[Suggestion] "Offensive" use of mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haterade, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Haterade

    I'll preface this by saying that I have always thought that passive ways of earning kills (e.g. claymores, mines) are dumb in the context of FPSes. FPSes purport to be skill-based and passive kills detract from that. But that's a pet peeve of mine, and I don't expect any current generation or future FPS title to exclude claymores and their ilk.

    That being said, the way mines work is very counter-intuitive. Being able to throw mines that arm more-or-less instantly and persist after death is stupid. Now I understand that mines don't disappear "in real life," but in real life you're not going to find people with a perfectly functionally weapon running toward you and dropping a mine just as he dies to kill you. Very rarely can I drop a guy coming from an awkward angle before he gets in range to instagib my with a proximity mine; and it's not because I'm a particularly bad shot, either. This is further complicated by the fact that the best time to suicide mine is during infantry-heavy battles such as those in and around tech plants where rendering issues keep a suicide miner from popping up on the screen until it's largely too late to acquire the target and drop them (excluding those with superior aim).

    Yes I know about flack armor and about mine guards for the Sunderer, but I shouldn't be shoehorned into those two certs to the exclusion of all options in their relative slots because of counter-intuitive mine design. If you have to have mines as an area denial tool, fine. But there needs to be some restriction on their use. Specifically, they should disappear/disarm once a player dies. I know that's not "realistic" (as an aside, I sure love the realistic physics of the jetpack and personal shield), but it's fair. Further, it's not like I could call EOD in to disarm a mine if I find one. There also needs to be a render priority on anyone holding a mine. They're the most important threat under this silly system and therefore need to be rendered ASAP.

    There needs to be some way to deny these area denial tools (outside of being shoehorned into particular cert paths), especially when they're used offensively and not as area denial tools. Or, you know, make it so that they can't really be used offensively.
  2. forkyar

    disagree,they are good how they are.this is planetside ok.
  3. TheGroggyOne

    Nope, we need more mines. Base of 20 mines, with certs giving upwards of 50 or so.

    Half the fun of ps1 was driving through an area that had a battle 2 hours before and get blowed to hell an back.
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  4. Tuco

    This is how mines should work

    1) You shouldn't be able to place 1 mine within 1 meter of another mine

    1.1) When placing a mine on the ground your character is frozen in place for 5 seconds.

    2) It should take 7 mines to kill a MBT, 12 mines to kill a Sunderer, 4 mines to kill an AMS. ATV's should be immune to mines.

    3) Remove claymores. 1 mine should take 1/2 the health of infantry.

    4) Mines should be visible out to 2 meters.

    5) Emp grenades (Jammers) should detonate all enemy mines within a 3 meter radius

    6) Each mine costs 25 resources so if a Player wants to blow all 750 infantry resources on 30 mines they can do it.

    7) No limit on how many can be placed on the ground.

    Now let's talk spitfires, motion detectors and the cloaked AMS.


    Q and A section:

    Q: Why make ATV's immune to mines?

    A: Cause anyone who has played PS1 knows that such a large amount of mines makes ATV's useless.
  5. Marinealver

    yeah well they increased the mine damage but completly decreased the mine numbers.

    The ACE nolonger acts as the fortifacations now it is just a mana turret (might as well get rid of the ACE model)

    The Boomer is now the C4 (gee couldn't rip off enough from Battlefield and CoD could you?)

    Mines are simply one shot traps.
  6. Gheeta

    While i agree that passive weapons that require absolutely no skill to use should not exist i feel like there are too many tanks and too little counters.
  7. Tuco

    ...which only works in claustrophobic BF2/3 maps. It doesn't work for Planetside.

    "Well gosh if we give players 50 mines, and only 2 mines kills a tank, than it will be OP."

    Well duh, that's why in PS1 it took 7 mines to kill a MBT, and 12 mines to kill a sunderer.

    "Well gosh then the landscape would be litered with mines."

    Well duh, that's why in PS1 we were given EMP nades (Jammers) which detonated all mines within a 3 meter radius, and running over 1-2 stray mines never killed anyone.
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  8. Marinealver

    A big problem also with mines is there is no counter.

    Now if the engineers were given say an EMP mine detonation ability just like everyone else has then that would be better. I am still suprised they made ammo packs an ability and not a consumable.
  9. Radian12

    Fine with that

    This is a non isue. You can 2-3 proxy mines at most .

    Non isue.

    Sorry but mines shoul flat out kill infantry as they do. Lord is a explosive and you step onto it . If cannot criple or rip limbs or disable the enemy . Either give 20 mines with the 1/2 or i want ista kill mines. Nerfing current mines will only support Run and Gun .

    Why ? Mines should be able to be burrowed into terain . And ir scopes would be able to see them .
    Hell the VS mine has 3 lights on it . Lights on a mine !
    Mines are visible from 2 meters.

    Do you really think people would use them ? You are so naive . People will just die and whine on forums and they will flame anyone suggesting emp nades as they did with flak armor and mine guard.

    I already blow 750 for 10-14 mines and have good time .

    Now we are talking !

    Give them to me! Honestly the would be regardet as skill less and lame. Just friendly warning.

    You raised fair points . I recognize that they are from Ps1 and i like a lot of them .
  10. Tuco

    "EMP mine detonation ability" sounds like something off of World of Warcraft. No wait, it sounds like a CUD cheap.
  11. TheGroggyOne

    No, no skill needed, a bit of thinkin to place it just so. The skill comes from avoiding it. Anyone can run through the bases, but it takes a skilled player to avoid dying while doing it.

    Now if a skilled player dies to a less skilled player, using a no skill tactic, then the skilled player needs to die, not should, needs. He just got pwned by a nubbin. The nubbin deserves the kill because he/she outwitted the skilled player.

    Ya, they're hard to see, but you can see them. That's all the edge a skilled player needs to avoid it.
  12. Hodo

    Mines and claymores are fine the way they are now.

    Its fun to throw an AT mine down on a enemy air landing pad and watch a liberator that has been camping a nearby base get ROCKED!
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  13. Marinealver

    well we got no CUD (hell they even thrown away the REK) and the medic has that aura healing power (that looks so WoWish decard cain calls them a green mage on AngryJoes review of Ps2).

    So why not give the engineers a difrent armor ability. Heck every class except the Eng has an armor ability.
  14. Tuco

    This is a game. G A M E, not real life.

    So tanks/infantry looking for mines to clear can do so easily, and enemy tanks/infantry occupied in battle will die to them. The point of mines/spitfires/motiondetectors is to suppliment a defense, not fire and forget. This is true in real life and in G A M E balance.

    Mine guard should be removed as an option, it would throw out of balance everything. Or **** it like tank front armor, add like a 10% wimpy bonus. Do I really think people would use them. Did you ever play PS1? Yes people used them allot, and they were damn cool to use, Jammers also disabled enemy tanks for like 8 seconds, they made a cool sound and exploded in a blue light. Hell yes players used them.
  15. Tuco

    yeah let's make it worse, more like an RPG.

  16. Radian12

    Never said anything regarding reality. It just plaing that a mine a bomb designed for anti infantry use. And as such give me 20 mines to cover the base or just leave them .

    Even in this state of the game i never drop and fogert mines. I use them for early warning, generator defence, defending my self when repairing and stuff . I think that most engineers that do mines and stuff are the opossite, they babysit theyr stuff with extreeme care .

    I did not play ps1 but still i like a lot the thing that were there . Yeah, don´t get me wrong i would love a emp grenade ! Hell yes. Count me in but do you realize that the crowd would start to whine by the very days the first certs would be dumped into them and used?
  17. Tuco

    Never happen, would be too OP.

    No, everyone just drops them on the ground and leaves them. There's no need to stick around when they insta-kill

    whine about what, the jammer or the other stuff?
  18. Radian12

    And for the first. I meant 20 of your 1/2 kill mines. But if we had those emp ones i think that not the instagib mines would be a problem . I think that we would have rise of people that would do mine sweaping . Killing a mines gives you Xp do your know it ? ;)

    Well i still don´t agree with you on the drop and forget point . I drop mines and for most of the times a am close and observe things.

    Yes, I think that would be massive outcry for nerfing a emp nade if it would be widely used. Especialy angainst vehicles.
  19. Tuco

    When PS1 first came out, before everyone got their CUD cheaps, I had a minesweeper loadout: Punisher rifle loaded with secondary fire of about 20 EMP rockets. It was fun as hell.

    Anyone notice that the devs never put in jammers/emp nades into this game. This is because mines/claymores aren't a threat to attackers, mines/claymores are useless for defense, they are just for lulz and occasional free kills. So therefore there is no need for jammers/EMPnades for something so pathetic.
  20. Noesis

    Maybe all other resource items that require a placement applied from the char should be removed when they die then, including vehicles perhaps?