NC6 Gauss SAW -- New players, don't afraid!

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Wrel, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. HerpTheDerp

    So you don't know what all these numbers mean either?

    No, you won't counter high ADS CoF with burst fire because it's the initial CoF, that is: what you get for first bullet fired. You counter CoF bloom with burst fire. You cannot counter for the initial Cof.

    Well that is... blatantly false and a complete joke?

    You know what, go to VR, ADS, strafe and fire at the wall in the shooting range - it's 50m if I remember correctly - then compare where the bullets go with the size of a silhouette at that distance. Or with the one at 10m for that matter!

    FYI, SAW's moving standing ADS CoF is 89% bigger than a typical LMG's(such as EM6). In other words, the initial CoF for SAW is almost twice as big as that of a normal LMG's. In other words, SAW is almost twice as inaccurate as a normal LMG when you fire it ADS-stand-moving.

    *sigh* except bloom per shot is not constant and depends on the weapon. And you know what? Slower RoF weapons have higher bloom per shot than high RoF ones. Overall, bloom per unit of time is more or less constant for all weapons in the game.
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  2. TheTreeness

    First off, you can have a discussion without degrading the other person otherwise there is no point having a discussion at all.
    Back to the matter at hand.

    I've noticed, largely, that the reason why people complain about the ADS move COF (on any LMG really) is because they can't discipline their shots at extended range to keep the ADS Move COF at a minimum, so yes I meant COF Bloom but more so for the case of ADS Move COF.

    I tested the Gauss SAW out in the VR myself at 50 metres and above, it's definitely possible to maintain consistent accuracy while ADS moving and I'll post a video to showcase this when I have some time this week, only problem is "consistent" is relative.

    I already know bloom per shot is relative to the weapon, but 3 shot bursts is all you need for the Gauss SAW at extended range whereas you'd need 4 or 5 shots to get the equivalent damage with any of the full auto 0.05 weapons, of which these weapons have very high horizontal recoil making it extremely hard, if not impossible, to maintain the same accuracy as the NC6 at extended range (40/50+ metres) with 4 or 5 shot bursts. This also excludes the fact that is much easier to react to a 698+ RPM weapon shooting at you from 40+ metres away than it is an NC6 user.
  3. Ronin Oni

    SAW is amazing... upgraded and with familiarity.

    Should be the 250 cert gun and EM6 should be standard but w/e

    Having different flavors of default weapons and the volume of free players helps ensure faction differences despite options avail that are more similar to any faction.
  4. earth

    the main problem i have with the saw is cqc. this weapons seems like more of a support weapon for the nc. so if you want to charge and capture points, i feel this weapon is at a disadvantage. my main cqc strat that i use with the saw is to pop shields and jump into opposing player where it is almost impossible to miss. then i aim at the nuts or stomach and let the guns natural recoil full auto up the body while strafing. as i'm not sure this is the greatest strat, i'm curious as to others cqc strats other saw owners use.
  5. Shiaari

  6. y3ivan

    Gauss Saw S is a better replacement choice for standard LMG than EM6
  7. Epic High Five



    **** YEAH SAW


    After 4500 kills with this, my favorite gun, every other gun I use feels like it reloads at lightning speed and has zero recoil. TR are all like, "but our reload is so much longer for those free exmags" and I just LAUGH AND LAUGH. With something like the Razor or Cyclone I don't even realize I've reloaded.

    Herp is one of the forum warriors who talks more than he walks, pull up all the badass NC profiles you can find and you'll see a ****ton of hot, steamy SAW action. That's walking that talks right there.
  8. Nakar

    While it is at something of a disadvantage, the SAW is surprisingly viable if you can score some headshots while shielded. You do need to shield, and it gets dicey against other shielded heavies with 750rpm LMGs, but it's entirely doable. Against anyone else Resist Shield + headshotting should carry you through. Personally, I find the extra punch of the SAW actually makes it more trustworthy in closer quarter fights than the Anchor, which I greatly dislike for some reason.

    I don't necessarily think that's because the SAW rules up close. I think it's because I tend to soften up people before we get into CQC range, and the SAW softens things better than any other LMG due to its sheer damage. So that's probably part of the trick, just make sure you get a few shots off ahead of time if you can.

    Not that I think it's ideal for CQC; I run runs around it with the Orion on my VS and the MSW-R is better for being able to just hipfire at closer ranges on my TR. But I really don't like the Anchor at all and every time I use the SAW I seem to prefer it over all other NC LMG options.
  9. Epic High Five

    On my heavy, my CQC weapon preference consist of 3 things and 3 things only:

    #1 - Decimator
    #2 - Cyclone
    #3 - SAW

    Like you said, it helps to soften them up first but it's also important to keep moving and pop your shield if you even THINK there's an enemy around. If you keep moving then the server-client delay is on your side and you get even more time to line up some hideously lethal headshots in.

    My personal favorite thing to do with the SAW is kill MAXes from full with considerably less than a mag. If the Cyclone weren't so ridiculously good (it has better damage than even the NS-7 out to 38m) at so much it'd be deci/SAW all day.
  10. KnightCole

    Lol my talking is supported by a pile of 1170dead tyrannical terrans and spandex worshippin vanu.

    I think imma use my saw on my next hometime. All this talk about it has me missing its uberness.
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  11. Liberty

    Solid video review of the SAW. Its an amazing weapon in capable hands, but is probably one of the most unforgiving weapons as you get closer and closer to your target. That doesn't mean it is "bad" exactly, just difficult to use. In contrast, the Orion and Carv are more forgiving the closer you are to the target and less so the further out you go.

    (Which as you pointed out, makes this a horrible starter weapon for new players especially those who are new to shooters)

    Once you get a handle on this gun, it is a beast. The damage per mag** is staggering and gives [me] a certain confidence even when my ammo count is low. I can be at 11-13 rounds left in a mag and still completely confident I can drop a close-medium range target.

    ** Of course the problem with damage per mag is it is a stat that does little to nothing for your average >1.5 or so KD player so again, it ends up being a gun with a very high potential, but most of it the average starting player will never see.

    Something to add, to the nature of handling the gun. Before a play session, especially if I haven't played in a few days I'll pop over to the VR, mark a target and head out to 100M. Drop them at 100, 75, 50, 30, and 20 M just to warm myself back up to the way things handle. (Just wait you 15 year old twitch kids, you'll need to do it too some day!) Its something that helps build (or wake up) the muscle memory associated with recoil control. It also pays to take note how many bullets it is taking you to kill from various ranges and how long you can sustain a burst as well as when its best to simply stop and reset your aim. (In video two at 75 M, I completely goof and just reset) While its not live fire, I find it does help as a bit of a warm up and it never hurts to practice practice practice.

    Here are two quick examples I happened to record, one back in April and one from today to get an idea of what you are looking at recoil wise for the gun.

    This is one I had pre scope sway on LMG's to show how silly the SAW is from range (300 M!)

    **Note** As pointed out in Wrel's video but I'll emphasize it again, this gun performs worse than other guns while on the move (ADADA spam) so position / cover / etc play a larger role in successful gameplay. Its an amazing gun for defending, a bit more challenging for attacking.
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  12. █████

    Thanks for the guide Wrel.
    Nice work.
  13. HerpTheDerp

    But mooooooooooooooooooooooooomm

    The only way to "discipline your shots to keep ADS CoF at minimum" is to... not move. Simple as that.

    Of course then you are going to die because you're a big, stationary, glowing(shield) target.
  14. Sossen

    Assuming that this is a 1v1 you're talking about, lets make it HA vs HA at about 40-50 meters. I would use resist shield + NW5, to make it fair the opponent has that too. He is going to be strafing, so if he's TR I'd give him the MSW-R. Here's his big problem; his ADS movement speed is 0.5x. Compounded with the HA shield movement speed reduction, which is about 0.75x, he is strafing back and forth at a little more than a third of his original movement speed when not sprinting. Let me tell you, this is not much. I usually don't have any problem tracking such targets even if I'm strafing myself.

    Now, since I'm crouched and remain still my ADS COF is 0. Assuming 5-6 shot bursts, I'll be having a max COF equal to his base COF while moving. Lets say that his strafing gives me a slight accuracy hit - although I don't think it would be noticeable. If it is a problem however, I think his poor base accuracy would still give him an even worse hit percentage. A crouched target at 40-50 meters is definitely outside the range where moving ADS accuracy starts to matter.

    At this range the SAW deals about 180-185 damage per shot, where the MSW-R deals about 130-133 per shot. That means that the SAW needs 13 shots and the MSW-R needs 18 shots to kill - headshots and legshots not included. I'd say that the smaller bursts necessitated by the poor accuracy of the MSW-R would bring down its effective RPM so much that the SAW would get all its shots on target before the MSW-R - assuming that both players are equally skilled.
  15. Anonynonymous

    Gauss SAW is pretty much the textbook example of significantly high skill ceiling weapon. Almost unwieldy when you first started using it, but give it time, you could even make it work in close quarter fights if you wish (double headshot bursts with those 200 dmg slugs end CQC encounters in a jiffy, so long as you can pull it off with reasonable consistancy).
  16. TheTreeness

    Agreed, your argument is consistent with what I've experienced with the Gauss SAW.
  17. CptFirelord

    Orion easiest to use.. virtually no recoil, great fire rate and damage.. Carv has a but load of recoil from the start, but can be easier to use. SAW.. once you've figured out how to compensate for recoil, thing is definitely the best. Most rewarding. Higher damage than TMG-50, better fire rate than TMG-50, better velocity than TMG-50.
  18. Sossen

  19. TheTreeness

    Again your overstating the effect of a COF of 0.5 and at 30+ metres standing still with a Gauss SAW your not going to lose to any weapon save AV weapons and sniper loadouts.

    At anything less than 30 metres a COF of 0.5 is still small and will remain small enough to pull a 4 shot burst to the head which will finish off any class save a HA with NV 5 + Resist.
  20. CptFirelord

    Should be faster, go compare. Unless they stealth-nerfed another item in the TR and NC arsenals.