Reign of the 0.5 KDR's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rane, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Phyr

    1.6 kdr, I like the potential patch notes.
  2. Sowahka

    3.3kdr and I love the patch notes. A little concerned about invuln time since the distance between the spawn room and Point A at all outposts is incredibly tiny, but otherwise I love it. Also concerned about people who haven't gotten a kill yet being worth too little exp, statistically won't the majority of the people you kill have no kills on their life yet?
  3. Vorpal

    Isn't 0.5 KDR the average?

    More importantly, only terrible players think KDR means anything.

    It's true that planetside lacks a compelling meta game, with everyone just going to cap empty continents...but KDR doesn't speak anything at all to how well you accomplish your outfits/platoons goals.
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  4. Gustavo M

    Thank you, my good sir. Your compliments have been noted.


    In all seriousness: I don't even know why KDR exists In this game. It's really easy to get kills in a lib and farm the hell out of the "poor defenseless infantry" and net yourself a KDR above 7 In a matter of time. But people do enjoy "winning" that much, I guess.

    Different tastes, different points of view. But I'd rather get my head inside a 20 group and test how Is my luck doing.
    Not like FPS'es aren't about luck, and calling such "skill".
  5. Isila

    I can sit in a dual-cycler MAX with engineer buttbuddies spamming ammo packs and repair tools on me to farm a Biolab airpad all day accomplishing nothing for an easy 10.0+ KDR.

    Or I can assault a heavily-defended position as a medic constantly rezzing my squad/platoon mates and keeping the force moving to take the base for a 1.2+ KDR.

    KDR means nothing in this game, just like it meant nothing in PS1 when it was introduced. Any monkey can farm easy, low-risk kills in this style of game if they're so inclined.
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  6. HadesR

    And I don't think it's intended to .. Being camped like for like , infantry on infantry does allow for a bit more fight back than infantry vs vehicles ..
    Hopefully now people will have to work to lock down a spawn room, and not just use the derp no brainer of using Lib's / Tanks ..

    Funny how people say it's making it EZ mode .. Liking sitting above a spawn room in a Lib wasn't ?
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  7. Syphix

    Sitting pretty with around 6 KDR and I don't mind the changes. I got my kills through skill, not camping a sunderer. I can only see people that are directly affected (spawn campers) having negative things to say about the changes.
  8. GhostAvatar

    Well if we go by that logic and generalisation, then anyone who disagrees with the patch notes and is above 1 KDR is either a lib gunner or a spawn camper, who abuse the easiest crutches in the game to pad there stats.
  9. Dkamanus

    KDR is a personal stats measurement. I like seeing how a fair in battle, but I don't pull the "I'm x.xx KDR, suck my dick and obey me" card. In this game, being a skilled killer doesn't mean a thing if you are being useless for your team. Look:


    Although I can say for certainty that I fair quite well in using my dual grinder MAX unit, this is a Crown KDR. Defending the northern pass, I put my "killin skills" to good use.


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  10. Morpholine

    I'm just pointing out that the proposed changes do little to affect the perceived "problem" of spawn camping. (Personally, I feel people are still going to be spawn camped no matter what tool is available to use, down to dirty looks.)

    This is also an indirect nerf to exp gain on all sides of any intense battle with a high casualty rate.

    I predict the changes will have minimal overall impact on my personal play experience, however (other than the indirect xp nerf).
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  11. Zotamedu

    You base your argument around KDR and therefore it is moot by default.
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  12. MrLee.NO

    Or possibly a superb team player. I've spent hours supporting my guys basically just running an ammo sunderer to make sure the armour column could advance without gridning to a halt when everyone had to go back to an ammo tower. Didn't get many kills for that. But did it ever help the team? You bet. Or supporting the outfit MAXes as an engineer. Got killed a lot whith my repair tool out. But damn if we didn't wipe the floor with them as a collective.

    Some low K/D players are just plain bad at everything, but don't equate a low K/D with a bad player.
  13. SenEvason

    It will depend on what they mean by 'fraction' when they talk about newly spawned players, as well as how quickly it increases when a player is doing well. I'd be fine with starting with 70exp and adding 10 every kill or whatever.
  14. HadesR

    If only high KDR was a measure of intelligence rather than in game stats :p
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  15. MrHenderson

    I'm amazed that kdr discussions are still happening- never in existence has there been a game through which kdr farming was this easy. Ever. Zepher, rocket pods, HE rounds. Spawn camping.

    Anyone with an IQ over 70 and the most basic of motor skills can have an insanely high kdr in PS2 if they so desire...those who mock others with low ratios are nothing more than bottom feeders who are reveling in being on the right side of 1.0 for the first time in their gaming careers.
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  16. Gustavo M

  17. Morpholine

    I'm expecting past precedent, where newly spawned characters were worth a whopping 5 xp each, and it took minutes (i.e. for-freaking-ever in a firefight) to hit full experience gain for killing them.

    I could be wrong, but any way it's sliced, it's a nerf.
  18. Aelloon

    They will find that the exp nerf was too big so next patch (that happens 2 months later, but they'll talk about it a lot!) will add +100 exp for capping bases and then say that it balances out nicely.

    Hooray for more incentives for scrubs to ghostcap instead of actually playing a shooter and try to get better.

    That's great and all. Pat yourself on the back but now let me ask you this - what did you achieve? The people who were doing the killing had fun, maybe you had fun sitting in one place too. The people fighting learned to aim a little better AND they gained more experience than you. Cool, you took a few territories - now tell me, how quickly did you lose those territories again? 30 minutes? An hour? Two? That's the thing - taking a hit into your own play to get something done isn't worth it in this game. Our areas are being attacked hard and everyone's being called for help to stop the push into our lands - should I interrupt my fun (driving around in a Flash)? Obviously not, because whatever happens when I log on tomorrow the battle lines will be in the exact same spot as they always are.

    Thanks for the image for the next "let's nerf NC Maxes" post.
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  19. Littleman

    This is a horribad example. Mine was of a guy making himself useful by taking a point and HOLDING it from aggressors. Yours is simply an example kill whoring.

    KDR is worth something, but I suppose I must add that it depends on how you obtain it is what really matters. Medics that can't kill are just picking up the dead, if they're not hilariously gunned down in the process because they're no good at clearing the area of hostiles. Unlike other games, being a medic in PS2 requires some actual skill with a weapon to put to full use. We're assault troopers. Maybe not leading the pack, but if all we ever have out is our tool, we're only as good as the med kits the HA guys could be carrying.

    Finally, EVERYTHING done to make progress in this game requires killing. Healing won't clear a generator. Healing won't clear a room. It's an after-the-fact response tool. Prioritize. I see too many medics get gunned down because they'd rather rez than clear the area of hostiles.
  20. Fortress

    For all of your bluster about the irrelevancy of KDR's, you guys sure love talking about them.