[Guide] One shot-One kill? Vote here.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Kaisuke7, Jun 22, 2013.

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  1. Kaisuke7

    I think there's a better chances of getting this addressed quicker if you vote and leave a comment or 2 here. Score will determine what the devs. fix/change first.:)

    For those who don't know.
    People with Nanoweave rank 2 and high can survive a bolt action shot to the head at long ranges. Making sniping extreme frustrating and highly unrewarding.
    • Up x 16
  2. urida

    Agreed IMO the ONLY time one should survive a bolt action head shot is if it a heavy who has his shield on at the time.
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  3. Vikingo

    I have no problem with Nanoweave preventing OHK from bolt snipers. Players need to be able to counter snipers somehow. Getting Headshots with a sniper rifle is not too difficult to achieve
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  4. Zaxudih

    If you always move around they'll never land a headshot. The only time I've ever been killed with a headshot is when I was standing still, and damn it, I deserved it. The only time I ever die from a sniper headshot is when I get lazy, it's stupidly easy to avoid. If you manage to kill someone standing around like an idiot -good great, they deserved it. If you manage to pull off the miracle of landing a headshot on someone who's actually moving around you deserve the kill. Sniping is already borderline useless in this game.
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  5. Vikingo

    After Headshotting someone with Nanoweave they have so little health left that they will die if you sneeze at them. Getting a follow up body shot is not difficult.
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  6. Jac70

    I think there should be a way to counter OHK heasdshots from distant invisible snipers. I'm fine with Nanoweave doing this.
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  7. Kaisuke7

    The problem still resides, you either are not sniping enough to notice it, or are always within shotgun range for sniping, this is for long range sniping, Not as long as Higby the creative director stated back in June 2012, which was 1 kilometer, But none the less long range.
    If you want a one shot-one kill, get on the infiltrator, don't whine about being shot so much because your bad positioning or faulty tactics. My tactic is find where the enemy is attacking/defending and give them hell. If they don't move or focus on taking care of me then that's on them, but don't give them something to stop me from doing the job. You gonna whine about vehicles to? Because I get one-shoted by enough of those. You want a way to counter shoot at libs, gals, sunders, lightings? Get on a max or heavy and even still you can one-shot them. You wanta deal with a sly L.A well get on light assault, your asking If I can't one-shot back with l.a, h.a, engineer, max, medic then its unfair, but in that case get ride of class altogether then no one will whine. You think this classes forums has so many threads cuz it seems fair and balance?
  8. Kaisuke7

    I wish this was true at least 50% of the time, but its not. I was sniping few days ago and ran into a whole squad running NW5, I have tier 3 rifle I was no more than 100m away, every head shot I took resulted in them running behind cover faster than I can re-chamber another bullet. What happens then? Well they came right back out IN THE SAME PLACE like nothing even happen. Your think try it again, well yah I did about 3-4 more times on several different people and NOTHING. I began think to my self so what is this manual bolt-action even for? (I got nothing done, not because my skill but its just impractical..) Id be better off with a carbine at the rang I was at. My conclusion BASRs are broke. If I want to take 2 shots I'll use the semi-auto snipers but this is a bolt action 1 shot ever 2 secs is the ROF. There's even cases where I get a head, and then they use a med-kit before I can even line up the 2nd shot; with NW5 that 750hp at a long distance min damage of the bolt actions is 550 resulting in me need to take an additional shot, and sometimes it takes a full clip.. I repeat this is broken and needs to be fix.
  9. Vikingo

    I dont understand your post fully.

    But to clarify, I like variety so I play all classes and drive most vehicles. Lately I have been playing Infiltrator A LOT and with it been sniping, long/mid/short ranges alike to practise my sniping and sneaking skills (Infiltrator is my most used class now). And it does not bother me that a few people run around with Nanoweave. As I said it is not dificult to make a follow up shot on the body even if they are running.

    You write about Libs, Gals, Lightnings etc well you have armor options to counter those also i.e "Flak Armor".

    Infiltrator is more or less the most enjoyable class I played in this game and I dont understand this whine about it being useless....
  10. Vikingo

    Yeah I get it, so no matter if someone invests the 2000 certs or so to max out Nanoweave it should not give them any kind of protection from your 100 cert rifle...

    Whatever man.....
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  11. Kaisuke7

  12. Get2dachoppa

    Define "distant". Because right now NW can stop OHK headshots at <60m.

    And this nonsense about follow up body shots is entirely situational. It may not be possible depending on the circumstances (target was already partially behind cover or close to it, for example). Lets also not forget that any target that survives a headshot now knows where the shots are coming from meaning your position is compromised. Or that a low health target can immediately pop a med kit, assuming a medic wasn't nearby.
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  13. Mythicrose12

    No thumbs down? Bogus vote. Even placing the "vote" in the infiltrator roadmap thread (which has down votes) would produce a biased poll result.
  14. applepienation

    Maybe if they're brain damaged. Anyone else will just run off and hide and wait for a medic, not wait for you to line up another shot.
  15. Ghostloadout

    Well you know there are such thing as semi-autos which are a 2HK headshot on anyone, even with nanoweave 5. But hey maybe that's just me.
  16. Kaisuke7

    Sniping for over 100m away only take NW rank 2 to survive a head shot(that's 11 certs).So If I invest 1000 certs into a tier3 BASR along with 50 battle ranks of time and experience with this weapon, you should be able to pay for protection against all my time and hours spent learning how to pull off miracle shots? Is this W.O.W or an F.P.S?
    Distance , location, aiming, calculating, compensating, holding your breath every single shot, But of course you logic Vikingo, is I should be able to pay-to-win; is that not what you said sir? If that's your mindset, you have no argument here.
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  17. Vaphell

    Yup, that's just you. Pray tell, if the bolt actions have their gimmick countered by 11c, what they are for exactly?
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  18. Kaisuke7

    GO here watch the videos; then come tell me this is fair, if so you logic is flawed.
    Also read this, the DEVs. telling us what the tier 3 rifles are for, yet you say otherwise someone is wrong here is it the devs. or you?
    Also what is your ign ill check out how much you actually play the class.
    And even with flak armor you can still be one-shoted if its a direct hit, hmm kinda like a direct hit to the head with a bolt-action only a much smaller target.
  19. Vikingo

    Kaisuke7 You obvously have no idea what pay to win is.

    If Nanoweave would be as bad as you say then this would not be possible:

    Go ahead, have a look and tell me how Nanoweave is ruining long range sniping, please.

    You want to check my profile go ahead Character name is VikingoX on Cobalt.
  20. Vaphell

    clip from May, before GU10 that 'fixed' Nanoweave by announcing officially that it's twice as good as previously advertised.
    If these guys had even NW2 he wouldn't headshot anybody at that range, not to mention LA had to put beacon for him to reach such a good unexpected camping spot. Every single inf can count on that for sure.
    • Up x 2
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