[Suggestion] Remove AP rounds ability to OHK infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    That's all that will happen to this game eventually.

    All the nerfs are vehicles vs. infantry, not the other way around. C4 remains totally ridiculous in the hands of faeries and that will never see a nerf it seems or ever get fixed.
  2. Covah

    Suggestion : Remove bullets ability to hurt players.

    Here, everyone happy.
    • Up x 1
  3. Leftconsin

    Better yet, just remove all hit detection.
    Removes complaints of bad hit detection AND complaints of OP weapons.
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  4. Cest7

    Maybe if they bugged HEAT to pre-nerf damage.
  5. 70g50

    Suggestion: Remove people who post such ********. Maybe we should make the tanks out of cardboard and let them look like cardboard. The cannons should fire with cotton balls. As a tank user you have:
    • c4
    • c4 sticked on a flash
    • cloaked flash with fury
    • rocketlaunchers
    • mines
    • av grenades
    • maxes with 2 different av weapons
    • the ******* mana turret
    • rocketpods
    • and hornets
    against you. And if you are not flying to low and you´re not to bad at aiming there´s not much a tank user can do against the last two if you don´t find cover or support. Sometimes you can outrepair them until they get bored. But only if you don´t get instafarmed by a banshee or airhammer at that moment.
    Also the maxes and mana turret´s fire out of render range so you even can´t fight back.
    And now the mighty higby has announced another wired launcher. What a stupid idea.
    I like tanking and that in the form of tank vs. tank. I couldn´t care less about infantry. But I need something to defend myself and if you get 120 mm of peace and freedom in your face you should not only die, you should die and be disassembled to your atoms with a lot of red fluids all over the place. (And that also if I shoot 1 mm near you in the ground.)
    If you are worried about farmers let them install more av turrets on the bases and make them more resistant to tank damage. Farming problem solved. Now hate me infantry minions. :)
  6. Covah

    You forgot randomly fliping the tank due to a little bumpy road.
    Also batlle sunderer witch blockade.
    Also harasser with hallberd harassment.
    • Up x 1
  7. 70g50

  8. BengalTiger

    The immunity zone is +/- 30 deg AFAIK.

    That means side armor will stop everything hitting it at a 30 deg angle that fails when hitting the front head on.

    With some mysterious, mathematical magic, that means the sides are half as thick as the front....

    I've seen an Abrams up close, its outermost layer (skirts and outer plate on turret) becomes much thinner at the point where anything hitting at a 30 deg angle will not harm the crew if it penetrates (it'll hit the engine/ammo, both of which are separated by thick @$$ walls/doors from the rest of the tank).

    Rough estimates - 225-300 mm RHA for the sides (using 450-600 for frontal thickness), and probably half of that again on the rear part of the sides, so 113-150 mm.

    The rear? I'd bet 50-75 mm for the hull, a bit more for the turret.

    Thus a 25 mm AP will only have a chance to puncture an MBT if it hits the rear head on. Then we'll run into another issue - the tank's internals ain't made of paper, so a nearly stopped round may or may not cause any damage after penetrating.