem."
  9. Minimum Force

    All right can we stick to the thread topic instead of poking at each other? I know people have said stuff to irritate each other but continuing this line of discussion is more important than your wounded pride. At this rate a mod will pop in and close the thread and what will that do for the topic?
  10. Xhoydr

    Honestly, "fun" is a very subjective term to use( my use of "boring" is too:p), but I think that there are those who enjoy running around with their medic tool out using Nanites and such. I of course shift between the two, reviving when needed.

    I do agree that reviving and healing shouldn't be an afterthought. Half of the focus of the base class should be combat. The other should be support.

    I do see what you are saying though because one of the things that I like about the medic is the variation in assault rifles that allow for combat support from different distances.

    Overall, the player should be able to decide what kind of role within the Combat Medic class they would like to focus on when they starting certing into the class. That role will be where that player gets most of their certs.
  11. EaterOfBabies

    I didn't have any specific numbers or mechanics in mind. I was just stating the ideas that sounded intriguing in solving some of the issues brought up in this thread. Medic isn't my most played class, but I do play it pretty often and have just about everything maxed out on it. I guess that's a long way of saying that I know what it is capable of and have taken full advantage of its mechanics at one point or another.
  12. TheBillOf3D

    It's obvious you either don't read my posts or will not acknowledge any problems with your 'argument'. I think it's a trumped up 'problem'. But finding silly things to nerf is key to playing ForumSide.
  13. Tristan

    You're adorable.
  14. PeanutMF

    Except when the zerg abuses it themselves and makes every single kill the smaller group makes pointless. Better players would get around a cooldown/limitation by simply not dying as often.
  15. HadesR

    Ability to be revived .. Infinitely .. With no penalty to the person being revived .. Nothing wrong with that :rolleyes:

    But I wouldn't penalize Medics but the person receiving the revives .. Either through a rez ticket systems or an ever increasing ability/weapon cool down timer ..
  16. PeanutMF

    Unfortunately the medic is a great solo class (and I'm not saying that you're wrong since you stated that's what most other people believe, not yourself), since you can't eventually die due to attrition (if you kill your enemies consistently fast enough to survive a confrontation but still lose some health then you can just heal after every encounter) which also has basically the best infantry weapons in the game except for the ammo capacity of LMGs.

    Put on top of that the ability to be possibly the most useful class in a squad and it's no wonder that you see heaps of them. The only other class that is like this is the HA because they can also take on vehicles, except when you kill a squad full of HAs they tend to stay dead.
  17. DJPenguin

    to the top.
  18. Sevii

    There is nothing wrong with that if revives only took more time. If I can revive the same player over and over again in just two seconds sure that's a problem. With an increased revive time on the other hand it's much harder to chain revive. Let's say a revive takes six seconds more than enough time for the other team to react if they killed a bunch of enemies in a short time. It's not very likely they'll be alive again when my allies storm the position. The dead enemy players are already forced to respawn since the medics can't reach them anymore. Adding a limiting number of revives on top of that would be a bit overkill IMO.
  19. Spartan 117

    Completely agree. Medics should be limited in the amount of revives they are able to provide. Its damaging to gameplay when a skilled player clears a room & dies to a surviving medic who then revives his zombie army to full capacity again. The other alternative would be to make revives take 5-10 times as long.
  20. Tristan

    I think first making revives take 5 seconds and shorten the range would be a good way to see if that fixes a lot of issues. It will definitely fix the revives in the middle of combat, and due to the time required it MIGHT fix the issue of a lone medic getting his whole squad back up before more opposition arrives.