Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. drNovikov

    No, you cannot. They are out of range and too agile. Even galaxies are too agile, do it's easier to hit air with a default launcher, which, by the way, oneshots ESFs.
  2. PS2Freak

    Phoenix - 300m range
    Lancer - 500m range
    Striker - 500m range


    PHOENIX - 500 m range ! Higby, i pay 7€ for phoenix, make it useable ffs. dont make me regret that i bough it please
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  3. Jex =TE=

    It's their sales model. Come now surely everyone has worked this out by now - release weapon - wait for forums to explode in "new weapon is OP" comments - wait a month for all those sales to come in as players realise they have a new cert farming weapon - Nerf said weapon so it's completely useless and make comments like "oh we logged into our own game that WE developed and noticed it's a little bit OP tee hee" - rinse, repeat.....

    I can't believe Higby has the nerve to make out they didn't know how it would work when they released it - seriously he doesn't know what the thing he codes himself will do?? They didn't test it out? lol...
  4. Xasapis

    The issue is more about introducing three empire specific rockets, two of which are strict vehicle, and one is good for everything and especially infantry. The situation is very reminiscent of the pre-adjustment prowler.

    Well, his Lancher preview is not what we have in game. I'm not sure what is happening with internal builds and why they seem to malfunction when they are brought to live servers.
  5. Goretzu

    The problem is that it is always rewarding to hit infanty in some situtations (this was the case with the Pheonix in PS1 which took 4 [I think] hits to kill a rexo/LA, and is still the case with people firing deci's into doorways for the odd kill), that will still be the case almost with any damage to infantry (and the whines will continue as they did in PS1 about it).

    Having said that at least if they can hit aircraft HARD, that gives a good pay-off for managing to hit one (which isn't easy).
  6. drNovikov

    Stop talking, just do it.
  7. WalrusJones

    This is what I think will be most interesting about it post adjustment.

    Theoretically Lethal deterrence, the true way of infantrymen.
  8. HellasVagabond

    I tried the Phoenix 3 times yesterday.....All 3 times against ESFs that just laughed at it and hovered a bit to avoid it....As for the range and speed...Laughable at best....
    So yes do nerf the damage VS infantry but boost the speed and range so we can at least score some ESF kills.
  9. Skurcey

    yesterday, an enemy dodged it by juming over it xD
    fun time
  10. Xasapis

    Boosting the speed is a double edged sword. It'll make the projectile faster, but at the same time less maneuverable.
    I hope you're not implying that he did it on purpose.
  11. DuckSauce

    Haha, everyone honest knew this was coming. I'll add TV trolling to my list of fond NC memories alongside the 300 km/h cruise Reaver.
  12. Kon

    so nerfing infantry damage , what is the point of taking it over shrike? high damage?

    12 seconds longer to kill a Sunderer if it cant kill infantry they better buff this
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  13. JojoTheSlayer

    You should control your anger instead of trying to put words into other peoples mouth.
    Most of what you claim I said, I did not say so... and I have years of experience facing the original Phoenix which everyone had free access to so I know what I am talking about.
  14. Iknowbetter

    god damn you are dumb.

    another VR warrior ...
  15. Xasapis

    I don't think that any of the launchers were meant as direct upgrades of the existing ones. In this regard, the implementation of the striker is wrong. The phoenix should have been a default launcher that you could aim, as in a no miss weapon that can also be fired from cover. It's the only empire specific launcher that kills infantry, so that has to be addressed if NC wants to get any decent buffs for it (range or speed).
  16. Slyguy65

    Fuel gauge is a good thing, but if they are adding "AA" damage.

    They better allow it to travel longer, cause using that phoenix for air is almost impossible right now since it ends too fast.
  17. Kon

    i don't want it faster, they make the projectile faster it would be useless, it actually needs to be slower to give you more control , and 300M is the max range, according to higby any more and there would be a loading screen when you exited the vehicle which wont work

    cant make it travel longer(first person anyway) as stated as reason above

    im not dumb, all i know is there is zero reason for me to take phoenix over shrike if they nerf AI ill just have to farm auraxium on it hard so i can go back to shrike which is better at least when i hit aircraft they go boom, i can use it as a oh snap tube when im in trouble .. something the phoenix can do but wont after patch.
  18. Ceskaz

    Problem with the Phoenix : its range and its speed. Contrary to most of my fellow NC, I would prefer a faster rocket , even if I have to trade it to less maniability.
    So, I would like :
    - More speed (maybe keep the same initial speed, but let it accelerate), so it can have a AA role
    - Greater range (again, still for AA role)
    - Possibility to leave camera mode to a dumb fire mode OR/AND explode the rocket when triggered
    - I would like a real dumb fire mode, but I don't consider it mandatory if the above point is fully addressed.

    The idea of having an AI rocket launcher don't please me. And also, I think the real flaw in the phoenix is its camera guided principle : it's the best way of having a bunch of NC hiding behind a hill and not advancing toward objectives (and so it's just a weapons for people interested in their K/D ratio). A laser guided Phoenix would have been a better idea IMO....
  19. Iknowbetter

    so it is not an advantage to be able to adjust the flight path of your missile and be able to hit targets you wouldn't be able to otherwise? or even use it to scout?

    or to kill enemy Sundies around your base without having to risk much? and soon youll have 300meters of guided and then unlimited? unguided where missile continue flying forward.

    I would absolutely love as TR player if we got Phoenix, instead of Annihilator mark 2
  20. Kon

    your assuming i don't already hit targets @ 150-200M quite reliably with the shrike, even Infantry that are moving. people are just QQ's instead of making it not OHK infantry if they slowed it down and made it easier to hit with small arms therefore deterring people using it to kill AI because 1 bullet on the large target would ruin it, that would be better