R.I.P Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DMan6505, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Vanus Aran

    The only time when I see you is when TR is zerging everything.
    Are you pulling a joke because its you saying this?
  2. Arch

    Im afraid your mistaken if you think I am on a high horse. There is a problem with a currently high TR percentage of the population on Miller, and those of us who are loyal to the TR are just as unhappy with it as you are. The problem IS 4th faction players who have no loyalty to the faction they fight for and change depending on buffs, nerfs and who is winning at the time.

    Those of us who have been and always will be loyal to our faction can do nothing to change the fact that others on this server have suddenly swaped from VS/ NC and have joined the TR. Whining at the TR for them being over populated is pointless.

    As for you being a loyal TR player, but play VS due to the low population, well I guess that's loyalty for you. Can you take some more of the so called loyal TR with you please, you'll probably find they have some mid level VS characters too.
  3. Blutreiter

    Honestly, I believe that TR players are to blame for this as well as SOE. The players I am especially referring to are commonly called "winning team joiners".
  4. Blutreiter

    No. You are missing the point I am trying to make. I actually believe that we have progressed beyong 4th faction jumpers. TR has the highest base population and also the jumpers on top, but even without the jumpers TR would still have the highest population. The current situation is just adding insult to injury.
  5. Vanus Aran

    Maybe its to protest too! I noticed the overall population of VS receiving a heavy blow when Magrider got nerfed and not the "wallsliding" but the Magburner!
    Now the Magburner is really just about to be just good enough. If he would be any weaker you could trash it.

    Plus - Zelotoverdrive comes in the game, an ability similar to the Magburner in terms of making you more mobile and whats happening? Its mobility was nerfed!! Personally I barely feel a difference tough.
    I think the ability itself is enraging many people because its sometimes just overpowered for the user, sometimes overpowered for the enemy. Its risks just suck and it should be altered.
    Ive got my own topic on this btw. *draws topiccard* https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/zoe-change-faster-not-stronger.130254/

    VS is the only faction that is so openly punched in the face all the time with its most popular features.
  6. RF404

    Oh, the irony!
  7. Arch

    I'm not missing your point, I'm disagreeing with you.

    TR on Miller have had a slight advantage in numbers, but it hasn't always been so. The NC and VS have both had 'happy times' when they had the advantage in population, but it was always slight. The issue is now that TR have a much higher advantage, and this I believe is down to those who jump faction to win, or to take advantage of a buff or avoid a nerf.

    This is not something that the players who have always played TR can do anything about, and yet some NC & VS blame the TR as a faction and QQ about it on the forums. I suggest those who have come here to whine at the TR get back into the game and fight for your faction where it counts and don't quit just because your the underdog. Trust me we hate being overpopulated by faction jumpers just as much as you hate being underpopulated.
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  8. Arch

    You must have a different definition of loyalty then if you think I was being ironic.
  9. RF404

    Well that point must've gone right over you head if you think it was a remark about your definition of loyalty. (Hint: try looking for the meaning of "being on a high horse" and then read the quoted sentences again.)
  10. Arch

    I understood perfectly thank you. However I was neither arrogant in believing myself better in some way, nore did I assumed the moral high ground in my reply. What I did do was point out that he said he was a loyal TR player, but plays VS. Now that is irony.
  11. Bargus

    Does no one remember Launch day and the first 2 months. VS had huge numbers at the beginning because of their ultra speedboat of death. VS had upwards of 40% population. But for some reason no one seems to remember this?
  12. Procellus

    That is ridiculously unfair and could be easily turned around. If you hate being overpopulated so much why don't you switch sides instead of QQing about it on the forums?

    Complaining about it is the only thing we have left. It's gotten so out of hand that Miller is essentially unplayable for the VS/NC. The TR enjoy a triple continent lock and are able to simultaneously maintain a population on each continent to keep it. That's unfair no matter how you try to justify it.
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  13. Procellus

    So that makes it ok?
  14. RF404

    So pointing out that someone isn't loyal according to your standards is not assuming a morale highground? Interesting
  15. Jestunhi

    How about you offer to pay TR players for the unlocks, progression, etc they have achieved rather than just expecting them to sacrifice it all your your benefit?

    Keep in mind the game is not just to entertain you, the TR players are in no way required to sacrifice their own entertainment to please you.
  16. Arch

    I'm not QQing about it. I'm pointing out that blaming all TR players is pointless. As for switching sides, not going to happen ever. I've been TR from the first day I logged in to Planetside 1, and I have put all of my game time and SC into my TR character, so I won't switch sides, no matter what happens to the TR population, or it get nerffed into the ground. TR4life.
    • Up x 1
  17. maxkeiser

    Hilarious times on Miller.

    Just logged off fighting on Esamir. TR have 50% + of the population. The next closest is NC with 30%.


    Got a bit bored fighting never-ending wave after wave of TR.
  18. Vanus Aran

    Know what you mean. And then not. :D

    Is fighting TR or VS so different for you? I tested out Moscito and Reaver today for the first time.
    They feel so not different from the Scythe. Its minimal. If not for the music, I would feel no great difference in factionatmosphere at all.
    And now im beginning to think I know why most people (in general?) play TR. Or at least on Miller.

    They just got the best music! The arrogance mindset "Victory is our tradition" feels good for a military unit too!
    What has the VS or NC to beat that? Nothing in particular. Not really. I realized the choice between NC and VS was a small one.
    I just cannot stand arrogant bastards like the people leading the TR. Controllfreaks who simply devalue other peoples individuality.

    I wonder why VS and NC fight each other? Nothing speaks against one side of the "alliance" to throw themself into cybernetic and synthetic and the others... dont know, start their own humanity-based culture. Dont know if the "Nanitehumans" of Auraxis are really still humans to begin with. Who can simply revive after dying?

    But to return to the topic: I think the difference in empire-feeling is not as big.
    If I shoot a NC or TR, it barely feels different. Scythe is not supermobile, Moscito is not superfast and Reaver is not that much more sturdy as the other two named as well.
    I wish the people on Miller would just stop facing hopelessly outnumbered people and reroll another faction.

    Even if SOE has to adjust some musics :rolleyes: :D or buff the overall different feel of the empires.
    I really have trouble to find anything worth in the NC that justifys to put up with that music. ^^"
  19. Stigma

    That's just not going to happen though. Apart from a very very few special individuals people won't leave their primary character with lots of certs (and ties to outfits, friends ect.) to go play another empire where they will have to face an uphill battle. For every player that actuality does this you will have 5 going over to the higher pop empire in return, either because they just want to be on the winning side, or because they feel that they have no other option even though they would actually prefer to stay with their current empire.

    In short - this issue just can't/won't be resolved by the playerbase itself. A large mass of people like this just doesn't have anywhere near the sort of discipline you need to balance the game on their own accord. Instead people will take the path of least resistance.

    I'm a little scared of what will happen once server-transfer tokens become available. I think a significant portion of VS and NC will throw their arms in the air and say "ok, enough of this" and go find themselves a new home server where they aren't constantly underdogs. This in return will magnify the problem and snowball out of control until TR have no one left to shoot - at which point I wouldn't be surprised if they just left too.

    The only plausible fix I think is a server-merge (with some server where TR dosn't also have over-pop). There is honestly more than enough room for it I think. It has been weeks (months?) since I've seen a continent queue on Miller playing the VS. having more than one "active" continent at a time would not be a bad thing.

  20. maxkeiser

    There needs to be more bonus for lower-pop factions.

    Double XP for lowest pop straight up. Possibly even more.