NC vs TR Can't Decide.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceMuppet, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. fawny

    One of your examples for having "centralized authority" is actually a pretty decentralized republic. Any adult of any race, gender, can vote, etc... in the USA.

    What you advocate though, universal suffrage given out to as many as possible has never shown it can be anything more than oligarchy. The majority of people aren't critical thinkers and thus can't effectively function politically. Hence why America, NATO are often spreading "democracy" around the world, so these same oligarchies can exert control elsewhere.

    When you give "power" to 7 billion people, how can any one of them feel empowered? Democracy or anything close to it isn't ethical, it's just a means of control for corporations and those with consolidated media influence.
  2. ozziewolf

    I would suggest joining the faction that has a lower population.

    Outside of that I would secondarily suggest checking both factions for an outfit you really like and let that make the decision for you.
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  3. Intruder313

    As I described the music prior to launch:

    TR: Orchestral and majestic
    VS: French Synch Pop
    NC: Disinterested session guitarist apes Firefly with a sideline in ZZ Top

    I play NC so the music is very much switched OFF.

    I sometimes go to the login screens on my TR and VS character just to hear "what I could have won".
  4. MartianDiscoFish

    So the only faction using futuristic weaponary in a Sci-fi shooter, set in the future, is fake?

    If you want to join the lame *** factions using AKs and BB guns in a futuristic FPS then go ahead, TR is definitely the faction for you
  5. Hitomo

    well, I enjoy operating a totally fictional Slug using Gaussrifle as NC, pretty futuristic in my opnion
  6. DailyFrankPeter

    TR: easy mode
    NC: hard mode
  7. PanzerShrimp

    Ok, so I'm the original poster of this thread, And I would like to conclude that I have left my TR character with 1000 certs and gone with my NC character.

    Why? Because I just can;t stomach TR's infantry weapons, It's all just pray and spray there weapons are to easy and OP IMO, How ever I do miss the prowler for its high mobility and infantry shredding ability.

    So in conclusion I will be playing NC with the music TURNED OFF, because the music for NC is just LOL/Try hard.

    Please whoever made the music/voice overs for TR do the same for NC thx.
  8. Mocam

    look alienish? - you men "men in tights" - the spandex brigade? Most of us like a bit more room for important parts. *snicker*
  9. bPostal

    Try an outfit on both sides, then roll with the guys you like more.
  10. Drakari

    ... So I'm the only one who likes NC music?

    No wait, me an Angry Joe...
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  11. crissHill

    out of all the pros and cons i've managed to get an idea like this:

    VS: Easy (Easiest to use weapons (no bullet drop/low recoil/0.0 bulletdrop), Easy to maneuver ESF (improved turning), Overpowered Tank (Best to maneuver (strafing in place, cooldown speed, best secondary), downside is the low cannon placement )
    TR: Normal (best infantry close range (fastest firerate + biggest clipsize), weakest against armor tanks (but good for infantry farm), ESF balanced with NC (highest top speed))
    NC: Hard (Strongest infantry from medium to long (but hardest to use due to massive recoil), strong tank (but slowest, has cooldown armor), ESF (i dont know the benefits/downsides).

    but to be honest, i think ALL of this will be tweaked eventually to be in balance. Just choose what ever faction you like the best.

    ( If I started now, i'd go for TR just for the best music and best armor looks.. currently playing VS )
  12. Fenix5

    I play TR lvl 15, 700 station spent on 2. smg, but I dont like the TR any more and wana join NC but dont want to start of fresh.
    I like NC music, lore, and wepons. but i just dont know wat to do help me plizzzzzzzzzz. shuld i go NC or stay TR.:confused:
  13. Fenix5

  14. Urban Cohort

    Ahahahahaha. Nope.

    The TR doesn't pretend to be anything but a bunch'o'fascists, but the NC is fighting for corporate profits. We should all know how that's going to end up (hint: chinese sweat shops should be a good indicator).

    The real option is what type of dick-bag you wish to be. I chose TR because while they might be oppressive, they are at least fighting for peace (according to the lore).
  15. Amrok1

    Oh FFS, stop with the thread necro. December 10th is when this thread died. I expect a response from you, Fenrix, in 4 months time.
  16. rickampf

    If you values Honor, professionalism, duty and loyalty... and wants the feel like a disciplined soldier, and looks like a scary post apocalyptic soldier wearing goggles and gas mask, plays Terran Republic.

    If you want to be a hippie badass addicted to shotguns who wants to kick ***** while shouts FREEEEEDOMMMM, and looks like japanese robots in blue armor; plays New Conglomerate.

    If you want to be a weird nerd fascinated by ancient alien knowledge, hover tanks and pew pew pew laser weapons, and all of this wearing purple spandex, plays Vanu sovereignty.
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  17. Molotov

    Yes, the MAX NC is incredibly hard to use and not the most "easy mode" thing in the game. It must be the "hard mode" that the 4th faction are looking for and why they flocked to the NC.
  18. LanceHavenbay

    Join NC is you want Freedom.
  19. Tragachinos

    Well, lore wise your choices are: 'Space Murica', 'Space fascist commies' and 'Spandex wearing hippies'.

    So yeah, the right choise is to blow **** up with your freedom launcher as a NC heavy assault.

    what TR trailer should look like

    And VS trailer.

    P.S. No offence intended ;P
  20. Urban Cohort

    At some of the older posts:

    I believe it states somewhere in the lore that the TR welcomes debate and opinions, but once an action has been decided upon, the TR expects everyone's full support.

    Or I could be delusional and misremembering.

    NC is most definitely a mix/matched group though, ostensibly fighting for individual freedom, but in reality they're being corporate funded. On the off chance that they "win", all that would happen is corporate oppression as opposed to governmental. Pick thine poison...