It does. I reckon they just forgot to put support for AMD VGA users. Ain't that fought full? Can someone confirm that they were having this problem who are using nvidia???? New soe slogan should be: We will toss new **** at ya and we doný give a HIGBY! Because HIGBY you COMMISSIONER's!
Hello everyone, all you need to do is rename LaunchPad.libs to LaunchPad.libs.backup or whatever you want and you will download it again. Thats all, see you in game
Still happening to me, I can start tutorial, but when I load a character on Hossin (Seems like the game automatically spawns me there after leaving tutorial), it goes to around 85-100% and freezes before crashing. Edit: Tried twice so far, will keep trying. Second edit: Got into the map, but soon as I ALT Tabbed for 1 second the game quited again, another try, I get to login, but as soon as I press "Deploy" and spawn, I get around 10 seconds before I crash once again.
I booted up and spawned but couldn't move or do anything pulled up the map and it seemed as if I didn't spawn at all. Need another fix over please.
Seeing I'm not the only one, I can be sure it isn't my PC. Tutorial was never making PSII CTD, whenever I log into a world, I have 0 to 100 seconds before it just quits. Might be a video driver? Or the version we're running? I don't know, the problem is just still here.
Might be that this game is made by idiots. Been able to reinstall twice today, before they were kind enough to patch the quick patch. So that I would be able to log into my char.
Funny how nearly everybody seems to be able to play after the fix, yet it's me and a few other people that still can't. like the game allows 300 people per server and just CTDs the rest.