Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. 00Donkey

    nah i type like that always i just hit the caps on accident alot as im left handed and i really dont care what others think of me so i dont retype it but nice joke
  2. TheBloodEagle

    I love the Phoenix, it's the most fun, unique and worthwhile launcher. I just think it needs about 50m more range.
  3. starlinvf

    Another thing that would help is a Range finder in ADS prior to firing. With the range being short in comparison to the lock-ons, you can't always correctly guess if the target is, or will, stay in range. A fuel gauge while in-flight would be helpful as well.
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  4. 00Donkey

    Seriously, just copy/paste the TR's weapon and let us use that! Speaking of which im gonna go Log onto my Helios TR-Toon and see what the hype is about this launcher the TR now have is! And honestly i AM GRATEFUL that SOE made cross-Character commonpool items available on other toons! thanks Dev's! i'll be using My NS-11A at least rather than buying another one!
  5. Bape

    Lol a phoenix has no drawback? um standing still? fast velocity? trash turning barely can do anything? camera mode u cant move ur infantry?
  6. 00Donkey

    Now theres an Honest player if ive ever heard one!
  7. 00Donkey

    your logic makes no sense, you can move out of the way of a phoenix, and yet, if the TR holding his new launcher can counter flares and ducking/dodging Vehicles by holding the reticule, (Although honestly i agree with you, being able to hurt infantry is stupid i'd much rather be more effective against specifically vehicles!) Personally i just wanna be able to use my camera guided rocket the same way the TR use theirs, to take down liberators and ESPECIALLY PESKY ESF's who spam their Decoy-flares making my hawk quite risky to use cuz' ive gotta wait till they fire the decoy, then HOPE they dont leave the area the moment they fire the decoy-flare for 6 seconds or longer, i'd rather be able to do EXACLTY AS THE TR and conter the defenses of the enemy which would break my control of the rocket should someone kill my character as he's holding the launcher, same goes for the TR why not us? ive already got the Dumbfire mode on the Hawk/Crow and Shrike and Deci' for Killing infantry! Why on EARTH WOULD I NEED ANOTHER? especially like i said, Rather than to try to curve one rocket to hurt one infantryman... I'd rather kill one guy and then kill the medic who trys to revive him without looking for enemies first and rack up multi-kill-streak-exp with my LMG ANY DAY! Not to mention!, i FORGOT one rocket we have that kills infantry and is ALREADY CONTROLLABLE in fact its more controllable! and thats the Engineer's A/V-Turret! why buy a weaker version of the Engi-turret!? NOT TO MENTION THE ENGI-Turret can be trained up to fire/Cool-down FASTER than it starts with! Make this weapon perform ONE ROLE WELL not multiple roles half-hearted!
  8. EFREM

    farm infantry is fine, with high sensy you send a shell to the sky and then under feet to the enemy
  9. Vahlen

    Super effective and super fun. If only the other ESRL's were half as well thought out. Kinda makes all the other launchers in the game look bad though.
  10. Adohl

    I think the Phoenix is pretty perfect, just needs maybe a little damage buff...?? After all, the NC are supposed to have the most powerful arsenal.
  11. Acer

    leave it alone i have been playing with it all day and i have grown to like it. My K/D ratio was like 27/37 but who cares it was something new and most of us just set back and camped with them. I can live with it even if its not a big deal against esf or low armor damage against tanks.

    Its another one of those you need to run in a group and it makes a good defense or offense against heavy armor
  12. 00Donkey

    i looked up your "test toon" not only did you make only 3 total youtube videos EVER, but according to your "test toon" youve only tested the weapon for all of about "6-minutes"....coincidentally about how long your video is... go ahead and say im angry...youre actions speak louder than insults bud... and your actions show youre attempting to make a biased judgement,... i may be frustrated but not angry.... and im only frustrated because the devs allowed something so unbalanced out there, i dont want a multirole rocket that can hit infantry, i want what the other factions got, a good launcher that can effectively be used to get passed an enemies "defensive-Manuevers and decoy-flairs"
  13. 00Donkey

    what are you sayin to leave alone bud? theyve ALREADY PATCHED it in the last hour if you relog you'll download a small patch for it. it may be better than when you started or you may have been using the patched version this whole time, as i only downloaded the patch in the last hour i have no idea when the patch was made available
  14. Acer

    yea that was for the issue with the weapon firing but not giving a person the 1st person camera view . I did down load it
  15. 00Donkey

    ok thank you for clarifying, although i personally think we already got a decent "controllable-missile" with the engi-turret, adding a camera to the missile and making it obviously more benneficial to use a different launcher like a "annihilator" since it hits for the same damage, to be more effective, if you want to fire at enemies from behind cover the engineer turret has lots of videos showing its quite easy, in closing, the TR and VS get weapons that theyve already proved on youtube videos is quite useful!, and we get "A Novelty Item" that we can get from our engi turrets just like every other Faction can!
  16. Acer

    im just afraid there gonna screw it up even more so in the attempt to fix it and make it worthless. I spent 1000k certs on it and i want to get something for it as well as the next Nc fellow
  17. Zenmuse

    Complete and utter garbage... its basically the PS2 Jackhammer of AV launchers. Range is too short, damage is too low.

    SoE's solution to fixing the JH was giving every empire a 1 shot shotgun... my guess is their solution to fixing the Phoenix will be giving every empire a TV guided weapon.

    One more pile of wasted station cash to add to the JH and the empire specifc reaver weapon.
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  18. St0mpy

    lol still going at it eh? well think what you like, I wrote a weapon browser for my last game so kinda have *some* idea how these weapons work in code, I computed ttks from higbys vid so knew what to expect, and took it out several times, infact just filming that video took several goes over 20 mins, and ive been in VR with what 4 times now I think, six minutes lol, are you making that up? Anyway I dont know what you are trying to prove but its not happening, does it not perform as I suggest? It does. Can anyone do it? They can.

    Oh and what does the amount of videos matter? If anything it shows you im not some huge tube hitmaster driving traffic for monetary gain from views, im just learning how to put stuff up for the fans of the game, for no gain of my own. :)

    is anything else or can we chant some more?
    ...breathe in ....warmth ...happiness
    ...breathe out ....hate ...anger ...resentment
    hold hands with someone now, yes your sister will do
  19. MykeMichail

    Okay. Its an anti-vehicle guided missile.

    Either way:

    Shrike - OHK to infantry
    Crow - OHK
    Hawk - OHK
    All empire specific equivalents to these weapons - OHK.
    Decimator - OHK
    Step into the path of an Annihilator - OHK

    So yes, I do believe the Phoenix should OHK infantry, like every other bloody launcher in the game.
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  20. Nocturnal7x

    Could not be more disappointed with it. Its just too situational, a crow is better 25% of the time, a hawk is better another 25% of the time a deci is better another 40% of the time and I can see 10% of situations involving RLs where a phoenix would be nice to use. Maybe I just have to many rocket launchers but ill probably never get one. Its just so weak.
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