[BUG] Overpowered Shotguns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dubious, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Sian

    I'll review the vid when I get home. Meanwhile if you have a spare character slot you should try long-range slugging in VR with Vanu laser-slugs. It is eye-opening.
  2. Nocturnal7x

    fixed that for you.
  3. GSZenith

    currently sitting at 4.5kdr this season xD buriser/blackjack/demios? for life.

    as SOE would say:

    "Working as intended."
    • Up x 1
  5. EvilPhd

    I swear you guys want this game reduced to slappers only.
    You know you could pick up a shotgun yourself. Fight fire with fire.

    you could. but since at least half of players already are, that would turn this game into "World of Shotguns"
    • Up x 1
  7. Funch

    Sooooo, I guess by the general feeling of this entire thread...I am a noob (Unskilled) player for using an S6 with slug's when in CQB/Short-mid range? Because shotgun's are OP?

    Or is the claims here mainly focused on the pump gun that came out?
  8. Grotpar

    The amount of people using shotguns in this game is actually very silly.
    Of the shooters I've played in the past, I've never seen the shotgun become so centralized.

    Why is shotgun usage in PS2 so different?
  9. ChaosRender

    Nah basically if you use any CQC gun in CQC you are a noob, unskilled, using a crutch it seems. I am waiting for the if you use grenades in CQC you are a noob/unskilled threads.
  10. Dubious

    We already had Tankside and Airside, now we have shotside?
  11. ChaosRender

    Honestly I rarely see shotguns on the two severs I play on. However I also don't hover around the limited areas they are good in, so that may be it.
  12. Funch

    So I shouldn't use my SMG for CQB anymore then? :p

    If it's so bad, I think SOE will nerf it if enough people get behind it. Just hope they don't ruin shotguns atleast. >_> It's already very niche to use in combat with buckshot (On the semi-auto's and auto's).

    I don't mind if they nerf it, just don't break it. And if they do break it, well, back to my AR's and SMG's UTFN
  13. ChaosRender

    Nope they give you a noob advantage over non CQB guns. :eek:
    The Knife is the only non OP CQC weapon, and that is only because it would be funny to see a room full of people all tring to knife each other.
  14. RizziSmoov

    It's because so many fights lead to people being funnelled into the ****** towers and biolabs.

    I'd be less annoyed by shotguns if there were actually more mid to long range fights being fought by the pubbies. It happens but not as often as I'd like.
  15. Funch

    Thought THAT would be a fun fight. Hilarity. Hilarity Everywhere.
  16. Beartornado

    SOE should've stopped at Semi Auto shotguns. Greater range but similar TTK to a carbine (not that hard to do since most carbines and other weapons already have really low TTK). Still not as useful as a carbine at range but it has its place in and out of CQC without dominating it.

    If they had to do 1HKO, it should've been double barrel shotguns. Only 2 rounds between each reload. Similar to MAX, you can fire one shot at a time or both with right/left click. Either each shot is 1HKO or both shots must be fired to 1HKO. No scope options, purely used for CQC hit and run or smaller engagements, but useless for clearing crowded buildings if you reload after every kill. No more mindless rambo runners.
  17. framperton

    Yeah, I've used VS slugs before, but not recently. Mostly due to the fact that the cyan purple color scheme makes me nauseous, but I'll try it out again.
  18. Funch

    Well, I think they should just fix up the pump gun to do something else then OHK maybe? Since people are so adverse to it, why not have it so that its the only shotgun with multiple types of specialty ammunition.

    Incendiery rounds maybe? Penetrators? (Go through cover, but at a huge huge reduction in damage) Flechette? (further flying buckshot with less damage loss at distance, and closer spread)
  19. MrIDoK

    Well, even the full-auto one is not unbalanced, it eats ammo like there's no tomorrow and it's inaccurate... It filled the role of the "less dps, more alpha-strike" gun for the shotgun category while keeping out of the semi-autos' role. Now the pump actions took its place and there's little use in anything beside them.
    I've always thought that the pumps should've been the "long" range shotguns. A little more powerful than the semi-autos (not enough to ohk, just enough to allow missing with a couple of pellets and still retain the overall 2hk), with less spread (2, for example) and slower rof than semi-autos and average magazine size. This way they keep the 2 shots to kill at longer ranges than the semi-autos, but lose to the other shotguns when fighting at knife range due to the lower dps.
    The double barreled shotgun that you proposed would've been the only 1(2)hk cqc weapon i could tolerate as it makes the user vulnerable for long time after each kill in exchange for instakills.
  20. Beartornado

    Yea the point of the double barreled would be to snap on a reload time between kills such that if you do take on multiple enemies you'll likely get killed.