NC Hacksaw is too effective in MAX duels

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Cryptek, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Master

    Interesting video...however AI max units are mostly designed for defense. If your defending....your waiting for the enemy to come to YOU. Hence...your @ the NC max units mercy.

    Now if your in offense.....NC max crash w/ sprint function to close the distance....your in the NC max units world. Done deal. When the faction specific max abilities come out. I bet there will be 2 loadouts...

    Defense - Shield

    Offense - Sprint function

    At least thats what the smart NC max units will do.
  2. The Milk Man

    Yep, my TR Dual mercy max is forced into close quarters. The only time I do pretty good with them is when I'm fighting the vanu since the vanu don't have insant gib maxes like the NC do or when im fighting infantry only in general >.>
  3. Purg

    I love that thinking!

    Yeah, we'll lemming an offense against the NC MAX and ignore tactical options so we're at the mercy of the NC MAX. Yeah, completely OP that NC MAX! I bet if we keep passing body after body single file, that NC MAX will eventually get bored and fall asleep, then - we strike!

    Hmm, we have to flip it around now - that could be a problem.. hmm, I know NC MAX CRASH! Yeah, see how OP it is. They naturally congregate on an offense until they outnumber us then use charge against any defender and win the day! YAY!
  4. Xasapis

    Even if it wasn't staged, it's now outdated. SOE has already increased the damage drop off range of all max shotguns. It isn't a drastic change, but it's noticeable, especially as an infantry trooper.
  5. Master

    glad u c it my way.
  6. Zoner

    Its a good thing I use grinders then.
  7. Evil Monkey

    Hacksaws are less important then extended mags.

    That said, it is a bit ridiculous how quickly a NC Max rips through a VS or TR one. Sometimes I am still at 95% health.
    "gee that was quick - I need a cigarette"

    That said I DO NOT want the shotguns nerfed in general. However, reducing AI damage against MAXes in particular makes sense. I'd expect to win if the enemy max is in CQC, but I'd expect to have 50% health... not 95%....

    + All MAXes get extra kinetic defence to "toughen" them up a bit
    + All MAX AV weapons hit harder, esp vs other MAXes - to make them a viable anti-MAX option
    + NC shotguns do 20-30% (maybe more, but don;t go overboard like usual SoE nerfs) less damage vs enemy MAXes but remain the same vs infantry
    + VS MAXes get a buff weapon-wise

    The TR Mercy MAX is very solid and does not need need a buff...
  8. Morgoth

    I think the only problem here is really MAX's going down to kinetic damage.

    The Hacksaws are not the problem, a good LA weapon with a headshot spree does ridiculous damage on a MAX too.
    My Lasher kills them so easily I'm only ever afraid of turning the corner on one.

    I think we could close this thread by saying: Make the MAX at least 2x more resistant to small arms fire. As long as you can't one-clip (with extended mags) another MAX, the hacksaw will not be a problem.
  9. Gary

    Yes.... The Lasher which so happens to be the only usefull and remotely viable Special heavy weapon which is also bound to the VS does not fix the problem.

    My heavy is more then capable of killing a VS max regardless of the load the max has with 1 magazine of pump action shotgun ammo. the problem is the NC max is capable wiping out entire squads, almost instagibbing maxes without any warning at all because they hide round a corner. you do not get the chance to react to them. You see some bad NC maxes in open fields or areas between buildings..The "good" ones are in tight spaces taking full advantage of the ridiculous state of the weapons.

    The Hacksaws are most definitely the problem. no other weapon is capable of wiping out an entire squad in such a short time when in infantry combat..There is no Effective Counter to NC maxes.. The VS/TR maxes are better with a bit more range in between them and the target, this however opens them up to Vehicles and they get butchered.

    Problem is most definitely the weapons, It seemed good on paper in practice it was insane... Reduce the damage drastically, or drastically cut magazine size so they need to reload before wiping out an entire squad in under 2 seconds.

    Bio labs require good defending from the TR/VS to hold onto them and push back the attackers... NC on the other hand simply let yout ake the outlying points, and then proceed to camp the generator that protects the SCU with Scatmaxes.. They cannot lose and the enemy has no choice to either leave or be part of the longest most boring cert grinds ever.

    Whilst it shows that the NC max sucks after 10 meters... You rarely see maxes in the open with distances that big.. they often are used when defending bases and stay in doors to avoid become prime targets for vehicles...

    Also if they add some sort of shield ability to maxes the NC max is just going to get even better and become more unstoppable =/
  10. Purg

    This isn't going to be one of those 'metaphorically' wiping out squads posts, is it?

    The good ones are wiping out NC MAX who are sitting in tight spaces waiting for lemmings to walk on by.

    They're also flushing out NC MAX and engaging them at ranges where the NC MAX is ineffective. It's not a long range, here - I'll show you how short the range needs to be.

    But here's a longer range where a TR MAX is capable of killing 4 people, then killing another 4 at a range where infantry would also have no chance to react. Fancy that.

    There, half a squad gone.
    • Up x 1
  11. Naithe

    As I postedthe previous time you showed this video, that only works against stationary targets. Movement and lag WILL affect it, try even the ranged weapons you'd normally think are ****, and test 'em in there, and you'll properly be like surpriced.

    Also the longer ranges at the firing range isn't normal engagement range for a max, simply because there are no optics or similar to properly see things at that range. (it can be utilised but only if you already know someone is there.)
  12. Vyss

    Never seen a max fight at long range, rarely see one fight at medium 30-100m, see them fight all the time in close quarters. Perhaps the true issue is that the infantry areas are too small? If 90% of the fighting is forced into CQC then it is going to be tough to effectively use something with a gun designed for medium range combat.

    I'd like to see maxes get their faction abilities back and the scatmax have its firerate halved and maybe more cof. Allow every max the ability to deploy (50% attack speed 50% accuracy buff but can't turn more than 30 degrees or move) 2s to deploy/undeploy.

    Not sure what VS should have done, maybe an AoE plasma gun for AI?

    Faction Abilities: (Can't be used while deployed)
    NC: 5s 1k hp shield
    TR: 5s 50% attack speed
    VS: 5s Jumpjets
  13. CptFirelord

    LOLOL NC MAX = OP CLOSE RANGE ****? Go further than 10 meters and you win. NC MAX is NOT OP. Just being used correctly.
  14. Purg

    Maybe I'm advantaged because I play on a 46" TV. That long range is not that far off the distance from the SCU to the closest door to the landing pad, at least for an NC MAX. Had many a rush through that door trying to protect infantry from being overwhelmed while trying to stabilise the generator.

    I'm actually not suggesting that video represents what does happen on the battlefield but as a comparison of the potential of both MAX. You can achieve kills at that range.. I've done it with Dual Cyclers, Mercy is significantly better at it, that range is definitely out of the question for an NC MAX unless they choose to use slugs where they nullify a lot of that CQC ability. That's the option I choose to take because I dislike not being able to effectively kill things that are actually in the same room as me.
  15. JOups

    Guys i think the Problem isnt that der Shotguns are to strong in CC, i think the problem is that the faction dont have anything equal.

    Well TR and VS do sort of, but there is NO way to get OR defend a Biolab if a horde of NC max are there. No WAY .
    Whole Maxcrashes went down against this maxes.

    So they should bring CC weapons for TR and VS but not as Strong as NC, in return the NC maxes should get similar weapons like Vs or TR to get power on Midrange.

    Lets face it, the Scatmax could defend a Indoor Commando Post forever, TR/VS cant. And Aslong they can hold everything(if they are organized) there should never be anyway to kick them out of a continent. #

    In the End it ends at a Biolab. and then its Game Over for TR and VS, alsong they wont Gain any strong CC weapons
  16. Morgoth

    The only problem probably is that VS have a ridiculously UP AI MAX compared to the two others ;)
  17. Erendil

    I have one word that completely negates the NC MAXes range disadvantage: Slugs.

    Slugs are just as accurate as TR/VS MAX weapons, and still way more damaging up close. And yet, TR/VS MAXes currently have no CQC option available to them. NC MAX is most definitely OP'd.

    I'd love to see how an NC MAX w/ slugs fares against their TR/VS counterparts. AFAIK nobody has done such testing.
  18. centurionvi

    I'm going to start politely asking people to stand still while I shoot them. I don't think they will oblige however.
  19. Purg

    The exact same thing can be said about those testing slugs and suggesting that the NC MAX is better than TR/VS at range as well. There's a reason only a few of us are stupid enough to use slugs.. The CoF for the Mercy is something like 0.05. The CoF for MAX shotguns is 1.

    I'm hoping that my double purchases on two NC on different servers will see those purchases credited so I'll get some Mercies on a new TR for free. :D
  20. Wildclaw

    I had no problem at all hitting a MAX at 60m range with Scattercannon slugs in the VR area.

    Couldn't go full spam though, as CoF Bloom with shotguns is horrible, so emptying a magazine took some 7s or so. And the total TTK ended up around 15s (compared to 10s with Mercy).