NC vs TR Can't Decide.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceMuppet, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. SpaceMuppet

    So having have never played Planetside before, and being a fan of the battlefield games and never having liked CoD games. I have come to the conclusion that in order for me to play this game I am going to have to pick one side and stick to it.

    But for a week now I am still unable to decide between NC or TR, VS is just simply too fake so thats easy.
    I have played TR for about 7 hours and NC for about 3 so far I much prefer TR's music as NC's just sounds hickish.
    I prefer the lore to the NC side and there also they also seem to be the "good guys".
    I prefer the knowledge that NC's weapons are harder hitting with more recoil and less rounds per mag, however the weapons themselves look kind of toyish.
    Not sure about there MBT, I like the idea of the TR's being faster but the 2 barrel firing on it is ....meh, and the NC MBT sounds like a beast.

    I'm probably going to stick with TR as I have invested more in them thus far.....
    I'm REALLY torn I want this game to replace battlefield in my life but I can''t decide for the life of me!!!!

    Any suggestions or links/videos that compare the two in personal taste in weapons/looks/music/sounds/voice overs etc???

    thx. P.S I play on Brigs.
  2. ArenSteele

    Well you can be a oppressive fascist dog with guns a baby could use, or step up for freedom with weapons meant for men! (and women) :D

    Your call ;)
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  3. TangoQD

    Well you could always turn down the in-game music if you wanted to, I'm not a big fan of the NC because everything they have seems to look like it was made out of blue and yellow cardboard boxes.
  4. Moxin

    If you love a challenge, play NC.
  5. iGamer1990

    how is VS fake?? lol
  6. Morpholine

    Since you've already chosen wrong, does it really matter?
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  7. Gavyne

    Go by the color or the music, the rest don't matter that much as you will bump into pros and cons of just about every aspect of a faction. Of course go VS if you want to look alien'ish.
  8. Morpholine

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  9. Zerlu

    VS music kind of reminds me of sonic music.

    NC sounds like the Terran music from Starcraft 2.

    TR sounds like movie music to me.

    As for looks..... VS > TR > NC

    I play NC for the lore, and the hard hitting weapons.
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  10. TheArchetype

    I've invested a lot of time into the TR as well, however I've recently started playing NC and I really enjoy the feel and look of the guns. The reaver is pretty crap until you upgrade the airframe, but that's a minor thing. I disagree when people say that the NC guns look dumb, I actually think they look the most sleek and real. The TR guns look like they're made of plastic, and I've been a loyal Terran for a while.
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  11. Flharfh

    I think the generally consensus is that the TR have the better default HA weapon, but NC have a superior tank and better MAXs. Depends on what you're going to be spending your time doing - not that you would be at a major disadvantage as NC HA.
  12. Goats

    Fake? FAKE?!?!!?!?!

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  13. BillSmauz

    VS outfits make them looks like gay bartenders.
  14. Ekdal

    I like both TR and NC. Not quite sure how all this NC is gimped business started tbh; gamers are extremely good at hopping on bandwagons a la the sheep in animal farm.

    Play each for an hour and go with the one that feels better.
  15. Morpholine

    Says the empire with a goggle fetish. ;)
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  16. Flaeb

    it's a simple choice, TR is black and red, and NC is blue and yellow. NC weapons have a stronger punch while TR have a much faster rate of fire which can screw up a enemies aim when you barrage them with bullets. Both are very different, pick what excites you the most.
  17. Chiss

    NC is quite difficult at the moment.

    TR is easiest guns to control.

    VS is... you like it or you don't.
  18. Aerius

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  19. Pwnstarr

    fixed again
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  20. Mwilo81

    oh im glad your on Briggs means i can kill u with VANU power :D