PS2 is a broken game... and why.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vishnue, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Vishnue

    So this is to the devs. If players have an opinion, and it differs, you're essentially wrong ;)

    I've played this game for about 3 years now, and never has it been so broken to the point that it is now zero fun (that's why we play games right?).

    So what's wrong?

    It is a simple thing of balance. This relates to why NC stats show we are a clear 10% below VS and TR on alerts.

    Put simply, the TR are no longer any fun to play against since the introduction of the Gatekeeper. You look at the stats and it is clearly way out in front of anything NC has. We cannot compete. This weapon allows a TR harrasser to pull up next to nearly any vehicle and kill it in about 5 seconds before you can even react. Even at a distance it performs much the same.

    So this weapon not only affects the general vehicle play, but it also consistently destroys the infantry play too by destroying spawn points.

    The knock on effect of this singular weapon is that NC and VS no longer enjoy playing against TR. So what happens? VS fight NC as preference. The knock on effect of this is that NC now has two strong fronts while the VS/TR border remains quiet. It isn't some conspiracy of VS/TR playing against NC... it's just that no one wants to fight TR, because it is an unfair... joyless... pointless fight. Thus, NC have a 20% alert stat.
    This game was once a huge amount of fun for all factions, but while this glaring issue remains, the game is dead. Boring. No fun. Pointless.

    For this game to be balanced, the NC specifically need a weapon that can compete (Moljnier stats prove that it cannot and is not fit for fair game purpose).


    You can try to bend it any which way you want, but I am experienced enough in playing this game that I know, with zero doubts that this is what is happening. Thus, to me, PS2 is dead. I leave every game feeling down and fed up. It has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with NC organisation or player ability. Law of averages means that the abilities of the player base will be more or less equal. Forget psychology, this is a broken game issue. If every team had a gate keeper, everything would change and we'd have a fun fair fight. But we don't.

    Daybreak, you leave it like this and your game is going down the pan. If you want that, leave it as it is. It's not my investment. I'm pretty much done with it until this is addressed... and as a once regular subscriber to this game, there will not be a single penny spent on it from me until it looks even vaguely balanced.

    I feel really sad writing this, because I love this unique game. I just wonder why you have let this happen... it is so easy to fix, and yet you don't. What is the thinking going on? I find it frankly bizarre. This is nothing to do with the players of any faction, it is solely on the developers of this game.

    It is a really sad day to have to quit this game, really sad.


    p.s. Not really bothered about replies, and unlikely to check. Like I say, this is for the devs if they even care. *shrug*
  2. Savadrin

    6/10 for effective(ish) writing and feelz but I will amend based on how you handle the rest of this thread.
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  3. Savadrin

    It's so funny, reading this, on the January 4th graph point all I can think of is the VS saying to the NC:

    Your Best is My Worst.
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  4. SwornJupiter

    So it's only fun for you when NC have the OP stuff? But when others get their hands on equivalents, isn't suddenly no fun? This is pretty much the definition of hypocrisy.

    Are you going to completely neglect:
    - Ravens = insta-death to vehicles in a 300m distance
    - Scattergun Maxes = insta-death to infantry in outposts and infantry-focused facilities
    - Phoenix = which can hit vehicles/infantry behind cover and violate almost every rule of the FPS genre
    - Vanguard i-win shield = Soaks up an insane amount of damage and pretty much guarantees that the vanguard wins a 1v1 fight

    This is just to name a few.
    Get some perspective.

    Connery and Emerald NC are a disorganised rabble that don't know how to take full advantage of their arsenal. They have one of the most capable and effective arsenals of the three factions, and just goes to show that that arsenal is put in the hands of the least-capable players.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    I'm sensing some bias, so all I will say is that you should research some of your stuff abit better & use some of these things over a long period of time.
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  6. Respawn

    Oh boy, here we go again...

    Yeah the gatekeeper is a bit skewed in favor of TR, but to claim that the entire game, a game which has incredible play style variety, is ruined by a single weapon is downright nonsense.

    I quite despise the gatekeeper too, but it nowhere near kills the game for me.
    Try exploring new play styles such as air or infantry, there are other classes besides engineer for a reason...

    In terms of Alert-winning statistics, its also nonsense to conclude the imbalance is solely responsible to the gatekeeper.
    I would argue that the alert imbalance is primarily due to population imbalance, since the prime time of each faction tends to vary throughout the day. However, I have noticed lately that on Connery, the TR have been overpopping, and the VS have been underpopping regardless of time of day :(

    I too am an NC player, and I actually prefer to fight TR over VS. The dancing magriders frustrate me much much more than any gatekeeper!

    But also, don't lose faith in the developers quite yet. The Daybreak team is finally starting to hire new developers to implement new features into the game, and fix the broken ones.
    I can see that you are angry with the game, and by all means you can take a break. However, I'd encourage you to check back in a few months to see for yourself that the game is far from dead :)
  7. Kraxist

    There are a few things wrong with NC, and it has more than just the Gatekeeper's effect on gameplay. Although, it is a completely BS weapon.

    First is our plain old infantry weapons. I've played all 3 factions, and none of them have to deal with the insanity that is the ridiculously random manner in which most NC automatic weapons spit out bullets. I mean, they're not even close to being accurate. And I'm not talking about barrel crawl here. I'm talking if you aim down the sight, sight just sprays out haphazardly and in random directions. Its a complete **** on the entire faction, because I've used TR and VS weapons and none of them have it that bad.

    Second is the lack of a decent harasser weapon. VS can Saron the crap out of anything near or far. TR harrassers with Gatekeeper can do the exact same thing. Distance doesn't matter. You have fast firing, accurate, damaging weapons systems here. And the NC have nothing to match it. But this does point back to your original post. The Enforcer just can't compete with this, its bullets are too slow.

    Third is the Pheonix, which I consider really cool but also highly situational. The other factions can pump out much higher armor damage at a much faster rate, and this really needs to be taken into consideration. Honestly Pheonix needs a damage buff...purely because it takes 3x as long to land a shot, and also because its rockets can be FREAKING SHOT DOWN for chrissake.

    There are alot of inconsistent things going on with NC. And it has less to do with leadership, and more to due with the current design of the faction.
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  8. FateJH

    He's right about the Connery NC part, at least.
  9. Hegeteus

    Stop trolling in NC's expense. It's one thing for us to suck a little bit and one thing to have trivial balance differences, but don't make us look like whining fools
  10. HadesR

    The GK Could maybe use a few more balance tweaks , but then again so could a few weapons across all 3 factions ( Scat MAX's, Lancers, Pounders to name just 3 )

    A lot of the issues IMO are less a weapons singular strength but their range in a game with a limited render distance ... Lancers / Vortex's ( examples) etc should all have a range no further than 300m , and then be balanced accordingly.
  11. Scifi

    NC are out gunned, only have to say Vulcan on the harrasser and that is enough said.
  12. SliceofLie

    Yes I do believe there are a number of problems with weapon balance, but it is not gamebreaking.
    Actually... At least on Connery server there is a disturbing increase in unfair TR/VS teaming again NC. I have video evidence of a large ESF swarm consisting of both scythes and mosquitoes roaming the continent destroying anything NC, even camping NC warpgate, but not attacking each other. I can upload to YouTube and post a link if anyone wants to see these unfair douches in action.
  13. Benton582

    -Ravens don't really have a advantage, since they often are on slow MAXs and actually lack some damage compared to other empire weapons. Very range limited and without zoom.
    -Scattergun MAXs are NOT instakill, they have a short clip and a LONG reload, and VERY short range, other empires would agree as well.
    -Phoenix is not even often used, and lacks alot of damage. This is far from OP. Comfirmed by numerous Youtubers, Wrel for example.
    -Vanguard Shield, it doesn't soak up a crap-ton of damage. It has a short duration and gone if a C4 hits it, or HP is gone. IT ALSO IS VERY SLOW, and armor isn't even better than other empires. Main gun lacks TR in firepower, considering they have a higher change to do CRIT damage, and basically out-classes NC in range, and VS with floating fast vehicles.

    This is to name all of your contradictions.
    Which you obviously did not spend time to look on experience of do any kind of research.
    And only looked at facts, but not actual gameplay.
    Get some perspective.
  14. Benton582

    Dude, we have all right to, we have literally NOTHING to out range nor outgun the other factions.
  15. Benton582

    Here's a more convincing way:
    -Record a bunch of game playthroughs.
    -Show the unfairness.
  16. Hegeteus

    We got shotguns! I've tried all of the NC's special shotguns and I got nothing bad to say, I always enjoyed taking the fight to my enemies' face. We also have Ravens for long range AV work
  17. Benton582

    A. Shotguns don't HAVE enough range. This proves utterly NOTHING. Shotguns are the problem, they literally lack the range, just like any NC gun.
    B. Ravens are expensive and aren't all that powerful alone. Just like the Phoenix.
  18. Hegeteus

    Since you already replied, I edited my post back to what I wrote in the first place :D

    I just meant that you should try to enjoy an aspect where NC thrives. Our Vanguards are also a force to be reckoned with, no matter if their long range weapons weren't exactly on par to TR and VS. There isn't much for us NC to complain about overall, we got plenty of good appliances to work with
  19. Chewy102

    Although this topic is doing much better than normal from the lack of troll posts on the first page. This community has a MASSIVE problem that will likely never let them agree with anything. That is the fact the game is 3 years old now the all the jokes, memes, and trash talk over those years have been placed deep into the minds of so many. There is a saying that fits with this perfectly but I don't know if it has a proper name.

    Repeat something over and over enough and in time people will truly believe it.

    A chunk of the community will never see a problem even if they have proof in their hands. And Im starting to think the devs themselves are some of those people. 3 years NC has been the laughing stock of PS2 with proof in player stats, alert data, and more. I can't think of anything noteworthy the devs have ever done ANYTHING to counter that and give NC a boost. In fact, and this is most certainly biased thinking, I can only think of NC getting nerfed time and time again outside of the countless patches trying to get the abomination called the Canister to even be functional compared to TR/VS couterparts.

    But hey. I quit the game a number of months ago from this crap. Why should anyone listen to me? I don't even know why Im bothering to keep doing this!
  20. Taemien

    If you've honestly played for 3 years, you'd know that the NC has some of the strongest options available. You would also know that NC wins the most organized matches out of any other faction. And finally you would have known that they won the world record event.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. NC wins when it matters. NC wins when it coordinates. NC only loses when it functions as a mob of zerglings.

    I know this because there was a time on Genudine, Helios and even into the merger with Connery when we DECIMATED the TR and the VS. Utterly stomped them for months. NC is the reason we have warpgate rotations. If they didn't do that, we'd still be sitting outside of Crater Firing Range watching Prowlers poke out of the warpgate.

    Everyone goes on and on about how OP the Gatekeeper and some of what the VS has. They've never functioned in a true Phoenix squad. Seriously.. three people, one firing first and the others following it, will gib just about any vehicle. And these three people can decimate an entire armor column. But fuq it right? Lets be zerglings and just do our own thing.

    There's your god damn problem right there. This individual mindset of fuq everyone else. Those players who run solo. Lonewolf, and just run with the zerg. They come on here about some sob story about how they think they are useful to their team. No they're ****** useless. Utterly useless and causing the NC as a whole to lose.

    Don't blame the devs. Don't blame balance. Blame yourselves. You want to win? Press P and join or start something. That's how you win. And its not enough to just herd cats like ADK turned into. You've got to work things out, you need to coordinate, listen to your people. Don't be spread out all over the map doing your own thing.

    These little bastards are going to come on here all offended and say I hate solo players. No I don't hate you. I hate when you whine, moan, and b-tch about losing to teams. If you just sat there and let yourself be farmed and knew your place, it wouldn't be an issue. But no, you do like the OP here and complain about the very problem you cause for yourselves. So either quit, or stop complaining and know your place.

    Devs aren't going to fix anything. The stats on Organized Play speak for themselves. They're not going to change it. You want to know how they feel about you? Here's a quote from one of their producers about a similar topic in Everquest:

    That's a PVE oriented game and encounter. PS2 is PVP, which is far more competitive. What do you think they're going to do for you here? Honestly?

    So there you have your information. You know things won't change. What's your next move? More complaining? Suck it up and know where you stand? Or will you quit? Choice is yours.
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