One possible solution to the AV-MANA Turret with out nerfing it to extinction

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by axiom537, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. iwbs

    After reading as much as I could of the 10 pages, I came to this conclusion: Vehicles don't want infantries to be able to shoot back if they shoot at them. OH WAIT vehicles are already immune to all small arms damage! So what do if I get killed by vehicles as infantry? I DEAL WITH IT LIKE A MAN, MAYBE YOU SHOULD TOO WITH THE AV TURRET.
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  2. PastalavistaBB

    The Problem is, you can't "deal" with AV Mana Turrets if they are not rendering or are a tiny dot on your screen 1 km away. This problem is being discussed for a year now. Always some Argument from Infantry only players. They don't want to give up their Invulnerable weapons that can 3 shot MBTs from any distance. No weapon should be able to kill you if you can't shoot back at all. Every time the AV Mana Turret issue comes up, I remember that there were people on Forums that claimed Striker/Harassers/ZOE were fine.
  3. DeadlyPeanutt

    Nerf the AV turret, I want the option to turn the thing in for a REFUND.


    AV turrets won't sit on 90 percent of surfaces outside base WALKWAYS... they're one shot fodder for snipers, tanks, rockets, other turrets and a knife in the back as you stand there forever guiding the round to the target.

    I don't understand this discussion of nerfing AV turrets... they have SO many downsides, nerfing them would make them completely worthless.
  4. DeadlyPeanutt

    Then buff AV Turrets so they can one shot tanks. Putting AV turrets in range makes the turrets WORTHLESS as a tank can one shot the turret and the turret can't one shot the tank.

    Buff the turret's damage, and let the thing rez on ANY SURFACE not matter how sloping (i won't go the stupidity of a high tech culture creating a rezable turret that WON'T sit on a gentle slope). Do that and nerf the effective distance... no worries.
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  5. PastalavistaBB

    Striker and Harassers which were both gamebreakingly OP didn't got a refund. What makes you think your OP toy should get different Treatment? If AV Mana Turrets have so many downsides (supposedly) why are you using it? They can get oneshotted? Oh wait, let's shoot out of render range so I can be invulnerable. You want to shoot at someone but you don't want them to be able to shoot back. Common sense, Man, common sense. Then again, you said "Then buff AV Turrets so they can one shot tanks." Maybe it's too much to ask from you.
  6. Donaldson Jones

    The game is essentially broken due to render issues. I play infil much of the time and even at 250m I have troops appear and disappear, my rig is pretty decent and I don't have issues like this in other games.

    The A/V mana turret also suffers from critical mass issues like the Striker used to, it's not just one guy with a turret that is a problem it's 3 or more, which is hard to deal with (in a vehicle) when you can see them let alone when you cannot retaliate.

    The Mag can deal with AV Mana turrets easier than the TR or NC because you have a larger number of ways to get to where the AV turrets are but it is still a "one and done" if they see you.

    I cannot accurately assess the AV mana turret's damage as OP until they fix render distance but if they (meaning SOE) can't fix render issues then the weapon needs to be brought to heel at 280 -300m just like sniper rifles it's the definition of insanity to try and engage a target that you cannot hit because your computer says it's not there.
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  7. Gruntilda

    Cut the damage in half, lower the velocity by 1/3

    Bam, it isn't incredibly OP anymore and finally balanced

    I should be hired by SoE, I can't do a better job than their whole balance department
  8. Tinman_au

    Heck, don't nerf them, they are my main source of headshots. They also render a lot further away than regular inf (I can shoot them at TI from the Crown).

    I got no problem with the range being nerfed, as long as the range on planes, MAX and tanks is as well...
  9. BigBooty

    "Sorry, no"
    Hate to say it, but I see a lot of people say things like this, and you're not a developer. You can't just shoot other peoples ideas out of the air. I don't agree with his solution either, but I don't get to say no to it.
  10. axiom537

    I can say "no" It is my right and I can shoot other peoples ideas out of the air, just like they can mine. I do not need to be a developer, I am a gamer and from my experience using the AV-Mana turret, understanding its capabilities, features and characteristics, I can easily conclude and opine from experience that reducing the AV Mana turrets range to less than 300m would seriously neuter it and make it virtually worthless. As a player with experience using that weapon I would rarely use it, if it could only go 300m, just like I rarely use the Phoenix, because of its pathetic 300m range limit and at least that weapon you can fire from cover.
  11. PastalavistaBB

    Let's make Infantry render further than 300 m first, only then we can really talk about the range of the AV Mana Turret and other AV Weapons.
  12. iwbs