Planetside 2: Nerf Giraffe Camo Volume 2: Nerf Harder

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Winky, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Ghostfox

    I think it honestly comes down to general inattentiveness on the part of many players. I've noticed this a lot in general. Even without the whole camo deal, you can pull off a good bit by coming from unexpected angles.
  2. Ashur

    I've also had this happen today, knifed 9 people before my team's grenade shot me down. I'm not sure if the miller NC are just really, really dumb or if I was bugged and hence invisible because people were staring right at me while I was knifing people around.

    This was at a tech lab so it's possible render issues came in to play for them.
  3. LordTankT9

    It's not Giraffes that's needs to nerfed, it's some NC guys need a brain buff. :)
  4. Kid Gloves

    As a VS medic in default skin, I hotdropped into a fight between the TR and the NC, on the NC side. I spent quite a bit of time stabbing NC soldiers just like Winky's video before finally getting gunned down by a TR trooper when they pushed forward.

    No giraffe camo required, which to me says some players are definitely in need of a situational awareness buff. :)
  5. medbot544

    This only works on VS since their gear is naturally blue and purple is pretty close especially in shadows. On TR, it only changes like 20% of my colors; most the suit is always a bright red so it does not work.

    It also does not work on NC.

    No cammo should make you look like the opposing team.

    Don't work for NC or TR, so why Vanu?
  6. Shockfrosted

    I am a TR, usually a medic, running around with Snow Aspen camo and weapon camo.
    I get gunned down by startled TR about 3 of 5 defenses. The white color seems to confuse them.
  7. treeHamster

    Yeah, I have the default skin and I ran around a group of NC as an infiltrator with a pistol and knife. I just ran up in cloak, uncloaked, popped off three rounds and knifed, then cloaked and alternated running into a set of bushes and around a corner near one of the listening posts on Amerish. It isn't as much the camo is that good, it's that NC need a buff on their ADD meds.
  8. Talizzar

    I agree. Most of the people never saw him. Their reaction times were terrible. Looks real fishy to me. His aiming was amazingly good. He even hinted at what was going on in the video....I don't know if I was lagging or a bug......Or maybe something else....

    I get it when you sneak up behind the enemy as this happens a lot as very few will protect the back or the flanks. It also shows nobody looks up or expects their pray to escape up.

    These are the types of videos you can find at sites that sell enhancements to you gaming experience.
  9. PooperTrooper

    That is by far the funniest thing I've seen in this game.

  10. Freyar

    I've done this myself without any noticeable lag and the NC still falls for it regardless. Hitting those guys wasn't so hard when you consider a lot of them were standing around.
  11. Sharpe

    You have to be lagging badly.
    I refuse to believe this actually happened.. it can't... can it? People really that... slow?

    Camouflage aside the silhouette of VS and NC troops are completely different
  12. ddp

    :( @all the NC corpses, but hahahaha to the video! THIS is why I wear my adult giraffe patterned onesie with footies around the house. I have literally no wife aggro while playing PS2!
  13. Sikab

    i don't hesitate.

    If it happens he was an ally... i suppose i can always say "sorry".
  14. Flavo

    After seeing this video I think scrub camo would be better at disguising you as NC.
  15. veritech002

    Never had a problem recognizing people in giraffe camo. Must be a NC Connery thing, we're as likely to kill each other as the enemy.

    I think this is just a case of tunnel vision. I often get caught looking down the barrel trying to hit far off targets with my inaccurate POS gun.
  16. Freyar

    Trying to will your weapon to hit at extreme distances?
  17. Niv

    I dont buy the first video, since in the 2 video maybe for the first second player dont realize its enemy but then they notice and shoot him, but in the first movie its 100% NC friends he use to help him make the video, i probably also wont realize its enemy for the first second just as i shoot NC infantry that appear all of a sudden and got weird camo that make him look like some other empire but after the first shoot i realize who it is and stop shoot if he NC, the dev team need to make sure that none of the camo make enemy look like other empire infantry and only camo them better with the area the camo fit, even if it mean adding metallic camo that make the enemy look like part of a wall inside a building.
  18. Freyar

    Here's a problem though. The camos as they are now are already paid for, with cash. What should happen to those that have it? "Deal with it?"

    Another issue is that there's only so many patterns you can put on a character's body before you have no real space to show off the camo to begin with.
  19. veritech002

    Not even extreme distances. Most NC guns outside a few rifles couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 40 yards.
  20. Raidashi

    You know, i just had my FIRST experience with this today. And it righteously pissed me off.

    I see this TR heavy, with his yellow/brown drabs and red highlights here and there. I scope up on him, and then just stop. It was only a half second hesitation as my brain went "friendly colors" and he wasted me for it. It didnt even matter that i had already acknowledged him as an enemy, when i saw the friendly colors i stopped reflexively not wanting to TK.