[Suggestion] Remove or Balance Nanoweave Armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daemonn789, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Pelojian

    every upgrade is a cert sink for new players, the essence of your complaint is vets have NW5 and the highest as a new player is NW4 that's your issue, not NW itself but that in infantry combat someone with NW5 has a slight edge over you.

    tank meta may be different but a tank with front or side armor will have an edge armor wise against a stock tanker even if both tanks are 1/2 and both have every other default equipped. front/side armor vs stock tank is the same as comparing new infantry players to a player with NW5.

    there is no benefit to removing NW from the game, removing it will negatively impact players, flak5 will become the go-to choice where NW would have been picked. then some new player will whine that it's unfair that vets have flak5 and that is should be removed because it's an advantage when every single upgrade provides and advantage.

    you take issue that you don't have NW5 and other people do. you need to accept that vets will have a wider selection of gear and upgrades otherwise you'll keep finding stuff you don't have yourself that you don't like others having and then crying for it to be removed.

    back when i started there was no koltyr, no baby steps, sure i died alot and didn't get many kills but i played support for the cert gain and upgraded my support abilities to rake in certs to make my infantry classes and vehicles stronger.

    you are not completely saying that a BR1 should equal a BR100, but you are saying you have an issue with vets using NW5 and that it should be removed in order to nerf BR100's earned advantages so you have a slightly greater chance of killing them.

    if you truely want to beat BR100s then upgrade your own NW instead of trying to get it removed because you can't be bothered to earn it through game time jsut as BR100s have.
  2. Moridin6

    who said that? thats terrible advice

    my point is that it really isnt, in most cases, that effective, and i wish i had known that long ago and just certed into nade belt.

    the Rare time nano saves your life doesnt stack up to the increase in damage output you gain with more nades/mines/c4

    all are cases of earn the certs to purchase an advantage, and are part of a game like this' progression, but nano isnt the advantage you think it is. i pretty much Only use it now with my infil, and only on 1 of 4 infil presets ive made.

    F nano
    but F this nerf thread even more
  3. Daemonn

    So right now NWA is probably the most commonly used suit slot module. By removing it players could freely skill into the others which actually affect gameplay, like sprint speed or shield recharge. Those help to modify your playstyle more to your liking. NWA does not. It simply allows you to take more small arms fire, which many players take solely because its an advantage in infantry combat.

    So 1055 certs to get all classes up to speed isn't a cert sink? 6055 to rank 5 for all classes.

    And why do we want to have a feature that you have to get first to even be competitive?

    NWA serves no purpose other than to create performance disparity and unintendedly is a initial cert sink for new players.

    And it wouldn't be far fetched to assume we could have another type of suit slot module replace NWA. So if your only argument is that one less module makes the game "dumber" lets just replace it instead of removing it then. Problem solved.
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  4. Daemonn

    Isn't it funny that your relative experience isn't shared by every single person? Or especially new players?

    Come back and post results when you make a fresh character and try to go toe to toe with ANYONE in infantry combat.
  5. Iridar51

    Probably because you don't know how to notice it. Basically every time you survive a firefight with less than 50% health (half of the green bar), nanoweave has done it's job.

    And every time you survive a firefight with only shield damage, but no health damage, nanoweave has saved you a med kit / trip to a medic, if you're no a medic with nano regen device yourself or don't run a regeneration implant.

    Again, Nano 4 is almost as useful ias Nano 5, while costing only 211 certs, hardly a lot.
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  6. customer548

    New players gain 150 Certs for each BR until BR15.
    Low BR players can easily go for Nanoweave rank 4 ( 1+10+50+150 = 211 Certs). Last rank costs 1000 Certs and only brings +5% resists (from 15 to 20% resists).
    This last rank has to be unlocked only on the main class (when you start the game). I would say that wanting Nano lvl5 on each class is a mistake, a bad choice.

    If you need 6055 certs, you have a trouble. The game doesn't have to change. YOU have to experience more and change your thoughts (as new player will learn how to adapt). Nano is not required for all the classes. You'll get more benefits from different classes with not using Nano. You should go deeper in your gameplay experience.

    I'd llike to know your source when you say "right now NWA is probably the most commonly used suit slot module". I saw a lot of people prefering belts or Flak. All depends on their gameplay.

    "Nano serves no purpose". It is useful depending on your gameplay. Sometimes i use it on my main class, sometimes i go for 2 other choices. Depending on the fights and number of opponents. You don't NEED NanoA in order to survive or to makes kills. You need to have Medkits and to deal with your cover and range.

    Your only argument is "i don't want to spare and spend certs in this. So make it disappear." It's not a valid argument.
    It would make the game dumber. Because having to deal with different priorities while certing a new character, being able to deal with several choices in order to adapt to each situation are the core of a nice game.
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  7. Daemonn

    You really don't understand this thread do you. I obviously have NWA upgraded on my characters.

    You really truly believe NWA, TTK, Heavies and NMG are all perfectly balanced and nothing should change?

    I'm not trying to take away your advantage, clearly you are defensive about even the thought... The point is to allow MORE options for players instead of the majority defaulting to NWA.

    Issues with NWA in order of importance:

    1. Large performance disparity

    2. Becomes a default suit slot choice for new players

    3. Cert sink for new players
  8. Moridin6

    i Was fresh at some point going up agaisnt people with nano.. i survived

    i still go up against people with nano while i am without it

    and Iridar may be right that i dont notice its help, but when i am without it i dont notice its absence either, other than YEA I HAVE MORE NADES

    adapt and overcome,which can mean grinding to have max nano if thats what you feel you need, but imho youd be better off certing elsewhere. nano def doesnt need a nerf. .
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  9. Daemonn

    No my argument is that it creates a noticeable performance gap between old and new players, the other points are a byproduct of having this feature in the game.
  10. customer548

    You prefer to ignore others' opinions. Prefering to repeat again and again the same thing.

    If you problem is HAs. It seems to be, but you make it shady. Why don't you mainly talk about the HA class shields and class balance ?
    If you problem really is new player experience. Why don't you talk about High BRs alts having access to Koltyr with all of their weapons ? Or why don't you promote a new raise of certs gained by unlocked BR for new players ?
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  11. Pelojian

    no your arguement at the start seemed to be high BR with NW5 and newbies only being able to get upto NW4 and then you say this:

    you are trying to take away one of the advantages of putting a decent amount of time into the game and no i don't believe you have NW5 otherwise you'd realize it's fine as-is. people don't always take NW or flak, they are options notice the options part, you are not required to take ether armor you can take more grenades or ammo if you want in your suit slot or ASC.

    there are tons more upgrades and weapons that provide a useful advantage and you are complaining specifically about NW? why? maybe you have a hate for heavies and decided to try and nerf them indirectly via NW without being upfront about wanting heavies nerfed,

    1. It's not large at all if you invest in other upgrades in the mean time to increase your effectiveness (see:attachments).

    2. Of course it is, what else do they have unlocked to pick from the start?

    3. everything is a cert sink for new players AND old players still have stuff to unlock.

    NW is fine if heavies are your issue then be upfront and don't try to disguise it as a 'NW5 new player issue not having gear vets worked for'

    if you don't want to listen/read criticism then keep your thoughts to yourself and don't post them.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Are you not going for headshots OP?
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  13. Daemonn

    This thread started as a Balance HA + NMG + NWA but then I realized HA and NMG aren't the problem. NWA is, if it was removed or replaced by somethig else gameplay would not suffer, but instead improve.

    ALTs in Koltyr with pay gear and such are annoying but its over at BR15 and it's not that prevalent or game breaking. They don't get upgrades just different equipment.

    Also I don't see a problem with certification generation for new players. It's the fact that 20% reduction in small arms projectile damage is an obvious combat advatange when you end up face to face with someone. Combine that with a high BR players gear and further upgrades and it doesn't make sense. Then stack by playing HA + NMG + NWA.

    Do you believe it is balanced and everything is perfect right now in the game? Then why is it losing population faster than its gaining it? This would be a step in the right direction both for vets and new players.

    If removing NWA (while adjusting base armor values for TTK compensation) and replacing it with something more flavor will hurt the game can someone explain how?
  14. Daemonn

    Take off the tinfoil bro. There's no conspiracy going on. Is english not your first language because there's some comprehension issues on your side.

    Do all you guys posting in here play HA + NMG + NWA and think its skill when you kill anyone not HA? I could understand the ******** then.
  15. Daemonn

    Lol @ butt hurt being blocked by profanity filter.
  16. Daemonn

    What's headshot precious?
  17. Pelojian

    'flawed game' is not an argument, every game lacks balanced because everyone has a different oppinon. some are more popular then others.

    adjusting armor values would basically mean giving you and everyone else NW5 for free while wearing another suit slot. options are good for a game, removing options because a few are too lazy or cheap to earn and spend certs on NW5 is a bad idea and dumbs down the game.

    earn the certs for NW5 or stop complaining. NW is fine, learn to play fight to your strengths and the heavies weaknesses if you even know what they are.

    If you want a HA nerf, call it what it is, don't try to shroud it as some other 'issue'.

    The comprehension issues are on your side actually, i.e failing to notice opposing opinions have a point(and that the people of the world are not your yes men)

    Killing HAs is easy if you play to their weaknesses and your strengths you don't rush into a HA head on and expect to survive, you have to be sneaky lay mines, use LA and C4 them or get up someplace high with jump jets and hit them from above or lure them around a corner to C4 you've pre-placed. if you can't do any of those then pull HA yourself, the one with the better aim or DPS will win.
  18. Daemonn

    Please learn how to read and write proper english dude.

    Lol @ free NW5 while wearing another suit slot... THATS THE WHOLE POINT!! Now we have more options because we're not pigeonholed into NWA for CQC.

    You probably crutch on NWA + NMG + HA then call it skill. Smfh.
  19. customer548

    You're obviously the one wearing a tinfoil. :eek:
  20. Daemonn

    Great anecdotal example that isn't the rule but the exception.

    Of course you can counter heavies, thats not the point of this thread you ******* goon.