Perspective time, K/D ratio: What is Good, Bad, Normal??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Knarfis, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Donaldson Jones

  2. Aguyle

    KDR is probably the best available metric for how many times you score a kill compared to how many times you die.

    Other than that, it's heavily dictated by playstyle.
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  3. Nerd Mode

    This will be hashed and rehashed and hashed again I'm sure as long as this game, or any game for that matter, has "stats". Play style obviously affects KDR, but so does: judgement, skill, timing, decision making, latency, etc etc. I don't really care if someone has a high KDR from playing in a tank or Lib or mowing people down in a MAX suit; all of these are in this game called Planetside 2, and all are viable until they're removed from the game. I love seeing people claim that their chosen play style is the "one true measure of skill" and how the game should be played. Clowns. LA's will claim HA's are easymode. HA's will claim MAX's are easymode. Medics and Engineers will both point fingers at pilots and tank drivers and claim they're just "hiding" in their machines. It's all BS. Not everyone can put on a MAX suit and dominate everyone. Not everyone can roll an HA and live forever. Not everyone can drive a tank around and go 100-0. Anyone claiming such is only fooling themselves and trying to rationalize for why they got their face caved in by whatever class they feel takes no skill. And yes, KDR does matter, this has been covered many times. Who the hell wants some .38 KDR player backing them up? No one. End of thread.
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  4. RJGatling

    A good kdr it's not caring about it.

    An ok kdr is choosing your engagements based on risk.

    A crappy kdr is sitting in the spawn area during the entire time you are losing the base and then redeploy with 15 seconds to go.
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  5. Xien

    False assumptions. It's quite possible that a person tried something, such as a Max or a Tank, and found it to be too easy and thus boring (people like challenge after all and we admire people who surmount challenges...). I had this experience when I first tried Max (lolwut this is so easy). Stop thinking outside of that little box you've put your mind in. Challenge your preconceptions.
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    KDR doesnt really matter. Yes, mine are pretty good but not farming level good. But they really do not matter at all. There are dedicated Medics, Engineers, Pilots etc who dont kill much but have a huge effect on the battle by supporting their teammates. Those players are far more valuble than the players I describe below.

    Then there are Lib bombers, ESF pilots and HE spammers that have absurd KDRs but only show up when the fights is in the bag, and far less risky. Those players dont contribute much to the war effort and have little effect on the larger scale of things most of the time. Like the guys who fly ESFs deep into enemy territory to get a few easy kills from unsuspecting troops or pilots who arent really pilots but just using their ESF as transportation.

    Dont sweat KDR; this isnt a TDM game and there isnt much of a penalty to your team for dying.
  7. CaptainYamerica

    Original posting was made March 5th 2013. Can we keep it going for a full year?
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  8. Nerd Mode

    So your excuse for poor play is that you're seeking that elusive challenge only PS2 can offer? If your rationale for having a sub 1.0 KDR is that you're proving how "great" you are by just using a pistol, well, I'll feed your ego: you're really good, Timmy, the best player ever! Okay, for those without an extra chromosome, KDR, regardless of which play style you prefer, shows reliability and dependability. Is it the be all end all of stats? No, but it can reveal a lot about a player's judgement. Any player that considers themselves at least average will have a positive or close to a positive KDR.
  9. Zurhidon

    So... When can we buy a KDR reset? All my beginner deaths are weighing me down.

    Or are we all still up in arms about the "don't monetize kills"?
  10. Gav7x

    Let me tell you how competitive outfits use the stats, they dont only use KDR, they also use KPM, SPM(sometimes), and they judge based on your primary playstyle, for example if you use medic and engi a good KDR would be about 2.5, if you use HA or Infil a good KDR would be about 3.0, in infil and HA KPM is also taken into account heavily, having a below .60 kpm is very bad, but having 1.0 is very good, in engi and medic SPM is taken into account heavily
  11. Atheris

    So if you are a medic and concentrate on healing and reviving more than on killing you are a bad player?
  12. Jachim

    K/D is only meaningful to people if it's tankers, ESFs, MAXes or Liberators farming, because obviously they just to it to pad their stats.

    Otherwise it's a useless stat, like when you're that C4 fairy dying 20 times to get that one kill on a tank.
  13. Jachim

    So to you, what is a challenge? Is playing infantry somehow challenging?

    Or is executing a perfect combined arms strategy to crush even numbers who just pulled infantry 'for the challenge lulz'.
  14. Posse

    Who looks at the global K/D? Your monthly K/D of the last few months is more relevant.
  15. Serafine

    If he is a good medic who prefers to actually heal and revive people instead of shooting stuff while dozens of corpses are piling up around him, yes I would choose him over the KDR 20 campfire sniper.
  16. Posse

    I'd prefer to have Liberty backing me as a medic than that .38 kdr medic who will probably be dead before I am, thus being unable to revive me.
  17. TheFamilyGhost

    K/D without knowing victim's Time on Mission is meaningless.

    Yes, I know the secret of good K/D.
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  18. Posse

    Definitely, SOE should show TOM in its stats site.
  19. MajiinBuu

    If only suicides didn't count as deaths.
  20. hurtl2305

    In my opinion, K/D is irrelevant as standalone metric. It is much more important for players that they can follow orders and play well together with others.