Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. Raton

    Please ad dumbfire, so the TR could swarm/suppress with it in infantery combat ! Yay !

    Seriously, since getting close with vehicule will be hard ( and dont talk about cover, that thing is a beast if you have a brain, some tactic notion and a map) , we will see a ton of infantry fight ! And since TR have a well-know hard time in infantery combat it will help them !

    Too ironic maybe.

    For feed back : i think it's an excellent launcher, the lock feel fast to me when i use it, i shred ESF with it, the constant lock alert make pilots go crazy or pin drivers behind cover for free C4/mine rush.
    The damage feel a little bit too much in fact, and i agree with a previous post : a bit less damage for a bit better tracking would be great.
    I won't comment on range, didn't really had issue with it, don't really know if it's too much.

    Great shape also !
  2. drNovikov

    If you actually shoot this weapon at a moving target and maneuver, it usually takes 12-15 seconds to fire and reload. Go to VR room and test it.
  3. zib1911

    Its garbage. Decent against air, but you can do the same job with the anni and save 7 bucks. Useless against ground unless your in a wide open space. I don't think the damage is too low, I think the fact that we have to land 5 shots to do all the damage. A tank driving threw the SW area of Indar is immune to the striker because every tree he passes in front of removes the lock. Its **** and useless against anything but air. My opinion from using it during our outfit Op last night.
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  4. Eclipson

    Leave the Striker where it is. It feels good to use, and has enough draw back to make it not OP. Just bring the NC and VS launcher in line with it, as I used those, and they just don't feel very good to use. Love the Striker, defiantly the most well balanced of the other rocket launchers. Its got good sound assets as well.
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  5. drNovikov

    I've tested it. My friends from Waterson TR love it. I wish I had this "garbage".
  6. zib1911

    I tested it last night during our Op. Like I said its good for air but useless against vehicles, oh you'll kill the morons who don't move, but thats it. I think its garbage because it locks. I would much rather have a skill based weapon. I am a TR on Waterson and I used it in a 2 hour battle by the NC warpate last night. You can have this launcher it is garbage, maybe you should try it yourself before you defend it.
  7. Copasetic

    It doesn't matter how much maneuvering you do. The rocket's maximum range is 295m, it flies at 100m/s, therefore it will despawn exactly 3 seconds after you fire it. Then it takes exactly 5.7s to reload and fire the next rocket. It's just math.
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  8. rickampf

    Listen SOE devs who likes to nerf our stuff to the ground: The Striker is our weapon... the annihilator is common pool. We dont want a empire especific weapon who is a copy and paste of the common pools! it would be an insult. It needs to be at least a lil bit better. Some kind of nerf and it becomes completely garbage. Dont listen to this arrogant pilots who don't want to take countermeasures when lolpoding everything.
  9. drNovikov

    Obviously, you have not tested the Phoenix. Get a stopwatch and watch this:

    "3 seconds"? "Math"? LOL :D Perform a simple experiment instead of talking about "math".

    By the way, this spreadsheet says "Dumbfire speed: 100 m/s".
  10. Aractain

    Using stats from lovely stats sheet (and my probably horrible mathz)
    Striker is 2.5 + 3 seconds to fire, then a 5 second reload for empty magazine so 10.5 cycle per 2500 mag = 239 DPS per cycle
    Phx is upto 5.5 seconds or less, then 5.7 so max is 11.2 per 1700 missile so = over 200 down to 150
    Default dumbfire is 5.2 for 1700 = 327
    Decimator 5.7 for 2000 = 350
    AA dedicated are 2.5 + 5.2 for 1500 = 195
    AT dedicated are 2 + 5.2 for 1500 = 208
    Annihilator is 3 + 4.7 for 1150 = 150

    Fairely meaningless since striker tracking results in large miss ratio vs moveing targets near cover which the skep/grounder wouldn't.
    (dosn't take into account some miliseconds for optics and other things, also libs and gals have a -1 second lockon modifier - which is dumb)

    Phx took me 5.5 seconds of maximum flight time
  11. Kunotron

    Actually, if you leave Aim Down Sights at anytime while a Striker projectile is in flight, all shots will lose their lock on the target. Tried reloading after the last shot multiple times and the projectile just flew in a straight line and hit the ground. So your looking at about a 14+ second cycle for the striker against Air (more or less depending on how evasive the aircraft), probably 13-13.5 against ground targets.
  12. Chrattac

    Tried it I am still more prefering using ML-7 and SKEP in tandem along with having grounder unlocked but mainly pulling dual extended burster max against air if necessary. Same reason I didn't buy Anni – not having dumbfire will screw me over quite a lot, at least on instant situations I can just dumbfire SKEP if necessary. Although it seems a bit inviting, maybe I will buy it later depending on what kind of nerfs/buffs it will get.
  13. axiom537

    I play primarily NC, I tested your striker out last night for a bit. It is a very nice weapon, but not really all the unique in the way it operates, it is a nice upgrade to the annihilator, with a little more damage and cool visuals. I would have loved for them to give you guys something a little different then a multi-shot lock-on weapon. It would have been cool if the first rocket fired would be a designator and once it hits & sticks to the target or area you want to bombard, you could then fire the rest of the clip and they would all follow that initial shot to the target.

    I agree this weapon needs a dumb fire mode, but it should take a whole clip to kill an infantry.
  14. Copasetic

    I did some testing this morning but I spent some time with the Lancer since then.

    I went back and recorded some video and stepped through it frame by frame, looks like the projectile travels at ~60 m/s so the spreadsheet is wrong. My mistake, I should have double checked it before jumping at you like that. It's just I've seen so much BS being thrown around in these threads that I get a little impatient, so I'm sorry for that.

    With the new numbers and some more testing I get:

    2.5s lock time, ~3s to unload the clip, 3s travel time for the missiles, 5s reload time = 13.5s for 2500 damage at 300m

    ~5.5s flight time, 5.7s reload time = 11.2s for 1700 damage at 300m

    So 185 DPS for the Striker, 151 for the Phoenix, at the Phoenix's max range. At point blank it's 238 DPS for the Striker vs 298 for the Phoenix.
  15. TheRunDown

    Striker Needs dumb fire for the simple reason it does not lock on to anything at around 100 meters.

    If the Strike had Dumb fire mode, give a Slower ROF in unscoped mode and less Splash Radius.

    EDIT: Also, I love the Striker but too many people want a easy kill in PS2 so it's going to get nerf because of these cry baby ESF pilots and MBT campers. FACT!
  16. hawken is better

    It seems like the people that are complaining about not getting kills are focused only on that; getting kills. The Striker is an incredible deterrent, even if none of your missiles hit, and the enemy fighter has already flared, they know that they must either leave the combat zone quickly or they're toast. Just from using the thing last night I could see a change in Reaver/Scythe pilot's behavior. The ones that didn't have flares (bar the really really bad pilots) bugged out as soon as you got a lock. The ones that did have flares would end up wasting them on one Striker user, only to get slaughtered by 4 others that were just itching for a lock. After their first attempt, they'd usually play it much safer and leave/fly very low and fast once someone got a lock on them.

    On top of that, the thing is an XP fountain. Even if you land all 5 missiles on an ESF, you won't be able to kill it, but it will give you a ton of XP just for damaging it (it's like 20XP per rocket, and if you do manage to get the kill, that's even more XP). Hell, Liberators are flying XP farms when you've got this thing equipped. I have hella fun just watching people run from it when they know that it's a Striker locking on to them.
  17. WetPatch

    Yeah but this isnt the Phoenix's fault its the stupid hit detection mechanic SOE have in the game.

    Same as if you managed to over take Rockets pods fired from the front, if you get behind the tank before they hit it will count has a rear hit.
  18. Accuser

    The Striker is everything that was wrong with the original Annihilator, except only one faction can use it which is MUCH worse.
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  19. centurionvi

    What is the TTK for a Striker from that spot? I'd like to see that test next.
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  20. TheRunDown

    Striker needs Some Fixes:

    Does not Target Engineer Turrets,
    Does not Target Close rage tanks at around 100 meters (could be 70-80 or 90 w/e)
    Does not Hit Base Turrets from Straight firing and below the Turret, Hit the base of the Turret because thats where the Lock-On box is.
    Need Dumb Fire mode (Unscoped only, less ROF while unscoped, same arch as Under-barrel grenade launcher, less splash Radius or damage *its not need it direct hits anyway*)

    Finally stop complaining, it's easiliy countered, the only people effected by the Striker are HE MBT Campers and ESF Pilots without flares. ESF still lay in to Striker Squads with Flairs and get out safely, you need to learn to pop Flares when Missiles are coming, not when someone is tracking/locked-on.

    The Prowler's power is in its Anchors making is a static target, and people are complaining about the Striker... Sorry but there two sides to every stone.
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