[Suggestion] Remove AP rounds ability to OHK infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Jake the Dog

    You're a special kind of person. Maybe you need clari****ation on what a tank shell really does. Hmm... Massive round+a couple hundred fps(feet per second) (made of steel and uranium (which is harder than steel)) (packed with explosive) and you ask to make it so that a 120mm/150mm/plasma deathray to not ohk you... Dude you need to stop snorting alcohol.
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  2. MarkAntony

    Yeah lets nerf the only weapon where it takes a modicum of skill to kill infantry and nerf it to hell. That makes sense!
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  3. Jake the Dog

    I do believe your argument just collapsed on itself. I don't know about you but I poored THOUSANDS of resources into my tanks and their weapons AND my tank costs me 450 tell me how much does it cost you to pull a RL or an av turret or maybe two bricks of c4. or 2 AT mines and a pistol. I'm going to be as straight with yall as possible this is arguably one of the most ******** posts I've read.

    What is it? 600 certs? for two c4? on a LA... Sounds rough.I spent hmm lets count
    Reload speed: 150+200+500+1000
    Anchor/Magburn/Shield 100+200+500+1000
    Speed: 100+200+400
    Stealth/nanites: 30+100?+400?+1000 I dont remember this one but you get the gist of it
    Ammo cap:... alot
    Zoom: 1+50+200?+500
    ALSO should be noted is the rep tool
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  4. Jake the Dog

    Lol skill is op in this game players with high br/ kdr should just get a damage reduction handicap (Im kidding soe please dont)
  5. NightEngine

    So why should infantry get an armor buff just because you equipped an AV weapon? Your logic is flawed.

    Also, just because they're AP rounds doesn't mean they're dedicated AV weapons.
  6. Flag

    Like the Real Life Matilda II Tank. Rocking AP rounds to shoot at infantry with!
    (WW2 tank)
  7. Halkesh

    IRL, tank are almost blind (tunnel vision 100% of time), in planetside 2 tank have 3rd person vision.
    IRL, a tank can be destroy or caught fire in 1 rocket, but not everytime (random damage)
    We are speaking of planetside 2, not IRL.

    Personally, I think Tank vs Infantry should be changed a bit :
    -Tank should wreck infantry in face to face
    -Tank should be almost blind (tunnel vision + mini-map) and more vulnerable from side/top/rear, especially to infantry

    In other word :
    -Remove the 3rd person view from tank gunner/pilot seat
    -Add turret rotation max speed (15° angle /sec for MBT and 25° angle /sec for Lighting)
    -Tank EHP from front should be increased by 50-100% while keep the same EHP from the side/top/rear
    -HE splash should be changed to 1000@2m and HEAT to 1000@0.5m, keep the min splash to 1@5m for both HE and HEAT
    -Increase every tank primary weapon reload speed to 150% (4sec => 6sec) but increase the damage to 150% to keep the same DPM (so it will be less effective against infantry)
    -Infantry AV weapon should be able to do critical damage to tank (tracks, fire, engine, etc)
    -Engineer repair kit should be less effective while the tank is hit.
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  8. Zotamedu

    Wow, you can't really apply real world logic to a game. It does not work. How come the large explosives filled shell from a Viper does not kill in one hit? How about most bullets outside the most high powered sniper rifles. If you take an LMG round to the face, you are dead right? How about grenade launchers? Direct hit with a high explosive 40 mm grenade and you should be minced meat but here you can take it and run on. The fact that you have a health bar and that you can be healed by a magical green ray and that you can be endlessly respawned when you die should be a clue that realism isn't really the point of this game.
  9. GhostAvatar

    If the forum ever needed a down vote feature, it would be for posts like this.

    I would love to see how much infantry farming you can do with AP compared to HE. Ohhh and btw, the hard counter to tanks is air, not infantry.
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  10. Ixidron

    Am I a soulless bastard if I can't stop laughing at the video?
  11. Jake the Dog

    "IRL" modern tanks have thermals as a secondary camera with a zoom feature mind you, shots travel a helluva lot faster. Contrary to popular belief HE blows up armor. Reactive armor, anti-projectile countermeasures, smokegrenades, travel 60+ MPH not KPH have an effective range of 2klicks. Also people dont want starcraft. Where tanks cant do s*** against infantry. But really lets use some common sense here. This is a tank. Its a VERY big gun. IT TAKES ALOT OF SKILL TO OHK someone with a AP round. Especially on the move or if ur target is moving. Im sorry if ur one of those guys that just sits on his engy turret while firing for 30s or stands there getting locks while silhouetted against esamirs white skies tbh you deserve to die for being that ret******. Play smart and your enemies will fall before you no matter who or what stands in your way. Be adaptable to the situation and carry out the task at hand. He's got AP maybe I should rethink my standing here when his gun is pointing towards my head (yes I will headshot you if you stand there). Also if you fire a rocket I will look to where that rocket came from and if i see u pop ur tiny head out im gonna blow it up. ALSO I will 9/10 wait for you (in controlled scenarios) to launch your lock on rocket at me as it gives away your position. Play smart crazy AP is at a heavy disadvantage as is HE and HEAT. HE: A lightning will kill you Heat: Other MBTs will kill you AP: Unless ur a good shot Infantry are going to swarm you like fat people in an all you can eat kfc buffet.
  12. Jake the Dog

    Also to be noted I do believe multiple tanks have a rotating camera feature on top of their tanks as well and future tanks in concept and planning... well lets just say if you thought the sherman from ww2 would be op in planetside you wouldn't want to meet these newcomers
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  13. Jake the Dog

    Nope the real soulless bastard died instantly and thats a mercy most people would've rather not given him
  14. Alarox

    I know right? I'm so proud.

    TIL AP is a crutch for bads.
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  15. Ixidron

    The M1 Abrams has 6 360º cameras and 1 fixed 120º camera in the front, 15º/sec is ridiculous even for WWII tanks.
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  16. Jake the Dog

    tbh i wouldn't care if you could ohk infantry with a viper. vipers as an at weapon suck. Bring your own tanks to the fight or 1 lib which seems to have profound effects on tanks also thats just common sense. It could be argued that new armor systems cough cough shields stop the bullets, blast of grenades and the like. We arent talking .50 (cept in the case of the rams). we're talking 120mm and above. If we're going to compare everything to real life then. In modern armies we are producing anti-fragmentary protection due the increased use of explosives by our enemies it would be reasonable to assume that by those standards by the day and age of planetside they've severely hampered the use of explosives. Do you want to know the blast radius of a real life of the m777 a 150mm artillery gun? 30m. Injury radius extends to about 100. No im not talking "irl" why because real life is overpowered as s***. What i'm saying is that use some sense and realize that if you die to an AP round that it took skilled timing and aiming. I've spent my entire game experiance in a tank you can look up my profile on the game page. I've died my fair share to infantry. It wasn't until MONTHS in that my KDR on my waterson account started moving towards positive and I just recently moved to TR and my KDR reflects prior experience. Now ive also seen alot of bad tankers with ap unable to kill me. I literally walked behind two mags and started shooting them with pounders in lockdown mind you. they missed 5 times. I killed one and an unfortunate lightning. btw i had the 1st rank of lockdown and 1st rank of nanites. please just learn to have an adaptive playstyle. Standing still in combat will get you killed.

    For example: U.S. Military doctrine states that when ambushed a person/team/squad/platoon should assault through said ambush. If standing straight up and firing at people without cover was what would work best the Army woulda told me.
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  17. Jake the Dog

    SOE can you just lock this forum before I put my head through a damn wall. I'm losing brain cells talking to some people
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  18. Zotamedu

    Again, you are trying to apply common sense from real life to a game where we have health bars and can regenerate an infinite amount of times after death. Then you start cherry picking which parts you personally seem to deem acceptable amounts of suspension of disbelief. That does not work. If a magical future shield can magically soak up the damage of a grenade and bullets, why not larger rounds? There are shields in the game that cannot be destroyed. What if they made flak armour out of Auraxian Wood, then they would be invisible since no known munitions can even scratch it.
  19. Doc Jim

    Not even going to bother reading the discussion...

    My answer to the title: нет
  20. LibertyRevolution

    I'm glad I could bring everyone together. :D
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