Major buff to CARV-9

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Cinnamon

    If so then TR would be the last to notice because experienced TR do not use it.
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  2. Tasogie

    I'll stick to my MSR or whatever its called. Only fotm players rush to use something that gets buffed.
  3. Tigga

    Except if you actually looked at the vehicle forum you found that TR players were the main people saying it was too much.
  4. SenEvason

    I thought it got nerfed actually. It felt a lot weaker than when I had used it before. I don't have the stats for it though.
  5. FartingFox

    Show me the data before I believe.
  6. Rendezvous
    First of all, I've played way too many FPS games to not know what recoil is.
    Second, ACX-11 and DMR are nothing compared to the GD-7F or NS-11, which are the guns I, along with many other NC prefer. Our default Gauss machinegun has high damage, but the bloom is horrible if you have never played NC long enough.
  7. Nonsensei436

    So now its almost half as good as the gauss saw? Cool story bro.
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  8. Bambolero

    Just logged on a TR alt to check things out. ( I haven't played TR since the jesus patch)
    The Carv doesn't feel much different then before and it's definately not a single shot kill but I got reminded again about how easy non-NC factions have it lol.

    Roughly 50-80 meter range at night time with iron sight, normally targets are almost invisible and very small.
    Well I literally spammed the gun in general direction of small moving silhouettes, controlled the weak recoil a bit and scored kills every time, even some headshots of players I couldnt even see properly because of no scope let along aim at their heads.
    I do the same with the Orion too lol it's just too funny.
    I can't even dream about doing something like that with any NC LMG.
    My oh my if NC guns get buffed to be on par with the rest NC is going to dominate every continent and it's not even going to be close.
  9. Cyridius

    I've put alot of time into NC and I can say with confidence I would take the DMR, AC-X11, N6 SAW over what we have now.

    P.S. The CARV hasn't changed a bit, idiot.
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  10. Avicii

    Been a long time CARV user, even after the ridiculous nerfs and stealth nerfs back in Update 1... switched to the TMG50 finally out of disgust and frustration recently.

    Went back to try the CARV again today ... nothing has changed. It's still wildly and unpredictably inaccurate with hit detection anomalies. Until I see hard data telling me otherwise (and even then I'd be skeptical -- it's SOE after all) nothing has been changed with this gun.

    Pretty sad, considering the VS and NC starter weapons are very good. TR are forced to buy something else in order to feel slightly on par as heavy assault.
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  11. MarioO

    So did it change or not? After the nerf a few patches ago I would actually appreciate a bit more balance. I just hate random horizontal recoil.

    What I can say for sure is: SOE would definitely not change the look of the iron sights, because that would be work for nothing.
  12. Sparks

    I've just been looking at enemies all night with my CARV none of them dropped instantly, I feel so left out on this "buff". Someone tell me how to get this buff working on my CARV please.

    Cold hard data or dead silence, guilty of false accusations untill proven wrong through cold hard data my dear OP.
  13. Cl1mh4224rd

    Heh. The other night I got taken out instantaneously by an NC using the GD-22S. I saw him, he saw me. He ducked behind some cover and crouch walked out from behind it. When I had a clear shot, I pulled the trigger and died. I didn't even see or hear him shoot.

    Now, I have an NC character and have been using that same weapon recently, so I know it's not capable of killing without firing a shot, but I'll be damned if what happened didn't look exactly like that. I could be paranoid and accuse the player of cheating in some way, but it seems just as likely to me that what happened could be the result of network wackiness.

    The point is, what you observe on the receiving end isn't, unfortunately, always a good indication of what's actually happening.
  14. QuantumMechanic

    Remember last week when there was an NC whine thread that their infantry weapons got ninja nerfed, they thought they had proof, and eventually RadarX confirmed there was no change to NC weapons at all?

    I posted that it seemed like another NC whiner thread and got flamed for it.

    This sounds like another NC whiner thread.
  15. Bambolero

    Yeah I have to agree with this, many times what looks like insta death looked very differently from the killer perspective.
    I've asked players that have 'insta' killed me before to describe the fight to me and they always describe it differently from what I saw on my screen.

    Now it could be that they are lieing and are aim-boting or something but I have no way of proving it either way so..
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  16. Astealoth

    i have auraxium medal with the carv... it feels exactly the same today as it did before the patch.
  17. Gary

    Stating facts im affraid... No evididence or stats given at all... Something they have not even attempted to change why would they misplace a value on it.

    Give us either a Video comparing it to its pre patch version or stats....He is not just saying it cos he is TR he is saying it because 1 persons opinion on it does not prove anything but stats will..
  18. Cougarbrit

    There's been no difference far as I can see

    In fact I just died in a 1v1 with a VS orion even though I got the drop on him and was adadading with some crouching thrown in.
  19. forkyar

  20. BarxBaron

    I swear 50% of NC puts 3k certs into professional whining.

    NC has hilariously good carbines, and damn good medic rifles.

    And the only MAX that truly makes **** turn and run. Other maxes just have HAs run toward them and rocket their ***** in glee.

    **** already.