Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. MetalGrave

  2. Sladee

    Why can the striker shoot down air in the first place. Don't we have enough AA in this game?
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  3. Fenrys

    Reminds me of PS1. It's extra dangerous to fly low over TR territory.
  4. Sladee

    If this it not OP I don't no woot is
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  5. Snib

    As opposed to the Striker which is only good for killing even dumber people that don't move/flare/smoke BEFORE even getting hit?

    I find it funny what you find funny. ;)
  6. RedCabbage

    Or for killing noobs who barely know their way around the controls of a plane. Many of the recent patches have been focused on making things more noob-friendly (UI streamlining, lattice, tutorial) yet it is impossible to even enter TR territory in any kind of vehicle without getting instakilled by a billion guys on top of a hill spamming strikers. It forces people to cert into flares for every vehicle they would even consider driving, and puts many people off using vehicles altogether, which is ludicrous in such a vehicle-based game.
    Quote from an actual noob:
    post found on this thread:
    My suggestion to fix this would be to make them like a handheld version of the Fracture. I have seen this used very effectively, and it would have the added bonus of being able to hit infantry.
  7. Snib

    I don't see all that many strikers on Woodman actually, unless you're talking the new Indar zergs, I don't go near those, but would make sense they come with solid AA. Surprised anyone would be put off by lock-ons though which are easily defended against rather than the swarms of hostile ESFs and the C4 raining from the sky. Or your Saron which does more damage than the tank's main gun. That one scares me. Luckily we've got enough smurfs to fight instead on Woodman. ;)

    Personally I find the Striker very underwhelming against ground vehicles because of the low damage it does and the huge target you paint on your forhead using it. It basically screams "shoot me while I'm standing here locking on to you and while I take my time firing 5 rockets". The only thing it's fun for is killing infiltrators trying to race past on a (non-cloaked) Flash. :)

    PS: As to vehicle centric it seems that with the upcoming walls and AA shields around bases the devs want to be moving away from that (unfortunately).
  8. Itzhaki

    @Snib, I'm Woodman VS, and I have no idea where the hell you came out with that question. I'm guessin because you are TR you don't see the striker on your death list all that much.

    As a lib pilot, I can't get even close to any TR area beacuse of strikers, usually more than one.
    This weapon alone has forced me to play on NC targets only.
    It feels like every second TR has it now.
  9. Snib

    No it's because a single striker cannot kill anything, so it's always a noteworthy thing for me if we get several of them going. I see the Grounder a lot more now though since it dropped in price. And sure, now that I finally acquired my Striker as soon as I see a plane I'll try to get near a terminal to grab one. And I'm exclusively HA in my Harasser now whereas I used to be engineer before. According to my stats the Grounder seems to be more effective vs air than the Striker btw, but the Striker creates the bigger fear effect.

    AA in general seems to be a much bigger problem for liberators though, ESFs can evade it quite easily and as long as it's only lock-ons can still get kills whereas the bigger and slower liberators are denied from an area before even being able to engage effectively. But that's not a problem of the Striker but rather of ESFs still being more effective at A2G than Liberators and thus requiring all the AA to fend them off.
  10. Snib

    Just wanted to mention that I just tested this and if it was ever true it is no longer. You need to stay scoped the entire time.
  11. Jube

    Wow this thread re-emerged yet again lol.
    Somebody needs to condense it so the Dev's might actually read it lol
    So I'll give you the long and short of it.
    Very few people that plays this game regardless of faction likes the Striker. The people using it, hate that it's another lock on launcher and the people it's being used against think it's op because it's a lock on launcher. make everyone happy change the Striker to a laser guide system like the Sparrow. Problem solved for everyone.
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  12. SgtBreastroker

    That is what I expected in the Phoenix. However one can only dream.
  13. Biytor

    Striker is crap. Uses the same mechanic as any other common pool shoulder fired launcher and can be defeated in the same way. Nothing innovative about the design or new about the concept. Lancer doesn't announce itself before it fires and the Phoenix is just fun and serves the secondary purpose of being a great scouting tool.I expected better ideas from you guys, this just shows either laziness or ineptitude, not sure which.
  14. Selerox

    I'm going to quote myself from another thread:

    Nothing whatsoever that I've seen has convinced me that the ESRLs were good for the game.

    They were a mistake, they've made the game less fun, and I still maintain that the game would improve overnight if they just gave everyone their certs back and removed them.
  15. Metal Insomniac

    It doesn't need a huge nerf, but please, lower the lock-on range and fix the missile path of travel. TR should not be able to destroy my Reaver from absurd ranges with their missiles going through mountains. I would suggest you set the new range to 400 meters. Still longer range than the Phoenix, but not OP.
  16. Psychic Moose

    Lose it's ability to lock air and add dumb fire(with slight reduction in damage when dumb firing) and if thats not enough renable base turret locking ability.

    A full clip of 1 striker will drop my reaver/scythe into smoking low tail health. currently flares do not work properly against them(popping flares after the rockets have been launched will result in ~2 still hitting you regardless of how far away from you they were when you dropped flares), the rockets travel through hills and mountains and the ridiculous lock range. 2 heavies using strikers will drop a reaver/scythe in under 1.5 mags.
  17. Gary

    That is when it works and is bugged the rockets avoid cover... Half the time the rocket launches then decides to come striaght back at you and detonate in your face... or it gets stuck spiraling or going backwards and forwards or doesn't even launch..

    NC/VS cry its op.... TR Cry its **** and we want something else...
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  18. Slouis

    Don't listen to these idiots....strikers are the only thing keeping TR from losing open territory most of the time. Personally with the lack of being able to dumbfire for dmg vs infantry/max/turrets its quite balanced. Is it the best? No, they all are great weapons when used as a squad. VS can instagib sundies/galaxies, NC can fire around corners and over rocks at sundies/troops, we..we can hold open land and drain resources

    It is all around pretty good maybe a bit more tweaking on better missile flight so they stop running into objects right by you. It is a large part of TR defense and offense without it we would be getting pushed back in more situations. But also allows TR to push up in situations. If you make it so you have to keep the cursor always on the target then you will **** it to hell because half the time you are not in plain sight and up high to allow you to keep the cursor on the target. Lock on Guided is the way it should stay.
  20. SClaw

    Striker is a direct upgrade from the Anni for TR. We don't really need this (it's not very useful against tanks - only at long range - and there are plenty of other effective air options). I'd rather it was a direct upgrade for the ML-7; a dumb, rapid fire, multi-shot launcher. Basically, an oversized Fracture with big damage but a tiny (same as now) ammo pool.

    Result; less moaning from pilots, considerably more lore friendly weapon (loads of dakka), a lot more fun to use and no need for any new game mechanics. Pretty mean against static targets in the mid-ground, no good verus air or light vehicles (and the Anni, etc, once again has a function for us).
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