[Suggestion] "Offensive" use of mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haterade, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Tuco

  2. Noesis

    As per OPs argument that placed resource items shouldn't stick around when the owning player dies. Based on a similar understanding then vehicles should disappear on death also.
  3. Pr0ph3tx

    sigh all this because a handful of people tripped over like 5 mines in their 15 hours playtime. How many of you have over 80 hours playtime? I don't even trip over mines anymore because I know where they're likely to be placed and I move slow when I'm near those areas.

    Is anything that requires even remote effort and intelligence THAT frowned upon these days?
  4. Sock

    Here's an idea: do something besides door camp in your tank and offensive mines won't be a problem.
  5. Tuco

    These things are just totally useless for defense, and overall pathetic. I get killed by a claymore like once every week, and I don't ever remember dying to a mine.

    I was killed by a claymore yesterday, someone put one at the end of the biolab elevator ride up top. I was like *sign language* see you again in 20 seconds.

    Now if we had PS1 style mines, spitfires, motion detectors than 2-3 engineers could cover the entire biolab platform with about 40 mines, about 10 spitfires, and 10 motion detectors (just in case attackers bring some cloakers). Keep those low flying pesky rocketpodeers away. This would force attackers to drop on top of the biolab dome from a Galaxy, then clear out the mines, then take the platform. But no, we got to do it the cheese way. Or another way to attack is do a 5 Liberator bombing run on the platform to clear out all the CE. Or do you guys just prefer the mindless grind attack version? Where is all that outfit "elite tactics" we keep hearing about?
  6. Tuco

    Attacking is boring because it's incredibly unchallenging. Defense needs the:

    1) PS1 cloaked AMS

    2) PS1 style mines

    3) Spitfires

    4) Motion detectors

    In addition Offense needs:

    1) Jammer nades
  7. Anti-Skub

    My only issue with mines is that you can make them explode under stationary vehicles. Throwing mines under enemy vehicles is fine in my book, but they should only explode when the vehicle moves so that tank drivers who sees a suicide engineer running straight at them with mines in hand can counter them by staying still and deployed Sunderers aren't insta-gibbable.

    All explosives should all be disarmable by engineers and you should be able to mark them by holding down Q and selecting an option, (NOT by spotting by spamming Q as it would make them far too obvious), which would allow non engineers to point out explosives so that the engis could get rid of them.

    I also don't think explosives should be detonatable by gunfire or explosions as it basically means any vehicle that someone has managed to stick C4 to is already dead, the next thing to hit the vehicle will detonate the C4 and one shot the vehicle.
    • Up x 1
  8. Golden_Dem0n

    Too bad PS2 is atm only focused in direct action and people like OP only see the game as that... hope the logistics and metagame part of ps1 would return somehow. Winning is not all about going pew-pew in your enemies face.

    Also, tho I agree that offensive mine gameplay style is rather lame/confussing, how can u deny its defending abilities? Mines gone when you die? How lame is that for leaving defenses at a base u just captured and gonna leave soon towards another?

    Mines should be instead more profusely used (but make them 'spotable'), as nowadays bases are pretty much defenseless. If I could equip 6-7 mines and drop them around the base without having to reequip at a terminal each 2, I would. Lame, skill-less killing? No, tactics. Why should/would you freely run in an enemy base as now?

    (Of course I'm assuming the matter of f'ing invisible mines is gone, that really sucks... mines should be visible up to some good distance, so if you run over them its your own damn fault, not game issues)
  9. Radian12

    They are not useless. But you have to have like a lot of egineers with them . Thats i love amp stations. The generators are like honey and my mines are ready to

    You know what is a problem. When a lot people cert into mines. We wont get emp equipment for mine clearing . They will be nerfed.
    And yes :D they mines are for lulz. But really that is the main reason .

    If they add mine sweaping tools, your sir will be propably tha bane of my demolision existence :D. But still i would shake your hand even if you would destroy all my mines and say ,,Well done" ;)
  10. Radian12

    It´s not dumb. I you do not enjoy waiting and running constantly for resuply thats your style, just don´t bash players that to this.
    I do mine bacuse it emerses me as engineer. Setting up booby traps and ambushing . When I do it i tend to ignore everything else and don´t even shoot much .

    I have a problem with Fps purist and the FPs master race : ,,You are not using a gun ! Your heretic ! FPS is only shooting, smite you with the nerf bat."
  11. Tuco

    The only players you are killing are noobs when you place them there. They are useless for defense. You put one near the generator, and there are at least 4 more enemies behind them to destroy your generator, you haven't accomplished anything other than getting a free kill.

    Nobody puts mines 50 meters away from an entrance on a road. And nobody puts Claymores on a cliff-face in case a sniper shows up there, because 2 claymores/mines isn't worth waiting an hour to get a kill there.

    Here's where PS2 Claymore/Mines go:

    1) Vehicle spawn pad

    2) A,B,C,D

    3) Generator

    Only noobs don't know this.

    PS1 style mines give far more area coverage, that's why they are more useful for defense.
  12. Radian12

    Fair point but not really 100% true. Once I alone kept 2 generators at the amp station clear from overload. I kept them at bay. Especialy the tank shields. It was attacked only by a side zerg but still. Not ******** of enemy but quite a lot. Overload all over the base.

    Here is the situation: The tank shield is down. I need to repair the gen. I place 2 mines on both doors and hide to repair .
    1.I make the AMp station last longer .
    2. Defend my self from a enemy if they are waiting to jump on me .
    3. If the don´t blow up , they are there to provide me with feedback if someone is moving in for destabilze the gen again .

    I am able to deny the tank gens for significant time by my self . One person .

    It was one of the best experience i had . I defendet my very soul out . And it was great rp experience .

    Say i had 5 more engineers that would have 2 proxy mines annd would help me to defend the gend we would be inpenetrable to ground assault .
    And i did not shoot very much, rust running reapiring, resuply and check for the status of my traps.

    I play for this style for enjoyment . There is nothing more hectik than a Amp station(they just so damn wast) with decent defence . Trust me . My outfit had 2 squads defending the ampstation, repairing turrets , killing sunderes and cleaning the walls . It was a tedius and hectic job. I did noly repairs and mines . I had a blast . Yeah and we were countering formitable enemy that had overwhelming numbers . But due to the relentless gen defence and wall cleaning we kept it safe for long a Techplant is normaly held .
  13. Tuco

    If that worked than you were only fighting 1 attacker at a time. Any follow up attacker after your 1 claymore killed 1 attacker would have overloaded the generator. The purpose of defensive tools is to give a defender a greater than 1:1 success probability.
  14. Radian12

    Yes, still i need more than 2 engineers to keep everything safe . Just hoping to some day see a bomb squad.
    The fact is that currently i see more and more mines being placed on defensive point, perhaps it is not a grim, people will figure things out .

    Yeah you are right, so now i am quilty of doing my best to defend the base with all the tools i have ?
    He would overload it, of course. I would go there, kill him with luck , stabilaze or repair the gen and place mines and again . As i said i like playing maitnance .

    I would take those 20 1/2 kill mines instead of the current ones. But till that i will do what i can with the current settup.
  15. Niller

    On my BR 24 NC i've been killed by mines 2 times, (about 700 deaths total) so i don't see mines as a problem.
  16. Monnor

    Well i think its ok how it is , i get killed by mines too , and ? But lets see this, you can spot claymores in BF3, they are almost useless there.
  17. Radian12

    Niller : What will do you if you encounter them more often ? When they start to be a problem ?
  18. Haterade

    Funny thing, that. I have less than 100 tank kills and play medic 90% of the time. Swing and a miss!

    My problem is more with personnel mines which can be dropped right before death and activate against the guy who just CQC'd you.

    Further, what's the point of C4 if you can just roll engineer? If mines must have an offensive role, they should do damage commiserate with other explosives.
  19. Sock

    If people are capable of deploying AP mines right next to you on a consistent basis, it might not be the game mechanics that are the problem.
  20. Compass