Matherson full faction conference-All outfits invited.

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Negator, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. BCKrogoth

    A little early for me, but I'll be there. Shoot me the TS info once its decided.
  2. TheHalo1Pistol

    I'll be there tonight and on the 21st.
  3. DistantPower

    5pm EST on 21st? Sounds alright to me. I'll let my superiors know.
  4. DrunkCommy

    I have a work trip that will potentially keep me out, but i will try to attend.
  5. Negator

    who are you with?
  6. BrandoMG

    I can make that meeting, pending real life.
  7. DrunkCommy

    My bad, Shadow Assassins, [SA]
  8. Negator

  9. Chakan117

    Sign me up. Chak117, Project Red. [TR]
  10. Dreadnaut

    I'd like to be involved, as the outfit leader of [TGWW] The Great White Whales. VS.

    Would be nice to get someone from [DA] involved from VS as well.
  11. Johari

    Guess you guys didn't read the entire thread :p Page 4, comment #65

    Sounds like he'll try to be there, suggest an actual confirmation though.
  12. Dreadnaut

    Yeah I didn't read the entire thread just didn't see DA in the first post :)

    I'll also be at SOE Live
  13. Shepard86

    I will be there representing the 4 Aces [4ACE]
  14. VanuWarrior123

    Hey we had a couple meetings like this on Connery would it be alright if I could sit in on the meeting just to see how things go
  15. BrandoMG

    For those heading to SOE Live, MilitaryGamers will have its own booth on the exhibit floor and will be hosting an SOE player panel on Friday @ 1600. We're trying to put together a PS2 meetup on of the evenings as well.
    • Up x 1
  16. NookNookNook

    Is this the meeting where we tell [GOON] to get out?
    • Up x 1
  17. JKooL

    [GOON] is like the guy who gets stuck working on Christmas Eve because everybody else is off or requested off. Don't worry, we'll hold the line for NC while every other outfit is at your meeting.
  18. Herby20

    Since you missed it earlier, Ecaobia from the 903rd will attend. Please send him a tell in game with the information for the teamspeak. You could also PM it to me and I will forward it to him.
  19. Blackburn

    The 21st? [WCO] Whiskey Company will be there, just PM me the TS info.
  20. creamedcorn

    I would like to attend as a representative of premier fifth faction NC outfit KRLN. I believe my experiences as a man wearing spandex sandwiched between two pairs of jorts made from genuine American flags will allow me to convince many who fell victim to the dulcet tones of Grandpa Vanu to return to their ancestral buttrock.