Perspective time, K/D ratio: What is Good, Bad, Normal??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Knarfis, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Gortha

    1. I bet u don´t think enough about cover and possible directions from where u could be shot.
    2. I bet your Mouse-Sensivity is way too high(fast) as it´s of the most players, whos aming sucks because of that.
  2. Axehilt

    Exactly what part of a 6+ K/D account which mostly focuses on Gauss SAW and MAX kills indicates a need for FF/weaponlock?

    His high-KPH, high-K/D account just seems to indicate a high level of all around skill so it's a fair counterpoint to your old post.
  3. Poacher

    For straight up soldier grunting with no maxes, rocket launchers, turrets, sniper or vehicle/esf kills these are my opinions:
    k/d < 0.5 = bench warmer, keep practicing situational awareness skills
    k/d 0.5 to 1.0 = getting better, don't give up
    k/d 1 to 2 = regular trooper but generally a good player
    k/d 2 to 3 = Special Forces
    k/d > 3 = Supersoldier

    Mine generally hovers north and south of 2:1. I am an in your face run-and-gun counting coup type player with high risk tendencies. There are some decent Rambo soldiers that hover around 1:1 and are in a class of their own. Their k/d could easily rise if they reduced the number of "go for it" moments they continually crave.
  4. Call-Me-Kenneth

    anything under 1 kd means the player spends most of the time dead, anything over 3, usually means the players spends most of the time avoiding risk.

    both are detrimental to accomplishing the mission.

    a better gauge of how good a player is is the Score/h, and a relation between score/h and k/d.

    i sit currently at 2.01 k/d with 268 score/h, i interpret that as taking risks to achieve a good score (thus helping by either killing or repairing/healing, etc), but also being skillful enough to avoid most deaths. i found that most players under 1kd often hover around 100score/h, that shows a player who not only dies often, but doesn't accomplish much alive either.
    you will also find people with 1.2ish k/d with 300+ score/h those guys are reckless but skillful enough to make it work. (you will usually see them running around with C4 on their hands)

    then you have people between 2 and 2.5 kd with scores of up to 400, who usually play 100% of their time as part of a squad, taht helps them up their score and lower their deaths. (i play solo 100% of the time)
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  5. RJGatling

    Liberty plays medic?
  6. RJGatling

    I think medics should take longer reviving other medics and a certain number of revives removes a death for those pure medics. Five xp earning revives without interruption from a kill would result in one death being removed.
  7. Blastuh

    I disagree with both statements. KDR in conjunction with KPM can usually tell you how the person plays.
    SPM is unreliable. With boosts, membership, and population XP boosts SPM is a very unreliable stat.
  8. Xien

    Again, objectively false. There are players who play "pacifist medics" or "pacifist engineers". They don't care so much about the shooty shooty as they do about being part of a team and fulfilling a meaningful role. They are going to have a **** K/D. You say "excuse for poor play" - you're operating from the false premise that the only gameplay in PS2 is shooting other people in the face and not dozens of other things.

    There are many reasons why K/D is irrelevant in PS2 and not so many reasons why it is relevant.

    I can kill a fully loaded Galaxy - I get 1 kill, even though several players died. Several "deaths" generated, but only 1 kill granted. Alternately I can load into a Liberator, and the pilot can crash, and we all die. 3 "deaths" generated, 0 kills granted. I can place an Engi turret, glitch, and kill myself doing so. Again, 0 kills but 1 deaths generated.

    I can be loading clip after clip into a Max, and someone else can run by and shoot off their last tick of health - they get the kill, I get the assist.

    You people need to realize that the K/D stat in PS2 is broken (therefore irrelevant) and that nothing in the game is affected by how many times you died or many times you killed.
  9. Xien

    Yes. You "should" have a KDR of X, according to some random pro posters around here.
  10. xeroslash

    Unfortunately, SPM can be influenced by memberships and boosts, so as a pure statistical indicator, KDR has more weight to me than SPM.

    That said, as long as your KDR is above 1.0 in your current play session, it's my opinion that you're staying alive long enough to be contributing to your faction in a meaningful way. I say "current play session" as that has the most immediate impact; many players out there had to cope with the learning curve early on, which can mess with their overall KDR in the long run.
  11. Atheris

    Well I just checked, I have a K/D ratio of 0.24 at BR 12, I almost never fire a shot and heal and revive almost exclusively. I will try to res you even under the heaviest fire, which often works but means I die a lot.

    I hope if I ever join an outfit they'll be more interested in my healing than in my killing, I have never had anyone complain in a platoon while playing my way so far.
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  12. Xien

    Right, no one complains because most people you encounter in the actual game understand that KDR is irrelevant. It's just a few forum warriors who think it matters.
  13. Blastuh

    What is important is that you have fun. That being said, a medic who can eliminate the threats before rezzing friendlies is more beneficial than one who dies a lot.
  14. Blastuh

    Read my above post ^
  15. Atheris

    How do you eliminate a thread when there are thirty enemies shooting at your squad? It usually isn't just one or two enemies you can neutralize when you are in the battle but a dozen from what I have seen so far.
    Usually you res anyone you can see since those people are the only thing standing between you and defeat, it doesn't matter if I kill a few enemies, if I keep my own side alive they can do that far more efficiently than one medic.
  16. Vanon

    There is no stat that objectivly tells you if you are doing well or not.

    K/D is flaws because resources can provide kill's with everything from tanks, planes, mines, C4, MAX's, etc. K/D is also not the point of the game. The point is to take bases and defend them.

    SPM (Score Per Minute) is not reliable simply because of subscripts, boosts, and people farming things like turrets at an empty base.

    The reality is that the good players in this game often don't have a high K/D because they don't care. They are after the gen's, trying to break out of spawn traps, blowing up sundies and enemy vehicles, while locking down the points, rezing their team, and repairing their max's and vehicles.

    The really bad players are stuck preserving their K/D, and doing whatever takes the least amount of work, and risks the least amount of safety while still getting a kill once in a while.

    You want to know if your good, your either the guy on a point, or dealing with a situation, or your the guy shooting out of the spawn room, or waiting behind a rock hopeing a guy comes near you, while your team is assulting the base.
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  17. Vanon

    If you play on matherson NC i'll gladly throw an outfit invite. Rezing and healing a guy often times has more effect then killing a guy, depending where your both teams spawns are.
  18. Atheris

    Hey thanks for the offer! I am TR on Woodman though :)
  19. Xien

    No. According to the forum-warrior-pro-FPS-players, that lone medic should either a) clear ALL of those hostiles and then res their team, or b) ATTEMPT to clear all those hostiles and die in the process. Because rezzing 3 people who can shoot is just a stupid idea and they'll just compete with you for kills.
  20. Goretzu

    The bit where he said he kills his own people? :confused:

    If he doesn't do that then what he said is totally meaningless in relation to anything I have said. :confused: