Perspective time, K/D ratio: What is Good, Bad, Normal??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Knarfis, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. YoloSwaggins

    Well, the mean average should be just below 1. Given that for every kill, there must be a death, and if you take into account suicides, which are deaths without kills, that makes the average a little less than 1.
    But as everybody else has said, the stats are meaningless.
    Just have fun.
  2. The Fizz

    in "normal" shooters, 1:1 is average, 2:1 good, so on and so on. In this game, it means nothing for the most part. I know support players who have .3 k/d and are some of the best players of the game.
  3. SgtScum

    KDR is for twitch monkeys to have something to beat their chest about to each other.

    The support classes just laugh and feed them ammo or rez them when they go all rambo for dat glorious kill streak.
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  4. Total_Overkill

    That no one taught you how to tie your shoes... let alone which end of the gun, bullets come out of.
  5. Angelo85

    In theory the K/D average of all players should be around 0.something because of the times you die due to TK.
    How often you die doesn't really have much to do with it. It all depends on how many enemies you take down with you every life :D

    Regarding the average K/D:
    Say you are TR. You kill 100 NC and get killed by NC 100 times. You should be at 1.0 K/D, but since you also get shot in the back by your own team - for the sake of simplicity say 10 times - you now are at the average player K/D of 0.9
    Since every kill is versus other players, because there are no NPCs in this game, the average of all players in the game must be around that number.

    But as other people already said ITT, you shouldn't worry about your K/D too much. Most important thing is you have fun. Being good at killing other people can help win fights and can be fun, but if everyone is sitting in their Powlers spamming the Spawnroom, "farming", no one is capping the territory ;)

    Perhaps try to do other stuff like hanging back a bit as Medic and heal/revive other people, or be a gunner in vehicles and see if you like other aspects of the game more than just the "run and gun" Gameplay.

    General Infantry tips I could give (if I'm qualified with my "bad" K/D of 1.17 :)) are from the top of my head:
    - Stick with other people from your empire. By walking with other people your survival chances increase dramatically. They might spot enemies you weren't aware of, can deal with threats you might not be able to (Tanks, Aircraft, Maxes) etc.
    - Take some time in friendly territory to learn the layout of common bases like the three big facilites (Amp Station, Tech Plant, Bio-Lab), smaller outposts and towers. All facilites are a little different but the basic layout is always the same. By learning the layout you'll have an easier time identifying where the enemies will come from and opens up better opportunities for flanking and getting prepared for engagements
    - Try to use partial cover like crates, trees, rockformations etc. that make you harder to hit in a firefight
    - If you are low on health sometimes it's better to pull back a bit to a friendly medic and get healed up than rushing in and trying to go for the kill
  6. FigM

    Normal: 1:1
    good: more kills than deaths
    bad: more deaths than kills
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  7. serith78

    K/D is ultimately a meaningless stat in a game devoted to conquering objectives and territory. It'll vary tremendously by itself based upon playing style and the circumstances of the battle itself. There's lots of ways to "killwhore" that have minimal or no impact whatsoever on the real fights.
  8. PaidToWin

    OP, don't listen to the bads. KD ratio is an important metric, but there are different variables that affect its ability to be good or bad.

    I would estimate the average KD ratio to be somewhere around 0.9, because due to suicides, more deaths occur than kills in this game. As a general rule of thumb, scoring below that value on average makes you an inefficient player, but there are some exceptions. For example, you can be a dedicated medic or engineer, and then a lower value becomes acceptable, since your utility on the battlefield is that of a healer.

    Scoring a 0.3 as an infantry grunt, however, is indicative of problems with your style of game play. At that point, you're simply feeding the enemy points, giving them easy kills, and improving morale without benefiting yourself. I'd say, as a rough estimate, that a 2.0 as an infantry grunt will put you into the second standard deviation, and a 3.0 will put you into the third. Scoring above that puts you in the top tier of players, probably in the top one percentile.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum is the usage of vehicles. If you're a tanker or ESF pilot, the "average" is going to be much higher than that of infantry. I'll arbitrarily assign the average a value of 5.0, just for argument's sake. If you can't get five kills by firing massive cannons at infantry or utilizing the advantage of 3D movement, then you're doing something wrong. Getting fifteen kills before dying, however, would make you a very good player.

    All of this, of course, assumes that the game isn't full of hackers, and that you're not getting shot through spawn shields, which happens fairly often to me, and is why I prefer vehicles about 60% of the time.

    KD ratio is a great metric for progress judgement; it just has to be interpreted properly.

    That advice is absurd. Have you even heard of suppression before?
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  9. Rhinzual

    I'm gonna tell you now, sniper rifles are not great for high K/D ratios. You really have to pick and choose your battles, find a spot where you aren't likely to get killed after firing a few shots, and hopefully get head shots or risk giving your position away to the enemy.
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  10. Tekuila

    I shot your esf down with my noobtube over tawrich while jet packing, was epic.
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  11. Zaik


    If you are infantry only, between all the OHK vehicle spam and various one shot infantry weapons, if you can maintain a 1 you're doing just fine.

    If you're a tank driver, you should probably have at least a three unless you've been running up against a lot of air, since there's not really anything that infantry can ever do to kill you after the annihilator was ruined. You just have to worry about other tanks and air as long as you don't let infantry get within 5m of you.

    If you're air, at least a 5? There's no real counter to you except massed AA MAXes with open skies and other ESFs. I guess if you only fly the libs/galaxies and never gun in them you'd have a lower k/d.
  12. Total_Overkill

    Ive been hit by a noob tube, but never shot down by one o_O
  13. Tatwi

    That you're having fun, which is ultimately all that matters.

    I didn't pay attention to it much until recently, but if I pay attention to it I can have fun and still maintain a 1 to 1.5, BUT it does change the way I play infantry. My computer and internet are not very good, which means I generally lose face to face, so I have to win by out smarting or out maneuvering/flanking people rather than just running head long into the thick of things (which I often do anyhow, because it can really scare the crap out of people when I get lucky lol...).

    Anyhow, as others have said, don't worry about it. Some people will be snobby about it, but the nice thing is that the universe does not revolve around them and their personal ideals. So, ignore them. :)
  14. Tekuila

    You may have bailed, but it definitely blew up.
  15. Rhinzual

    My accuracy with my XM98 is 36% (recently got it) because I've fired 90 shots with it, 32 hit, 13 kills, 11 headshots. My accuracy is so low because I've gotten into the habit of moving to different spots around bases and outposts and fire a couple practice shots to judge bullet drop using the x12 mill-dot scope. My K/D is only 0.36 because I often would end up following a zerg (even wondering why I did so, I know how dumb it is) or stick around to try and do something about the camping MBTs/Lightnings as a Heavy Assault, even if I know full well that the area is a lost cause. I'm getting out of that mindset and will more frequently just /suicide or redeploy if I see a lot of armor/air come in and start camping.

    I'm not horrible and I'm fully aware that most of the times when I push forward, that it's a bad idea and I almost always ask myself, "Why am I even doing this? I know that I'm gonna get killed..." I'm not a super great player, but I'm far from a mindless zerg player. I'll point out to the squad/platoon leader that the TR are capping a few areas behind us and getting ready to box us in with their entire zerg ready to hammer us and lo and behold, I'm almost always right and my advice to head somewhere else to avoid the slaughter is ignored.
  16. that_darn_lurker

    A good K/D is anything below 1. 1 to 2 mean you are trying, but not hard enough (as the omnipresent Vanu voice would say "try harder"). Anything 2 or above means you are a stat ***** and you should feel bad about yourself.
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  17. Takara

    A lot of people are going to tell you K/D is meaningless. But it isn't entirely true. It really depends on what you are doing. If all you do is fly around in a scythe and pick off infantry...then yes. All you are doing is really just padding your stats. Now if you are using that scythe to keep the skies above your base clear, infantry off the walls, or tanks off the gate. Then your K/D does matter a bit. If you are defending something killing more guys then they kill you means you are actually holding back some of the tide. Sometimes all it takes is one or two good people to really effect a defense.

    However you do have to take that number in small samples. For example once the enemy has taken the base or you pushed them off...erase that idea of it being something to focus on. Sometimes you need to throw yourself at the enemy to kill a sundy. Other times you need to just be the first guy through a door to inspire the other lemmings to follow you instead of hiding around the corner.

    For example, I'm a very defensive player, I tend to defend bases an territories more then attack. I also tend to play engi I do often get a good K/D on foot but then I fly liberators and get lots of support exp. my K/D is something like 1.9 But my score per minute is over 245.

    Basically K/D should just be a tool to help you know if you are doing something wrong, but with a grain of salt.
  18. Fortress

    Sounds like your FPS is the culprit. What's your hardware and average FPS? (Check by pressing Alt-F ingame).
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  19. DJPenguin

    Couple things to note here. In this game there's a lot of "bullsh!t deaths" as i like to call them when playing as infantry like dieing to HE cannons.. things that generally have an edge over you and thus lower your k/d even if you have no way of fighting back. So for a game like PS2 you're gonna have a lower k/d than most games due to the nature of vehicles and the scale of fights.

    That said, it also depends on the class. If you're mostly infiltrator w/ sniper and your k/d is lower than 2 then it's probably time to change your strategy/class. If you're a HA who is constantly leading the charge I'd expect a .5 to come of it. And then there's HE/lolpod drivers/pilots who should have more than a few k/d on average.

    But in the end, don't pay too much attention to it. If you see yourself rocking a .25 k/d then sure be concerned but otherwise just have fun with it.. you can still do silly things and have a good score in the end. My most used combat vehicle is a fury flash.. if it weren't for that I'd easily have a 3 k/d but whatever, it's incredibly fun.
  20. Aquilae

    less than 1, you're not doing well
    more than 1, you're doing well.
    ignoring it entirely and helping the team regardless, you're doing it right.
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