PS2 is a broken game... and why.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vishnue, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Vaphell

    On occasion, wait no, EVERY ******* SINGLE TIME the TR and the Indar Ex or Mao-Abandoned Offices-Howling pass are involved we are forced to face GK at 500m and there is NOTHING that allows to limit exposure when approaching to any meaningful degree. Hell, sometimes you see prowlers sniping from the Mao proper, because it's located on a hill giving the generous overview and they can reach every relevant spot with relative ease.
    Were is the cover there?

    Where are you forced to CQC? In Hossin swamps nobody cares about? At a bend of some canyon where you are at the mercy of some C4 fairy either way?

    At 500m? No, you are not.
    How many people do you know that can consistently hit anything with a halberd at any range? How many people are capable of consistently hitting with GK? (anybody with a pulse).

    No, I am sour that a trivially reached critical mass of prowlers with generous LoS can dismantle any number of ground vehicles uncontested, with the pinnacle of OPness, the shield, extending the life expectancy by a second tops. You clearly are unaware of the broken synergy of the DPS factories the prowlers are.

    Are you rtarded, honest question. Are you comparing effective range of GK that is a point and click adventure up to the render distance to weapons with a significant drop and/or recoil and less generous feedback about the accuracy, that require hundreds of hours of practice to get decent at?

    which takes infinitely more skill at 500m. How many pro-vanguard crews do you realistically expect to see at any given time? How many "competent" GK prowlers can the TR field?

    What cover? How many ******* times do I have to mention Indar Ex or the Mao cluster-*****? Show me that cover in the Indar desert because I am just not seeing it.

    Yeah, I bet you were also facetanking ZOEs in their prime as a MAX on equal terms. After all ZOE required god tier skills to operate and anybody with a pulse was able to counter them.

    Words are cheap. Show your leet skills with all the opness the vanguard can offer you then I will take you seriously. Switch sides whenever a dozen of you cheesers are camping with GKs in the usual spots and don't forget to record your deeds for an epic MLG montage. Too bad that no such thing is going to happen because you are going to get your **** pushed in, leet halberd sniping or not.

    I am trivializing shield because you either use it to trample people at point blank while sure that nobody is going to intervene, which rarely if ever happens in big battles, or you use it defensively as a oh **** measure, mostly to reach cover. I'd estimate this purpose to be easily 95% of use cases.
    Shield is completely meaningless when engagement distance is measured in hundreds upon hundreds of meters. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

    Yeah, you only get +30% damage output at the drop of the hat, without any cooldown to speak of. Clearly weaksauce.

    When you are expecting the brawler tank to close distance, then sitting behind cover is counterproductive, isn't it.

    And i think you are running your mouth on the internet without having half a clue to support it.
    Unless you show me your epic deeds of valor in a vanguard against prowlines in the usual spots, it's all delusions of grandeur of some TR tryhard loser.
  2. orangejedi829

    Everyone across all 3 factions who isn't completely delusional knows that the Vanguard and Magrider are woefully eclipsed by the Prowler in terms of effectiveness.
    So it's quite amusing to watch the TR apologists not only say that the Prowler is not OP, but that it is somehow actually UP.
    *grabs more popcorn*
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  3. Savadrin

    At least I don't think that 4 places in Northern Indar is the sum total of Planetside 2 armor fighting, or that I have to be stupid enough to try and match a hilltop prowler column force on force when they're in their element. I've given you legitimate and easy solutions. Just letting the Prowlers SEE a flash coming will distract the whole column. You, instead, cry like a window-licking crash helmet child, and throw a tantrum because you don't have the shiniest toy, and you don't want to step out of your precious Vanguard.

    Are you this bad at the rest of life?
  4. Kraxist

    Savadrin, I'm just curious...have you ever played against a 2/2 Prowler running AP/GK? I mean, you're defending this pretty hard. But I'm just curious to know if you've ever been on the receiving end of what so many are complaining about.

    Because, and I'm not attacking you, it really doesn't seem like you have. Any tank can run vehicle stealth and AP rounds, sneak up from the rear, and defeat his opponent. That's just good strategy. But saying that's a necessary component for a Vanguard to beat a Prowler doesn't make a very good argument. Strategy and balance are not all bundled into the same package man.

    And for all of the pointing done at the Halberd, I'd really like to see you hit a hull down Prowler on top of a mountain with any weapon even one time while advancing to this CQC range you speak so avidly about. More importantly, holy crap the GK at night is like blindingly explosive.

    I'm just saying, out of everyone in this seem to be the only one who hasn't played against it. No one has said nerf lockdown. No one has said nerf Prowler AP. The GK is the focus here, and for good reason. And if you really want to know why, all you have to do is find yourself on the receiving end of it to discover how overwhelming it is to face. The only thing that move these Prowlers for the time being is air power.
  5. Savadrin

    I have. I went against hundreds of millions of pre-nerf GK harassers and prowlers, it felt like.

    The real point I'm arguing here is not that the GK is so easy to use. It is, and no one is arguing that. But it's also not the Megatron of weapons. It's a steady stream of damage from any range. But it ONLY excels at long range where other weapons have skill caps or hard caps.

    My point is that for all the ******** being done, no one is talking about the other 90% of the game map where the prowler is either at even odds or at a disadvantage.

    There is more than Northern Indar, and if you choose not to play there, then enjoy the red rockets bois.
  6. Savadrin

    Just remembered this when talking about MAX suits, actually.

    I've pushed a line of prowlers back into the tech plant from Abandoned NS Offices with a dual Vortex MAX, an engineer, and a rock. Ended a spawn camp in the process.

    Where's Taemien when we need him to talk about the two-heavy-one-engi harasser team that phoenixes prowler columns into loose hardware?

    At any rate, it's clear that asymmetrical balance isn't for you folks. Nor is admitting the bevy of situations where the Vanguard dominates.
  7. CrazyFrog

    I can tell you why planet side 2 is broken

    1. its full of bugs
    2. its laggy even with 80gig fibre optics internet
    3.its full of hackers
    4. its heavily pay to win
    5. allot of the community are vile but player vs player games tend to attract brats and trolls
    6. faction balance is fairly poor
    7. there are no systems in place to even out population balance.

    proberly more ive missed

    the game is reasonable it has allot of issues though but can still be fun at times.
  8. Taemien

    The Vanguard like most NC equipment is extremely nasty in coordinated groups. Like I've said before. If the NC wants to win, just put aside petty differences, stop soloing, and work together. They can win, they have won just about every time when they do it.

    But run 1/2 Vanguards and get farmed. That's not a balance problem. That's a user error.

    Dev's can't code out stupid or ineptitude.

    But lets say everyone is right, and NC is UP across the board. Lets say that's the case that everything NC is inferior in every way possible. Its still on the player to choose a faction that doesn't suck. Seriously it is. If the NC is so bad (like the OP shows with the alert stats), why are NC players so ****** stupid to keep playing it? If they're that dumb, they could buff the DPS 1000x and they'd still lose right? I mean by that argument if you gave them a instant one hit no miss weapon. They'd just TK each other to death.

    So if you all are right. Be smart and reroll. If you even know how.
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  9. ThreePi

    No, its on the devs to make a fair and balanced system for all players. Not for two thirds of the players. Not for the people playing in a handful of Server Smash events every year. ALL THE PLAYERS. The World Domination Series, two+ years of Alerts have shown, without a goddamn shadow of a doubt that the NC underperform. The stats have been so goddamn consistent for YEARS. Not only have SoE/Daybreak done **** all to try and fix it, they haven't even been ***** to acknowledge the problem.

    If Daybreak honestly, sincerely, truly believes the three factions are balanced, why can't they just come out and say it?
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  10. Taemien

    If they've been so dishonest, in the opinions of those who feel the same way you do. Why do you stick around for 3+ years? By toughing it out you send them the signal that everything is ok.

    Which brings me to believe that the conviction of the players is Lacking. Which means they don't believe the very complaints they spout. And don't give me the load of BS about players leaving. The names of you all haven't changed in 3 years.

    Do a mass exodus out of PS2 if you think its that bad. But you won't because you know it isn't. Its just a few dudes trying to get a few buffs for their faction. Come on now.. that's the reason behind these threads. Has been since 1999 with the first generation of MMOs.

    Don't BS me. Don't BS Daybreak.. but most importantly, don't BS yourselves.
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  11. ThreePi

    A mass exodus fixes the game for no one and hurts the game for all.

    This isn't about BSing anyone. This is about looking at very clear, very obvious, and very consistent performance over the majority of the game's lifespan and seeing a problem that has gone unaddressed.

    Your solution is to either accept it and shut up, or walk away. Fact of the matter is, I think Daybreak is afraid of balancing the game. Population isn't going up, and even the appearance of one faction getting buffs will cause the other two to revolt. Look at the ES pistol buffs for example. The AMP and Spike already perform fine, but the Mag Scatter is one of the worst performing, least used pistols in the game. But rather than just fixing the Mag Scatter, they got to give something to everyone to keep everyone complacent.
  12. Taemien

    It works in other games. When a faction, class, or whatnot gets discarded and ignored. It usually gets the crap buffed out of it.

    So either PS2 players are stupid, or things aren't as bad as they claim. Being as I've played NC for 3 years.. I'm inclined to believe that isn't the faction, its weapons, or its vehicles.
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  13. orangejedi829

    My point was that the Prowler outperforms the Vanguard and Magrider by a significant statistical margin.

    Your point was that players who don't like their faction should reroll.

  14. Taemien

    Second point was sarcasm. Why the hell would I play NC for 3 years and still have a NC Max as a profile avatar?

    As for statistics. Bad players make up alot of players. And balancing around them is a bad idea as you could push the advantage to the NC in organized play. Balance around the top tier players is better simply because lower tier won't stay low forever.

    Think about that, you, me, everyone here was a newbie at some point in time. None of us are newbies now.
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  15. Gutseen

    read some books , ur autism is giving kids cancer.

    this and putting down the fact prowl has an Anchor mode, thus classifying it as a Self-Propelled gun.

    while TANKS have a role of pushing back enemy lines and rendering any fortifications useless, prowl will lose a confrontation with a Vang, if it lands the shot first.
  16. Vaphell

    The Indar T cuts the map naturally to 3 pieces, 50% desert, 25% canyons and ****, 25% green hills and ****.
    Last time I checked we have these things called alerts, which, if you think about winning them, require delving into the TR desert from time to time. Which means Indar Ex, Mao without exceptions and a hilltop prowler column force accumulating automatically, again with no exceptions. Yes, if it comes to that then it pretty much becomes the sum total of PS2 armor fighting.

    Please tell me more how we all are doing it wrong and should just avoid prowlers sniping from a hex away in just 4 locations that belong to the dreaded Indar T.

    A oneshottable flash is able to distract a whole column of prowlers? Yeah, for all 2 seconds.
    Are. you. *******. serious. here? You must have licked psychodelic frogs one time too many and you brain is fried.
  17. Savadrin

    Please enlighten the stupid on this point.

    I've seen this debate and I also haven't seen any evidence that it's not simply caused by pull volume, not quality. I've seen top level players wreck house across all factions. That leaves the ugly truth nobody likes: It's not the tools, it's you.

    Have you any idea how ******* easy it is to drive a wraith flash behind enemy lines, hack an MBT terminal, spawn and park a cloak sundy nearby, and then just pull MBTs behind lines? Then the prowler lines so busy farming the next hex get rear flanked and vaporized. I see it regularly by people who aren't ****ters like you.

    Maybe the NC does have a lower entrance IQ, after all. If you ALSO aren't paying close attention to wraith flashes driving towards your tank line, it's no wonder you all get farmed so badly.

    If they gave the TR ******* TV guided rockets it would have been removed from the game long ago, because we would actually put them to good use and **** all over every piece of armor you ever dared bring near us. Spoiled, stupid children.
  18. Chewy102

    If it is the players, then why does all 3 factions preform the exact same with NS gear? And I mean the exact ******* same with all NS weapons for infantry and all NS vehicles. It is only when ES gear, either ES weapons or on ES vehicles (or both), is looked at for the factions to be unbalanced. So in my eyes it can't be the players and has to be in the gear.

    I have proof of what I say. Just look over the Oracle or some other stats site and you'll see it everywhere. Do you have proof of your claims?

    Also. Other games are not Planetside 2. Nothing else comes close to the scale of PS2 in player counts or even in the number of factions. Apple/Orange comes to mind.
  19. orangejedi829

    (Pull volume doesn't affect stats like KPU, just fyi.)

    There are two schools of thought here. The first, which Taemien and Savadrin seem to subscribe to, is the anecdotal evidence based theory that "NC players are probably just worse overall" and "I've seen X perform well, so it must be good."

    Then there are those who subscribe to the statistics. Namely:
    - The Vanguard statistically performs the worst of the MBTs, and the Prowler performs the best by a large margin.
    - There is no statistical evidence that NC players are, as a whole, worse than those of any other factions. In fact, NS weapon stats essentially disprove this notion.

    Even if I did humor you and say that NC players are worse, what is your explanation for why the Prowler performs so much better than the Magrider? Are VS players all worse too? You can't dismiss the statistics with pure conjecture, I'm afraid.

    Again, I really don't want to get into this debate. But the simple fact of the matter is that the Prowler is, statistically, the best MBT. I'm not complaining, but when TR players come here and whine that the Vanguard - statistically, the worst MBT - is OP "Becuz sheeld!", I have to have a good laugh.
  20. Taemien

    The most MLG player will drop in under a second if exposed to 5-6 people firing on them. I've always said that the NC's worst enemy is itself. And the reason I know this is because from 2012 to 2014 I sat in front of the VS and TR warpgates. Not for minutes, hours, days, or even weeks. But months. Entire months. Explain that? Explain why Execution (TR) and Dropping Purple Smoke (VS) had to ally against NC for months at a time just to be able to do anything on Connery.

    I've seen outfits like Recursion, Hav0c, Devil Dogs, and even ADK (before they went total derp) beat the piss out of the best the TR and VS had to offer. And you know what? They can still bring it. When they team up. Most times they don't.

    And there's the issue. The NC weaponry isn't built for solo play. It really isn't. Its bulky, its slow, it hits hard, but hitting hard means nothing if your dead before you pull the trigger. Take the Phoenix for example. Its the best rocket launcher in the game for ground vehicles. Absolutely sucks in DPS on its own though. But get 2-3 of these guys and you can take out entire columns. I know, I've done it with friends.

    Hard hitting weapons. You know what the NC can do that the TR and VS take more people to do? NC can drop targets with 5-6 people with a TTK of instant. VS takes 6-7 and TR takes 7-8 to do the same thing. Impossible to pull off? I've done it with squads. I've had NC do it to me (and it sucks).

    Vanguard? Useless. Like every other MBT. DPS is atrocious compared to the Lightning. Prowler edges out things because of the top gun with a Vulcan. But you know what uses a Vulcan better? A harasser. Only time trouble with MBT's happens is if its embedded somewhere or in groups.

    And about groups.. the Vanguard is terrible to face when there's alot of them. Again multiple hard hitting titan cannons drops any vehicle in short order. Those things don't miss (don't tell me they are hard to use, I can't take you seriously if you do). In addition their extra armor and shields stack with one another unless a group is smart enough to focus one at a time. But the amount of effort required is exhausting.

    But the best way to deal with any tank zerg is to ignore it. That goes for Prowlers and Magriders too. If they have 30 MBT's, just go to a different lattice. Force them to ditch their tanks. Been a tactic for 3 years, probably won't change any time soon.

    The only issue NC really has is the hitbox of their ESF. The only thing. But even more so than MBT's, the ESF is largely useless. Its too slow to kill anything while being too vulnerable to actually get a kill on something important. And 90% of control points are out of reach for ESFs to attack. Seriously go check it out. Count the number of control points in the game, then compare that to the number which are outside. Off the top of my head I can count 7 or 8 on Indar. Out of the 80 bases there (remember some bases have more than one). I might be over exaggerating the number that are actually outside (it might be 95% that are inside).

    Zerg fights. You have to understand why they happen and why they are ultimately not affecting Alerts. You solo player logs in. Doesn't join a squad or anything, just wants to go shoot things. He looks around on the map and finds a fight that looks interesting. Every other solo player does the same thing.

    Eventually a zerg forms and moves down a lattice. They pull tanks and what not and converge somewhere. Now you've got two options. You can meet it head on.. hoping your friendly zerg provides enough bodies to mitigate much of what the enemy zerg is throwing at you that you can actually do something.

    Sometimes a squad or platoon can get in there and drop a Zerg. I've done it before. I've seen top notch outfits do it too. Usually when I see outfit tags that I recognize I let my squad know and we look to counter them specifically. If our goal is to disrupt the zerg.

    Sometimes its best however to avoid it. Why is this? Because zergs tend to disguise the activities of outfits. There's so many people you have no idea what is going on. And a real hard chance of figuring out what enemy squads are actually doing. However when people squad up.. they don't usually do it to cert farm, but to win.

    So you avoid the zerg to pull them out of the zerg. They won't let you take key facilities or get VP uncontested. But sometimes they bring some zerg and solo players with them. Reason for this is without outfit/squad support the Zerg becomes a mob and easily countered. Numbers count.. but not when they aren't where they need to be. So instead of sticking around, they'll disperse out.

    And I can go on about how we can push and counter push depending on what squads and outfits do, but that's beyond the scope of the thread. What's important is the zerg has no will of its own outside getting kills.

    NC weapons work better in coordinated groups. That's why you see them perform well in Server Smashes and other events. I mean all things considered... if NC weapons were so bad, then they wouldn't win anything. But they do win. And win the most. Ironically VS weapons do the WORST in such events despite being better in non-organized play.

    So you want to run a test? And I mean an actual ingame REAL test to see if the NC is UP? Get about 6 platoons worth of people to play NC on a server of your choice and see if you can't win most of the continents and alerts with it. If you can't (due to losing, not insubordination or whatnot). Then you have a case that Daybreak can use. And the community largely won't be able to deny it either.

    And if they don't use it then you have your answer on the idea that nothing actually will happen and posts like this are pointless and you can make your decision to tough it out with a sh-tty faction, switch and reroll, or quit.

    Because you can literally quote stats to me for the next 100 years. Won't convince me due to my personal experience is always going to trump your stats in my eyes. But if you change my experience, then my stance will change (and not just mine). But nothing has happened, no event has occurred to lead me to believe otherwise.