Matherson full faction conference-All outfits invited.

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Negator, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Negator

    UPDATE 15JUL13:

    CONF CONFIRMED 1700 EST JULY 21 (next sunday). TEAMSPEAK INFO TO BE SENT OUT VIA FORUM PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Meeting agenda and notes sent via forum PM. If i missed you, send me a message. The Leadership/Outfit notes are a work in progress that cover the basics and will be modified based on your feedback. 2 members from each faction will be assigned 'faction moderator' duties and both be expected to direct your faction's conversation as well as modify the document as needed. Forgive the lazy formatting. More to follow

    Ladies and Gents,

    It is no secret out server has a range of issues including fluctuating population, zerging (which server doesnt), and a mild sprinkling of drama.

    30 days from today I'd like to see a single rep from any outfit/faction interested in maintaining an environment conducive to a positive game experience for our player base here on Matherson. The venue will be decided upon here.

    Points I'd like to discuss include:
    *how to balance our pop issues
    *player tendency to zerg (and the negative impact of this)
    *leadership expectations (finding fun fights vs steamrolling)
    *mentoring new players to lead properly
    *player retention

    With that said TR we hate you, you hate the NC, the NC hate both of us, etc etc. Let's set that aside momentarily in the interest of actually having a place to play and trash talk each other long into the future.

    I'll keep a running total here of who's in while also contacting players in game over the course of the next 3 weeks. Please list additional talking points here.


    OPs Lead
    The Vindicators

    Valient Viet (CML)
    Squigzy (WMD)
    Shadex (TI6)
    Gamepro03 (TAS)
    Aldman (SG)
    Spetz (NC10)
    Zep (BAX)
    Kardea (Deuces Wild)
    ChampagneDragon (BL)
    Dathnic (SMG)
    Kreamedcorn (KLRN)
    Shephard86 (4ACE)

    BrandoMG (MG)
    BCKrogoth (WOLV{ULTRA})
    Autoaim (AOD)
    Gbank (Honeybadgers)
    Firefly (BWC)
    Arcticronin (11th Armored Cav)
    Crimsontemplar (VG)
    Syfoon (LOC)
    Robotnixon (EXOC)
    Blackburn (WCO)
    Ecaobia (903rd)
    Chak117 (Project Red)
    Drunkcommy (SA)
    Erana (ARID)

    Negator (V)
    VDX (HAYA)
    Warhalo (RGQT)
    Thehalo1pistol (V404)
    Robo (GOTR)
    Jaamaw (NNG)
    Aievo (NTMR)
    Mobboss (VMOB)
    Royawesome (TEST)
    Decoy1 (KOS)
    Dreadnaut (TGWW)
    BaronX13 [RX13]
    Doctorious (Delta Triad)
    Endar (DA)

    Personalities yet to be contacted:



    Kytten (AT)
    Ender31 (DA)


    more to follow...
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  2. BCKrogoth

    Not sure how this'll be able to fix many of the problems (4th faction is the issue mainly on the pop front), but I'll at least put it in front of the ULTRA Council Members for exposure.
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  3. WaaWaa

    Cool story breh!
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  4. BrandoMG

    MilitaryGamers will be there. If nothing else, it will at least give us a chance to get to know other outfits from our own faction.
  5. Dzire

    A serious post by Negator... not sure what to think...

    I'll pass this along to the NC Coalition
  6. mpal

    Please for the love of god split up your platoons when you're steamrolling territories.
  7. WaaWaa

    Your instincts have served you well in the past!
  8. VSDerp

    good to see this for the server.
  9. Valiant Viet

    CML will be present. I personally don't see how this will change anything, but it won't hurt to give it a try. It'll also be nice to finally meet rival outfit leaders.

    I suggest having a list on the original post listing which outfits will be there. So July 21, at what time, and on what voice comms server?
  10. Negator

  11. EliteEskimo

    Just to let you know, if change is going to happen it has to happen from the Vanu or the NC that defected to the Vanu. I'm not sure what TR have to do with this since we fight you guys as hard as we possibly can every evening and we haven't had any outfits of significance defect to the Vanu.

    For instance this was us fighting the VS two nights ago after prime time .


    This is TR and NC Fighting the Vanu during Prime time ( One week before TE and their 300-600 members left)

    My question is Negator, what do you think the TR have to offer to help the server besides what we are already doing?
  12. Ownasaurusrex

    You've a hilarious sig. where's it from??

    I'm a 4th factioner. you'll see me on the underpop side though.
  13. WaaWaa

    It's from the TV show The Sopranos. Watch it if you haven't pretty good! That actor died 2 days ago from a heart attack.
  14. Squigzy

    Squigzy will be there representing WMD, Not sure what we can do if anything, but if nothing else I would like to see that it isn't one faction interested in ending these ridiculous issues the server has been having lately.
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  15. Vanon

    I'll be there as a rep for TI6 as Shadex, though i am not sure the server pop thing can/will wait a month. Either way, it's refreshing for the community to attempt to deal with these issues. I'll remain hopeful.
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  16. Negator

    We have to try. The devs can work on a better sandbox for us, but in the end it's the players responsibility to take advantage of it.
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  17. TheHalo1Pistol

    I'll try to be there, but if I can't make it, I'll get another rep from V404. Also, GOON and GOKU weren't invited and they are the ones who caused this problem. Why aren't they?
  18. Dzire

  19. Johari

    HAYA will be there.
  20. Herby20

    I'll talk to the 903rd about it.