NC vs TR Can't Decide.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceMuppet, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. The Milk Man

    This. Well said.
  2. Artoriusaurus Rex

    Everyone keeps saying that corporate involvement = ultimate evil, but you know, if you read the Lore, it isn't quite like that.

    Mattherson, (the main NC leader) specifically stated that his goal is not just to make a better world for business, but, more importantly, to win freedom for the people.

    So that's that.

    Oh, also, if you read the lore, no terrorist action has ever been committed by the NC, despite people throwing that one out there too. The Discovery-7 was blown up by Waterson, so he could assassinate Connery and declare martial law in the TR. Heck, he even specifically stated that he would blame the NC for it.

    The NC is the only faction in the story that has neither committed (TR) nor promised (VS), atrocities of any kind.
  3. Zar

    Lol all this play our faction if you want a Challenge, Is complete nonsense I play a TR char most of the time. *BUT* I started playing NC cause a bunch of my buddys from work play NC *TRAITORS!*. but i Started playing a bit and at first i was like holy hell the NC are right their weapons are **** then an hour later with nano weave 3 and a scope, i was killing 5 tr before I died and was playing fine. at or a bit better then i do on the TR. Play with your buddys or people you like sides mean **** at this point bar the vs who need some damn pop.
    P.S / TLDR:
    Either I am the greatest fps player ever or you guys suck and I am Average.
  4. Urban Cohort

    You're forgetting that little bit about starting the war in the first place :rolleyes: And the TR is the only faction in the story who didn't sacrifice peace for personal goals. We're pretty much at a stand still.

    PS - this is usually about the point where I'll say, "**** it, want to kill VS?"

    And you'll reply, "Sure."

    Then we'll both have a grand old time.
  5. Artoriusaurus Rex

    Fair enough, I do hate the VS even more (they have neither noble methods nor even noble intentions).

    But it's not exactly true to say they didn't sacrifice peace when Waterson committed terrorism for it, as well as the TR's use of nuclear weapons to attack an NC stronghold, during peace talks. ;)
  6. Urban Cohort

    In the spirit of guys started it. We're telling mommy.
  7. GSZenith

    necro, also 4th faction ftw, apart from having to unlock everything 3 times :( 2xc4 x3 LA char bye certs.
  8. Ronin Oni

    GREAT thread necro mate
  9. Kastrenzo

    You can tell yourself whatever you want, but at the end of the day you are -not- the good guys

    No one is.
    I hate to break my own rule of mentioning real life in a game that has lasers, magnet tanks and immortality, but isn't that what most world leaders say? that they're out to give people peace and freedom? and then they start a war?

    TR commits Atrocities
    VS promises a holocaust
    NC Lies about their own BS to try to pretend to be white knights.

    anyway I don't see why he cant just make two characters, try them both out and see which one you like more.

    Instead of saying each faction is OP, Or UP, I'm just going to say that they have different learning curves. but are generally balanced once you get that curve, that being said, VS has by far the best perk for weapons, since rate of fire and damage are pretty much the same across the board for all weapons
  10. BH Brigade


    Luckily NC was there to foil the dastardly BFR filled plans of the TR.
  11. SinerAthin

    Well, the NC aren't really the good guys more than the TR or VS.

    They are anarchists, they don't really pay that much attention to any laws of war, and they are backed and funded by shady capitalistic corporations who want to make $$ more than anything else.

    But NC is still my second faction.

    Lore-wise, I would prefer the TR to the NC because I am more in tune with law and order, but the NC with their hard-hitting weapons, big cars, heavy rock and affinity for royal ***-kickery; they won me over.
  12. Urban Cohort

    The NC do have the coolest-sounding weapons.

    I do like my TR guns though (just speaking aesthetically), it's nice to think that good, old fashioned wizz-bang pew-pew bullets will never go out of style.
  13. Rhinzual

    If any ship was filled with BFRs, I would be all for it's destruction, even if a million babies were on board. Those things (BFRs) are so pure evil that they taint and destroy any and all they come in contact with.
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  14. Raital

    Definitely NS. Not sure if they've actually added account unlocks in or if they've pushed it off, but if they have, you can't really go wrong with the NS. The Lightning is an excellent vehicle, the value of the Sunderer is unmatched by anything in the game currently, the Decimator is one of the best rocket launchers out there for burst dumbfire potential, and the NS-11 is not bad if you like playing a medic. Assuming account unlocks are in (and if not should be in soon), the stuff you purchase there should carry to your other faction characters, maximizing the value of your purchases should you choose to do so, so you don't have to buy that Lightning HEAT or Lightning AP again should you decide you really don't like the TR or a certain NC outfit angers you to the point you want to switch sides and kill their members as much as possible.

    Branching off of that, I would say that you should create a faction character for every side, including the VS, and use the VR training room as a means to evaluate the differences between their weapons (not to mention see if upgrades in them are worth pursuing). It's not real combat, but it gives you the opportunity to feel the kick of the weapon, see the spray if any, the bullet velocity, the difference between it firing ADS, hipfire, running, strafing, standing still, etc etc. You'll probably find something that sells you on a faction.

    I came in with no idea which side I wanted to play as, and played a little of every faction. I eventually settled on the NC. Why? The AC-X11 sounded beastly to me, and that combined with the kick of the recoil made it feel very satisfying to shoot, at least at the time. So it sounded good and felt good to me, and I picked an entire faction based on that. Now that the VR training is out you can trial all the weapons and see which ones get your blood pumping. Trialing the weapons of the factions you aren't playing is a plus too, as it allows you to see their strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to better counter them by minimizing their strengths and maximizing their weaknesses in the field. Paying attention to what kills you in combat will help a great deal with that. If you see you're mostly getting killed with the SMG, try to play a distance game with a weapon that suffers less of a distance penalty and is more accurate at range. So on and so forth.

    YMMV though, as you may be looking for something that is server-specific, like organization, which certain factions have or lack on certain servers. Only way you can determine that, though, is by playing the game or by pressing an ear to the ground and seeing/hearing how the players roll with their factions.
  15. SinerAthin

    Reminds me of our weapons.

    Some of the VS weapons really need better audio.

    It feels more like I'm at some poor, low-budget sci-fi show rather than firing real weapons of alien destruction designed by the best and brightest minds of mankind's most destructive and unethical engineers and idealogists.
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  16. Artoriusaurus Rex

    That isn't a valid argument. It wasn't something he said on a stage with people watching. Mattherson said what he said in a private memo to the other CEOs in the Conglomerate, where he had no reason to lie.
  17. Imposer

    They're all good, just make different characters.
  18. Kastrenzo

    You don't get it,

    all three factions are supposed to beileve they're doing what's right, and all three factions are flawed

    Again I think this is where people's real life perspectives cloud things, Some NC players think "yeah thats true but we're the best of the three because we're fighting for freedom". and real life politiicans say they're fighting for freedom all the time.

    Starting a war in X country to protect Y country on the other side of the world's freedom, makes as much sense as going to a strip club to protect your marriage.
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  19. Artoriusaurus Rex

    That...has nothing to do with this. The NC didn't have their own nation on Indar, and fly over to Amerish to attack the TR for their "freedom."

    This was an internal rebellion.

    I actually think it's a flaw that they didn't give the NC any real dark side. In PS1, they attacked the VS out of Xenophobia, but in this version of the story, the VS attacked both the NC and the TR for no flippin' reason, leaving the NC with no real questionable actions.

    So yeah, as the lore is, the NC are the good guys, clear cut. Should it be that way? I don't think so. Is it that way? Yes, absolutely.
  20. ent|ty

    You do? Nonsense, I play each faction as I see fit, usually the one that's the underdog. Currently on Connery, it is the VS. Any other faction right now, and you're just part of the boring Zergfit capping empty bases.
    Music.. who cares. I have it turned off to hear people coming at me.
    Lore... who cares.. This isn't world of warcraft, and lore plays no part in the Zergs, bullet spam and rocket pod spam.

    You're decision should be based on your playstyle. Each faction has its strengths in one thing, weakness in the other, though the differences in the long run are minimal.

    All that goes out the window with the myriad of rocket spam, autolocking or not, which turns them into death traps. Good tank battles (as was present in BF2 at least) were very fun.