PTS Patch Notes - 8/1

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Neodym

    That is NOT working on PTS!!!!
  2. LLancaster

    Fair comment. But without having that confirmed by the devs, maybe it's another reason. My point was more of a "Why is this happening?" than a "What will this affect?". Do agree with you though, but without knowing the stats of the other lockons blast radii I would venture that this is an incorrect guess otherwise they would have reduced blast radius for ALL launchers.
  3. LLancaster

    I have never found myself thinking "Hey, resistance to explosives would be nice on my non MAX class." EVER. Been playing since beta. There are far better options to take over something that is highly HIGHLY situational.

    You're 100% correct on the AI mines, if you run, you take damage but won't die. OH guess what! I run every where. :eek: Shocking I know, but I have to get from point A to point B in as little time as possible to out maneuver the enemy. Who'd a thunk it?

    Rocket primaries? Please sir, don't shoot me with the very slow and large bullet that I can dodge if I'm not stuck in a corridor.

    Vehicles? Eh, they spent the resources, I didn't, and my fault for being out in the open.

    C4 fairies.... I hate all of the ones that are not named Lancaster. :p

    Grenades are only an issue if I'm not paying attention or it lags. They have a RED indicator for crying out loud. You see it, you move. Done.

    Personally, I'd like to see the stats on how many people use flak armor now and then compare it to how many people are still using it a month after this patch. Is there a plan to remove all of the +resistance certs and just balance based on damage output alone? I would imagine it would make it easier to balance the game if this was the case (less variables to consider).

    All we have to go off of at the moment is that they want to "reduce lethality across the board". So I guess players will live longer and have more time to strategize or react to a situation. But maybe it's something else.
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  4. taxidriver

    What could change?

    Usage of the HE could rise, by much.

    HEAT could become useless. I just imagine 10 Vanguards driving around with a Titan HE and thermal vision, avoiding armored enemies....
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  5. StyleBlaster

    I dont really care for the rocket changes, although i use medic, engie, max most of the time with full flak....but people were in favour of UBGL nerf-to-hell saying; well boy, u will still be able to check the corners with new grenade tickler.....
    Well boys, let me say that with RL changes u wont be able to kill with blast, at least u will be able to "check the corners" ;)
  6. TotallyNotBiased

    NERFNERFNERNFERNERF. Please, next time try to add before you remove, because things constantly being nerfed all the time is getting properly samey.
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  7. MrTr1cky

    Nooo the nerf on tanks would mess up everything! Whenever someone needs to kill that one guy who is shooting a rocket at you will all be done and he will get the kill. In real life a tank's rocket could fully kill a human being why not implement that in the game still?
  8. r4zor

    1) All you need to do is either HIT THAT GUY or use HE (1 hit kill with splash) / HEAT (1-2 hit kill with splash) if you cant aim properly. You still have the advantage because.. well.. you are a tank with more HP than that infantry. If you still lose your probably bad or he deserved to get the kill
    2) In real life tanks will also get destroyed by a single anti tank missile :rolleyes:
    3) In real life soldiers are NOT guarded by a personal ENERGY SHIELD absorbing most of the damage

    Oh and by the way: Just been ingame, in a Lightning and no, it definitely did not "mess up everything".
  9. Tython

    Yes, that's the first thing I tried. Validating game assets, disabling firewall/antivirus, running in Admin mode, nothing works.

    It's a server-side issue.
  10. Russell

    This. The stupid punishment mentality in video game balance needs to stop. Nerfing is punishing - punishing the use of a certain aspect of the game. EVERY game developer makes this mistake of punishing first and buffing later. How about you look at buffing first and nerfing later? Might give you a new perspective on things - because every time you nerf, you're just buffing something else. If buffing that something else doesn't sound like a good idea, well guess what: NERFING PROBABLY ISN'T A GOOD IDEA. I swear, you developers must get some sick sort of vengeful pleasure out of nerfing things because that's exactly what you're responding to: kids who get pissed and rage and want something punished for their own reasons. Keep that in mind.
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  11. SinerAthin

    With this patch, I'd like to see Rocket Launchers renamed into Super Soakers instead.

    It would be a name more befitting of their new "destructive power".
  12. DatVanuMan

    The HA shield "CHANGES" (How SOE and nerf supporters refer nerfs by) ARE NEVER happening. The resistance was so bad that SOE actually paid attention to the issue and decided not to do anything. The HA shield is what makes him special and the "Killer" class. Nerf that, and he's a Light Assault with a malfunctioning jetpack.
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  13. Livefire

    "The canopies on top of most spawn rooms has been removed. This will allow you to shoot up out of the spawn rooms a little easier, hopefully shooing away those pesky Liberator campers.
    The painfields around most spawn rooms have been increased in size. This should force campers to back up a bit."
    REALLY!!!???? How about we not make a game totally over simplified and designed for noobs... First lets get ride of "pain fields" all together because they are not needed as the tower spawns have an entrance and exit now as they didn't originally and this made pain fields necessary in the first place to clear out a spawn if the other team got campers in there right before a cap as they would just rack up tons of spawn kills with impunity because the tower owner could not get in and resecure it. And MAKE THE SPAWN BUILDINGS 2 WAY JUST LIKE THE TOWERS SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO STUPIDLY JUMP OFF THE ROOF TO GET BACK IN!!! And the canopies provided protection well but also with a risk of getting killed if you wanted to sit up there and snip as there should be. By not having the canopies all you are doing is making players camp aircraft behind a invulnerable shield with AA and no player will want to sit up there and snip and provide cover fire for other teammates leaving the spawn with out any canopy cover:(!!!!!!
  14. Livefire

    And now that I have read the rest dear god!! SO lets see AV should kill everything as its a one shot and slow firing. If I land an AV round/rocket/missile with in 5 meters of an infantry soldier he should be feeling it and if I land one with in 5 feet he should be dead unless he has fully upgraded flak armor... If I land one directly on him he should be dead no matter what and I should be worshiped for my mad AV skill in hitting small fast moving targets with AV weapons end of story!!!! Jesus SOE Devs what are you thinking??? What games do you come from MMORPG's or somthing? This is FPS!, tactical realism!, low TTK!, twitch!, skill! Kill or be Killed!
  15. t31os

    That was sarcasm right? ... funny all the same. :)
  16. HolyMohli

    this rocket adjustments are a big joke..

    first of all fix the Striker..

    2nd.. can u explain how many shots we need then
    to destroy a Vanguard or Magrider or Sundy with Deploy shield?

    maybe ~15 rockets OR WHAT? ... ... what a joke srsly
  17. Livefire

    Not really, they are ruining my favorite game and taking away what little bit of tactical realism it had. All just because ******* players that suck at FPS games complain about being one shot with AV instead of learning how to ******* play better!:mad: