Personal Mines need deploy time..Put some limits to this borderline P2W weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Rustler

    Here is the problem with this weapon at the moment. People just run around and throw personal mines around a corner, since their is endless sprint and wait for somebody to go around the corner.....Some just rush into a group and throw it on the ground.

    The skilless players have figured out, that they don't need to shot and even tho is suicide they can take people out.

    Sorry but Personal Mines need deploy times like it should be, not just throwing it on the ground.

    This is bad since this is a weapon bought by resources, and people have 50% or even 100% resource boost....Is easily could be abused.

    I mean the proximity mines instant kills anybody without flak armor....even those with flak armor, the damage done is way too much that 1 bullet kills u......hell people are putting 2 proximity to kill people in some cases, I guess that Resource Boost must be awesome.

    Sorry but this isn't how Personal Mines are suppose to does not simply throw mines in the ground asap while sprinting.....Sorry this isn't golden just doesn't belong in this game.
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  2. BigMacDeez



    How are mines P2W? You have to earn certs to get them.... Just sayin'.....
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  3. Rustler

    You buy them with resources...which are effect by resource boost....which are bought by real money.

    and unlike grenades which are pretty inaccurate and not the easiest weapon to kill somebody with...Anti Personal Mines are accurate as hell.
  4. LordMondando

    Wow, tenuous argument is tenuous. Even with a auxarium level sub and resource boosts, you can't spam them.

    I'm guessing someone doesn't like dying.

    Chill brah, we can easily get you a new clone.
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  5. Sinoby

    With high level of flak armor I just laugh at anti-personel mine users. And after the range reduction mines are even less effective.
  6. BigMacDeez

    So...mines have accuracy? Usually I just put a claymore down in the most likely avenue of approach. Flak armor brah, and maybe a little bit of situational awareness will defeat your problem.
  7. LordMondando

    also another fun 'skill' based debate where OP = mad skillz ; people who kill him = skilless nubz.

    Counterpoint: placement of AP mines effectively requires knowledge of travel-lanes = skill.
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  8. Pat22

    You apologize too much.
  9. Gisgo

    The skilless players have figured out that to kill a "skilled" player it just takes some brain.

    Oh btw with flak 5 one mine will barely take down your shields, you dont even need a medic to heal you before going into action again, just wait a few seconds and recharge your shields.
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  10. LordMondando

    Brain thinkering =/= skill

    Basic hand eye coordination = skill.
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  11. Loegi

    So much wrong with that post.
  12. Lazaruz

    The best way to avoid mines, is to use them for a while. That way you learn very quickly where they are usually placed, and start looking for them as a standard whenever you play. Situational awareness is a wonderful thing.

    By the way, this free lesson also applies to tank mines, snipers and roof dwelling light assaults among other things.
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  13. SmellyBoots

    I dont even run flak armor and I can spot most of the mine. Dont be in such a rush and think about were you are walking into. 90% of the time I die to mine is me sprinting into a room. Just walk into a room and wow you can see the mine just waiting to be shot.
  14. ST4LK3R

    It's over 9000!
  15. LonelyTerran

    Anti-personal mines are overpowered?
  16. Harry Ticblasphemer

    People that get blown up by mines have no skill.
  17. Springheel Jack

    Guys, we should nerf everything and only have 2 shot pistols of all equal damage and rate of fire.

    It's the only way to make things fair for the... skilled... players.
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  18. zigunderslash

    I hear some people are just projecting metal at high speeds into the enemy from a distance. That's really broken and needs fixing immediately.

    I agree with you though. Proxy mines are like a grenade that you have to be standing right next to the enemy to use. The only way they could be more overpowered is if you could throw them around corners, like a grenade. And you could carry them with any of the classes. Like a grenade.
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  19. KCreep

    This is such a BS statement to make. Tell ya what you take 48 people who have excellent hand eye coordination but are dumb as bricks, and i'll take 48 people who understand team make up, support, and proper defesive positions we'll see who comes out on top. The fact of the matter that skill is a matter of both mental accuity and the ability to execute plans with mechanical precision. So when you throw one or the other out the window, you're simply making stuff up.
  20. LameFox

    I propose a simpler solution: throwing a mine at someone's feet should just kill the both of you.