[Radical Suggestion] Nerf Skyknightside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, May 7, 2016.

  1. Jex_=TE=

    I've had plenty of use in my SG but I approach the game differently. I'm not fussed about gaining certs and it would be nice to have more victims...I mean, targets to shoot at but I don't mind the waits in between. Yesterday was a prime example. Not much to shoot at and then I was busy for the next 15 minutes.

    Even though the stats will never show it, I claim a victory for each ESF/Lib I send running away which is far, far more than I kill. That makes kills even more satisfying because they're more rare. One decent SG operator in the area is enough to stop enemy air. it takes about 15 minutes before they give up spawning them and coming back for more then you're back to the quiet times again.

    As for buffing, I'm not sure it needs it. In a one on one against an ESF, both of us at full health, I can't remember the amount of times they've come rushing at me firing their missiles only to be shredded by my quad cannons. I find that if they're fairly close(ish) you will kill them easily if they don't bug out quickly. Long ranges hits still do lots of damage and will, a lot of the time, make them break off and that's the point really when you're an SG driver. You're there primarily to protect your team and not get kills. When I play my SG, I love it when I see an ESF lining up for a rocket attack only to leg it once I open up on them and knowing there's a few guys/girls not seeing a respawn screen. I hate it when I can't save a friendly ESF from an enemy one but then saving one again is great but even better if you're on TeamSpeak.

    This happened years ago but my mate was in an ESF being chased by and enemy fighter. I happened to be in my SG and he didn't think he'd make the WG so I told him to fly towards me (being in the same squad made this easy). I just asked which direction he was coming in from, he said west, I look west, see his smoking bird fly over me followed by the enemy ESF behind him. I ripped into this guy, tracked him perfectly over my SG and he was a smoking heap just after he passed me and never even knew what happened to him LOL
  2. Jex_=TE=

    Oh and THIS,THIS,THIS! :D
  3. Jawarisin

    If you're gonna try to say something isn't done when it clearly is, I'm gonna need some quote there. those 146 hours I hope were in a day. Tell yourself I probably accounted for 5-10% of those hours. Figure I might know what I'm talking about and you don't.

    Your stats are still meaningless so long as you can solo-lib. Solo-libbing is totally feasible (I would know, I do it). It's just that someone like you would have no hope whatsoever to make it work. You would never be able to do it and thus, it's not possible for you. Anybody can use a skyguard; but only very few are able to solo-lib.

    Also, seriously; more damage? Might as well say that the AP vanguard out-performs everything because it has more damage. #That'sSomeLogic

    Your stats were and still are meaningless.
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  4. ColonelChingles

    Huh... it's almost as if my suggestion would imply that Vanguards are the best at shooting down aircraft?

    Vanguard AP- 1.72
    Prowler AP- 1.15
    Magrider AP- 1.08

    When engaging aircraft, OHK weapons are the best weapons. That's because aircraft have the luxury of being able to outrun anything on the ground and so ground units have very short engagement windows. The Vanguard, as opposed to other tanks, is able to OHK aircraft more easily (the Prowler does less damage and the Magrider has significant drop). And the stats show that.

    That's different when engaging ground units, because those engagement times are longer. You don't have to kill most ground units outright because they can't get away that easily (Harassers being an exception). So the Vanguard is worse at engaging ground units, but better at engaging air units compared to other MBTs because it has traits that the Skyguard lacks... high damage in a short time.

    The Dalton is pretty much a Vanguard cannon mounted on a chassis that can go much faster than the Vanguard... it unfairly has the best of both worlds. Again, as proven by the statistics.
  5. Jawarisin

    So good you can't use it eh? I wonder why.
  6. ColonelChingles

    I'm really starting to worry about your complete lack of understanding of why comprehensive statistics are more reliable evidence than limited personal anecdotes.

    In the end, it doesn't matter how you or I do with particular equipment, the statistics tell a much better story than either of us could hope to.
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  7. Jawarisin

    Might want to read on Misuse of statistics

    You can twist statistics or misuse them because of your ignorance, but it still doesn't mean everything you say is true.
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  8. ColonelChingles

    Oh sure not everything. But you're welcome to challenge the statistics I put forth. So far there has yet to have been a single pilot that has convincingly managed an alternative explanation as to why statistically they have some of the best A2A weapons in the game and why G2A weapons perform so poorly.

    Like seriously. These debates have gone on for... 2 years at least. You'd think in that time if there was a serious flaw in the statistics some pilot would have managed to figure it out by now! :p
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  9. Jawarisin

    Plenty of people gave you plenty of valid arguments. But you're living in a cave and you close yourself to everything that isn't what you want.

    You're a way sub-par player that somehow pretends like he knows everything.

    You pretend like it's the skyguard's fault, but you get 8.1 KPH with the skyguard and 11.9 kph with the cyclone I mean, that should tell you something. And regardless of what you say. A terribly bad player like you who can't even manage a 1 k/d on the best SMG still manages to get a 5 k/d on a skyguard. That's to say how easy it is.

    Seriously, how can you even take yourself seriously trying to talk about stats when - and trust me I've seen lots of stat pages - your own stats are like the worst I've seen in years. You don't know anything, and you think you do, and you try to tell other people how wrong they are; in the meantime, despite your all-mighty knowledge, I've seen brand new players be better than you.

    Those are your stats. You said KPH was reliable? Well, that should say it all about your competency level.
    I'll be nice and link you directly to my own stats; why don't you look at the KPH yourself. Maybe it'll give you an idea about why youshould stop thinking you know everything and simply listen sometimes.

    Best of Luck
  10. ColonelChingles

    Ah yes, ad hominem attacks. The last retreat of those with no argument whatsoever.

    Me: Ok, so if you have a problem with the stats, exactly why do you think the statistics do not accurately reflect the reality that the Dalton gets about twice the aircraft kills as the Skyguard per equal hour of use?

    You: Completely ignores the question and again focuses on a single player.

    Seriously. Anyone with a modicum of sense knows that personal anecdotes or examples that contradict the large body of statistical evidence are outliers and have no relevance to anything. How you can't comprehend that should be a statistical outlier in and of itself.
  11. Jawarisin

    Meh, it's the truth. Your stats are meaningless and I already explained why.
    And you don't know anything, as your stats show. So I'm not expecting much; it's just as I said. You're bad because you don't want to listen.

    Seriously though, you average like 1 kill per 5 minutes with the cyclone. How can you even be so bad?
  12. ColonelChingles

    Like I said, lay it all out. I've yet to hear a single compelling argument that explains why the Skyguard and Dalton statistics are incorrect. That includes from you for all these months. You've never, ever had a clear or even reasonable argument at all. It's always boiled down to "Liberators may be OP but they're not easy post a video hurr durr". Which completely misses the point of the statistics.
  13. LaughingDead

    Then how bout we break down the stats OF THE WEAPONS AND NOT THE PEOPLE THAT ARE USING THEM.
    Skyguard kills a full hp esf in about 4.5 seconds. For those that don't know, thats pretty damn fast for a vehicle.
    A hornet esf which is the exact counter to armor needs to setup, get stable and lead his shots in the rear of a lighting before 4.5 seconds or he is dead. Hornet rockets base take 4 seconds to reload, 1-3 to reach a mid to long range target and require the pilot to lead and constantly guide them, a hold on their position to guide them.

    So where is this esf gib skyguard scenario going to happen? When a skyguard isn't paying attention or is unaware, much like a tank thats unaware of a harrasser, except a harrasser doesn't have a hex blaring sound effect that alerts anyone paying attention.

    Next is the "it doesn't kill them, it's ineffective" argument. An EMP doesn't kill people, however its one of the most powerful grenades in the game, why? It strips a soldiers shields, half it's HP. Say a skyguard clips an esf for about 2 seconds, landing good shots and nails the bugger before turns and jets off, half his HP is gone, which in that time he is incredibly vulnerable to any heavy with a lockon, other skyguard, walker, other esf and any vehicle thats a good shot that's watching.

    "Well what about those darn skyknights always way up top killing all the other esfs?" And I say, what about them? Much like a sniper shouldn't be sniping at over 350 meters (because the damage dropoff prevents a one shot kill) you shouldn't be able to effectively engage esfs flying way out of your view, esfs are generally closer range combatants with the same rules that apply to other ground vehicles.

    "But those esfs gank tanks so bloody fast!" Well yea they do, if they have the right build. Hornets are the go to anti armor solution, with reaver lol rockets being slightly more effective against armor and mossy lolpods being more effective against infantry (higher direct damage and more AoE damage respectively) I can't remember what the VS had. But the thing is, it usually takes 6 rockets or 2 in the back then 2 anywhere else (generally) to kill a tank, at base, thats 8 seconds total reload, 8 seconds is a long time when skyguards kill in 4.5.

    "But libs kill tanks faster and have more armor" got me there, it does take more than one tank to make a convoy however I do find it rather unfair that a lib can always trade with a tank no matter what considering it's time to kill, HOWEVER the rework that tomcat rockets are getting will take libs down by 1/7th of their HP per shot, an esf can constantly deal damage and deck a libby, not to mention a lib is a big target, a big slow moving target that will take fire from every single flak round and walker round shot at it from a good distance away, with the next rework it should help, and tbh, I think that the devs should nerf the swap speed from pilot to gunseat, a teamwork vehicle should not be manned by one pilot effectively no matter how effective the pilot is, like a heavy should not kill 50 people in an instant by himself with a gun, guns have DPS's built in for a reason, to prevent even the most skilled players from completely dominating a game solo.

    All that being said, nerf skyknightside? Not really. The only thing I have a problem with is the skyknights that simply deck newbies so no one gets into the air and actually learns, it's harsh and I do try to help people out a lot, but the thing is, its still a team game, a solo pilot will not beat a better pilot, 2 decent pilots can beat a good pilot and so on, get wingmen.
  14. Jawarisin

    read the posts above.

    Otherwise, still I'm trying to figure out how you can do that.... Your skyguard gets your nearly more kph than your cyclone.
  15. ColonelChingles

    The posts above... like the one written by a pilot who thought KPH meant how many people died to a weapon from 1PM to 2PM?

    Their grasp of statistics is even worse than yours... which really says a lot.
  16. Jawarisin

    kph = kills per hour.

    You shouldn't try to use statistics when you don't know what they mean and you can't interpret them.

    Still laughing about that 11.9kph on your cyclone. I could also laugh about your 5.2 kph on your mercenary.

    But I'm sure you still think you're the master infantry player lel.
  17. ColonelChingles

    Oh, looks like I gave you too much credit in at least ranking above the last pilot who tried to comprehend mathematics.

    You're as incompetent as he is in understanding the Oracle's stats.
  18. Jawarisin

    you're really dumb are you...
    straight out of your link:

    • KPH - Kills per Hour - Kills / Playtime

    But now I know not to expect much of you.
  19. ColonelChingles

    Yes... and your fellow pilot who was attacking the stats didn't even realize that was the case.

    He even went on to suggest that there were more Dalton gunners than Skyguards!

    This is what... the fourth time I've asked you to provide an actual, legitimate reason why the stats are inaccurate. Not once have you, or anyone else, managed to come up with at least a plausible alternative explanation.

    Because there isn't one.

    The Dalton simply is the better AA weapons than a dedicated AA vehicle that can't do anything else on account of its high damage and the ability to have a longer engagement window. The statistics clearly show this and so far are irrefutable.
  20. Jawarisin

    As I said, read up, not going to repeat myself for you.

    Also, you should realise how low 5.2 kph is on your mercenary if you know what kph is. Seriously, what are you even doing?