Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. Dagonlives

    After more 'testing' its an awesome launcher.

    Inb4 NC start crying because only they are allowed to excel at a particular form of combat.
  2. Lollerstakes

    I don't know what kind of charriot you were flying around, but not even 5 missiles are enough to kill you. I dunno, maybe you shouldn't be flying around with 50% hp?
  3. Argg

    As both VS and NC last night, these things shot me out of the air. Went to VR today and was thoroughly underwhelmed by the Lancer. Thanks ever so, Sony, for making PS2 less fun to play on my main character.
  4. RichardDunn

    That's simply not true.
  5. Makora

    Honestly, for me the overly long lock-on delay kills it for me. I can't place it at any role I'd find myself taking regularly.

    Is it an ambush weapon? The long lock-on and the warning the target gets from it kinda kill the ambush idea.
    An offensive weapon? You have to expose yourself for a pretty long time to fire off enough rounds to kill the target. And if it's true that if you lose lock or line of sight with the target before the projectile hits, it doesn't track the target, that makes it even more "finicky" for me.
    A siege/defensive weapon? That's the closest I can put it at. You probably have cover, and the enemies come to you.

    Honestly the standard rocket launcher can fill this role without the lock-on gimmick. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome thing, but it's just... egh.
  6. RichardDunn

    I was just pointing out how the weapon functions for all the people who CRY NERF. It's great in certain situations and poor in others. I'm not saying it sucks and I'm not saying it's great. I actually like the Striker and hope it remains unchanged. Apparently Vanu like you have a hard time comprehending a post and try to manipulate words.

    I was trying to make a constructive post on the Striker, but you have to treat it like a personal attack. GREAT JOB!
  7. CaligoIllioneus

    This is not true. What happens is that the "lock on box" of the tanks is on the base of them, and if that place is blocked (by a stone, hill, whatever) you can't lock on to them.
  8. Psychophonic-RNX

    The shame of the Republik!

    Hundreds of years have our scientifics investigated to finally found the Striker.
    It was the hope for the Terran Republik but it seams we were be betrayed.

    Some VS/NC spies have infiltrated our main building and installed a virus in the manufacturing programm.
    This virus is causing that our Strikers our mighty weapon is getting build without its actually absolutely necessary alternative fire mode.

    You should see those NC/VS-Maxes laughing and giggling when they see one of the brave TR soldiers with their broken toy!
    Even more hillarious is this topic in the context of anchored down TR Maxes.


    ESR Balance - Striker needs:
    • Lock on for maxes
    • Alternative fire mode - dumb fire
    • Up x 4
  9. rickampf

    I dont agree with the dumb fire mode cause if they do it to the striker, it is possible that they make it less effective agains vehicles and we dont need a jack of all trades but master of none weapon. The NC are masters in their form of close hard hitting combat, we needed something good, and i think the striker is fair enough to us.
  10. siiix

    300+ is OP, lets nerf outfits ;)

    but again do not neft anything, BUFF vehicles instead ... a good way would be to roll back ALL the nerts of disaster patch GU04 and add an additional layer armor ... and add more space to be able to use all armor upgrades at once , not just 1 of them
  11. SpankyH

    No. I checked. They have the exact same lock on times.

    Seriously, the Striker and the Annihilator are exactly the same save the following:

    The Striker has a 5 round magazine, and each rocket does 1/2 the damage of one Annihilator rocket.

    Other than that the really are the same in every way. I have said this before, and I will keep saying it until everyone knows it.
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  12. willowstyle

    the striker is just op, as TR max/mbt/esf, and i am just frightened to see all those hypocrit TR asking for more buff as usual.
    welcome to multilock rain, you come close to 300m in vehicule to a Tr position? you are instant dead^^
    the striker/lancer versus is so ridiculous ^^

    40% vs 30% on all servers is'nt enough for you?!
  13. PLooschacK

    Well, let's start with the fact that you missed by placing me into a Vanu category. I play all charcters, and what's funny - Vanu is the only one that I don't run mainly as HA.

    And well, spliting one drawback into four isn't exactly what I call "constructive". It's more like manipulation. Building a base for another TRs cry-campaign. Cosue honestly - there's a lot more "NERF PHOENIX" than "NERF STRIKER". On the other hand I see a lot of "Buff Striker, now it's not worth choosing it over Annihilator \ G2A \ G2G Launcher. BUFF IT!". For your convenience, I will use an Vanu-type example. Your post was like:

    While it should be more of:
    See the difference? And the content is the same.

    You are the one who tries to make it personal by insulting me. Let me paraphrase:
    "I was just pointing out how the number of drawbacks was artificaly increased so the Striker looked worse than it is, for all the people who CRY BUFF"

    Dunno, maybe you have some hard times comprehending. Or perhaps you think that there are different rules for you and the others.

    Yet, I'm glad we both agree that Striker is fine as it is and it needs no change.
  14. siiix

    “just got a lock on, broke it with flares, got another one and instantly killed by 4 rockets hitting me...

    That were 2 guys shooting at me...

    That's my experience with the striker.”"
    no he is RIGHT ! i did this yesterday several times .. the lock on brakes by the flares , BUT if ANY of the 5 rockets accidentally hit the aircraft ALL the remaining ones will regain lock but with out actually signalling the lock

    and 4 of those rockets can nearly take out a light aircraft, 5 nearly every time

    just to make it clear i was the shooter not the victim
  15. Doodles89

    TR needs to maintain lock while missiles are flying at the target. We had this issue with lock-ons in the past. This is the only way the attacker needs to maintain some skill, while the attackee has a chance, if hes good, to maneuver behind something. I dont know why they'd add another fire and forget weapon.
  16. LonelyTerran

  17. Selentic

    I was under the impression you needed to actually maintain a lock in order for its rockets to hit, but instead we got another easy mode rocket launcher for baddies that takes no effort to use.

    Cut the grace time for losing a lock, if you lose it for more than a quarter second all your rockets stop tracking, cut the lock on range to 250m for air, and 100m for ground, make the time to acquire a lock one second, then delete the other lock on rockets from the game because their mechanics are horrible. Boom, infantry av capabilities are balanced, mission accomplished.
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  18. SpankyH

    Ok, I just want to clarify something here.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I think that I do echo the sentiments of many TR HA players when I say this:

    We do not want the Striker to be buffed. Its plenty powerful. In fact, since it is a more powerful version of one of the most nerfed weapons in PS2, we expect it to be nerfed.

    We do not want the Striker to be buffed. We want it to be redesigned.

    We are not upset with it because it isn't powerful. It is. We are upset with it because it is a complete failure of imagination.

    Seriously. They could have made the Striker anything. The sky was the limit! Instead they just made a copy of the Annihilator that does 50-100% more DPS. And that's a more powerful copy of a weapon that got nerfed a bunch because they decided that it was overpowered.

    What was the thought process for this? "Well, the Annihilator was too good, but I don't see any problem with introducing a new launcher that is the same but does more damage. That shouldn't cause any problems."

    Really guys? That was your best idea? What is wrong with you?
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  19. siiix

    YOU DO, but its fairly easy,
    and there are exceptions:
    #1 you ONLY need to maintain lock UNTIL the 1st impact and you can not brake zoom ... this is why if 1 of the rockets hit the flair wont help you
    #2 occasionally you can move away from lock and unfired rockets still hit BUT ONLY if the 1st rocket is already so close that it would impact anyway, again you can not brake zoom

    i actually think this IS A COOL AND UNIQUE FEATURE
  20. Aractain

    If thats true its a horrible bug. And I regard the tracking its using as a bug as well pls fix code people! :)

    With no flares the striker is totaly fire and forget, can start reloading as soon as the 5th missile is gone - all hit the max range lib I shot at while reloading.
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