Mattherson NC, you are wortless.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DevonKain, May 23, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    pff try waterson nc.
    20guys standing in spawn trying to farm, no one res' the max xD
  2. Naehloseht

    Without the famous.
  3. Littleman

    Mattherson isn't so fun anymore. NC can't do jack $#!% right except throw people at something. The only actual other form of competition they bring are the seldom few kill-w****es they have that may or may not have any interest in actually winning, but when they do, they're super effective.

    VS obsess the f*** over Skydock, exposing an inherent flaw with the strategic meta game in not requiring some form of link to the warpgate to maintain a lock, just bunker down in the most defensible location in the game. Oh yes, very strategic play is to be had in game when a single "strategy" defeats all others to the point it's a waste of time to even try to think of how to go about smashing the enemy so long as they have that little gem. It never got any form of Crown nerf when it was easily more defensible, and NC feel obligated to just let them have it when they have every means to stop the VS.

    TR are trying their best. They got a few more clueless members consistently smacking the NC and snowballing it from there.

    The Indar lock is pretty much losing value with how long it's been in VS hands, like it's not even a gloating right anymore, and just held because Indar itself is fatally flawed into being damn near impossible to take unless BOTH opposing empires work together, which should never be the case just like it isn't with Esamir and Amerish.
  4. iller

    This is spooky... We had the exact same thing happen on Connery the night right before GU09 made it impossible for Indar to ever be capped by anyone else ever again. The TR had finally gotten the very last Base captured on their north side below HVAR but by then our NC idiots had gotten so bored that they abandoned the VS wargate blockade to go back cap 2/3 of the TR's territory while leaving us couple of smaller squads alone to try and hold back a break-out lead by FCRW. 2 more lousy minutes was all we needed to do it. 2 measely stinkin' minutes. ....Gawd I hate my own faction sometimes...
  5. siddar

    I just want to know where all these Vanu came from? NC was always the dominate late nite faction population wise on Mattherson until a few weeks ago, Then it seems several hundred Vanu just appeared out of no where on Mattherson.
  6. Ooshmagoosh

    I have no idea, honestly. I wasn't playing very much around the time that the NC went from the gigantic blob to VS.

    All I know is that the Goons have practically vanished, and I don't run into TAS fellows all that much anymore.
  7. Robes

    TR is the same way, that server is just ****.
  8. Robes

    4th faction, NC was the strongest, the vana got buffed so they all bailed to them.
  9. metrotw

    LWTX imploded and looks to have mostly joined their Something Awful VS buddies in GOKU.

    • Up x 1
  10. siddar

    Yea see allot fewer TAS then before. That maybe part of it. last month I remember NC winning four total domination alerts on esimir during late nite. The fastest win was 15 minutes. TR were always in population second with Vanu being third. Yesterday late nite it was Alert has Started followed by VS has won a few seconds later. A instant alert win for VS. Truly sad how badly NC has fallen during late nite matterson hours.
  11. Cyridius

    Lattice can't fix the problem of the 3-way the PlanetSide 2 has.

    Even PlanetSide 1 had this issue, it got fixed by factions deciding to team up on the other faction and locking them out of the continent, then going back to fighting eachother. No such capabilities here.
  12. The King

    When I told them to go fight the VS(towards the west), they went back and replied "VS has too many." "Don't listen, he's a VS spy!!"
    This is when the NC had over 100 players in 1 tiny area against 4 VS.
    They refused, except for the handful (like 20 players) who went after the VS. But VS had around 100 players themselves.(they were also getting attacked by a few TR in the process) So that 20 got slaughtered big time.
    The 80 or so went south where there were no fighting. Just 3-5 VS players. They continued to attack territory with little to no resistance at all.

    This was on Matterson and that's exactly what the NC did.
    They avoid fights.... I don't get it.

    My brother was trying out which faction to play on Matterson. He felt the TR was fun, always fighting. When he tried NC, he liked the weapons, but they didn't fight anything..

    I really do feel sorry for some of the NC there.

    (numbers are not exact, it may have been a lot more, it sure felt that way)
  13. Tolas


    that feel knowing you did the right thing leaving a certain server weeks after the games release for this exact reason


    *snivel* *wipes nose* i love my new home
  14. The King

    Please merge!!!!
    All 3 factions you can kill with an infiltrator running around in their huge *** group killing 10+, just like you see in the video!!!!
    On Waterson, it's.... so much harder...
    (people are more aware I assume)
  15. jessewhat

    for shame...
  16. Captain Kid

    Speaking of Matherrson, at midnight (CEST) I switched to my TR alt there and had the best large PS2 gaming session ever.
    We were pushing a VS Tech station on Amerish during an al ertand we were not going to make it. We had lower pop, we had no tanks and it was zerg vs zerg.
    But we did! Amazing session. How come the game is boring 80% of the time and truly shines the other 20%.
  17. Jaloro

    This made me laugh.

    Sorry, we would have won but MAXes happened.
  18. Acuta

    Here's wishing they'd go back.

    VS didn't need all.

    And I preferred fighting them.

    All in this thread about NC is true. They have become pathetic and the lemmings keep jumping ship because VS won even underdog.

    4th faction screwballs gonna kill what was once a competitive server.
  19. EliteEskimo

    Oh it's still very very competitive TR/VS wise, and likely the most competitive in the game. Honestly Mattherson could use an Elite NC outfit transplant from another sever. Mattherson NC has only one good outfit atm and that's the Strumgrenadiers
  20. treeHamster

    Say what you want, but the ******** VS had the highest population on Indar this morning but they refused to push and hold the bases. A ton of them sat at Indarbay and just picked their noses, scratched their balls, and admired each other's guns while the TR and NC steamrolled what little property we had.

    Maintanence came up and we only have 2 freakin' territories Ceres and Highland while the TR have gated us and we can barely hold up against the NC lane. I'm sure we'll lose that lock when maintenance is over because the VS are absolutely stupid and selfish.