Please show a little more appreciation towards the devs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntiDemocide, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. AntiDemocide

    Ran into this on twitter today. Me no gusta.
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  2. Nature

    The same bug as ESF inertia and tank traction? Both also had the same reaction from Higby "will be looked into, wasnt intentional"
  3. -Crotalus-

    Hmmmm public test server smedley ?

    You know since your paid testers clearly suck at their jobs, seeing as half the dev posts I see from this game are "it's a bug, not intended, we are looking into it"

    Seems a lot of people are getting sick of this stuff
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  4. AntiDemocide

    true, but what if? That guy was acting like a jerk.
  5. Suroped

    Well , at least he didn't tell him L2P or something. Higby has some true NC patience.
  6. Garakan

    you know.. in the case of a bug, you are right. its not fair to act like a *********, but..
    they made so many mistakes in this game, that i can understand everyone thats raging.
    there are a lot of bugs that get comments like "we are looking into it", and dont let me get started on all the balance issues they tried to fix in weird ways that made a total mess of different game aspects.
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  7. {joer

    I can't hear how great the devs are over the flicker of my horrible FPS I'm currently getting ;)
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  8. Talizzar

    Who knows if it was a bug or not. With all the ninja changes how can we know.
  9. Torok

    except for the Fps Stuttering issue the GU02 it's AWESOME :D

  10. -Crotalus-

    Ya SOE has never been famous for its transparency or honestly with patches in any of their games, I still hate EA more than SOE but they are in a close second
  11. Louis Farrakhan

    i LOVE SOE. i waited 10 years for this game.

    i want to say great job to the dev team, keep up the good work.
  12. Dulu

    He looks like a well adjusted young man.

    Hopefully he doesn't pull an Aurora/Sandy Hook over his OP hover tank getting nerfed.
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  13. Goden

    Those twitter responses may be harsh but they are more-or-less the result of a lot of built-up unhappiness.

    Minor bugs and glitches aside, there are many changes, business practices, and tons of transparency problems which result in people getting understandably upset.
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  14. Bambolero

    The game is unplayable for me, massive lag/fps drop/hitching..
    What's there to appreciate?
  15. Louis Farrakhan

    its FREE.........can you appreciate that?
  16. asdfPanda

    People need to stop blatantly being douchebags. You may want something nerfed/buffed, but remind yourself that this game is FREE TO PLAY. IT is amazing for what it is.
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  17. DustyMonolith

    So's the **** I just left in the toilet, and I flushed that away.
  18. -Crotalus-

    That's not an excuse if you want people to keep playing with you on your free game

    There are plenty of other "free" shooters, I like the big world but they have till arma3 comes out to keep me around then they can have their bug ridden game and their horrible community interaction and shove it

    6 years ago I was a station pass sub, now I could care less to give SOE my money
  19. h00n

    Wow, what a whiney ****.

    I hope he unsubs, people like that are not welcome.
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  20. Louis Farrakhan

    if you are that unsatisfied with this game, then stop playing, scoop your **** out of the toilet, and play with that.
    this game is constantly evolving and improving. if you dont like it, leave. 10 more players will take your place.
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